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Found 5 results

  1. As far as I know, 3DC has Linux support. I wonder why it's not available on Steam? The result is that I can't install 3DC on my Ubuntu, which is rather sad =(
  2. We would like to deploy 3D-Coat to our visual arts student computer labs. The software deployment and management tool that we use is fairly flexible but in order to report on what version is installed on the lab systems and determine if the software should be deployed or updated we need to have a way of determining the accurately version of 3D-Coat.app from files on disk. Typically, and the standard method, would be to use the application CFBundleVersion or CFBundleShortVersionString. Unfortunately this is set to 1.0 for 3D-Coat.app. Could this please be updated to accurately display the correct version with each new release? This seems trivial but is a major roadblock for us to be able to mass-deploy and properly manage software. Apple has a lot of documentation on it if required but simply updating the two keys within the 3D-Coat.app/Contents/Info.plist file is all that we would need. Thanks!
  3. Hello, I've been looking into finding a solution for texture painting for my game development needs and I came across this lovely piece of software. I was immediately impressed and I'm thinking about purchasing. However, I am somewhat confused between the website here and the version available on steam. I see very little if any difference between the trial versions I downloaded from on here or on steam. But there is a great discrepancy in pricing. On this site it says 379$+20% VAT, which equates to around 400 euros. And steam lists the price as 290€ for me. Both of them say that they're commercial licenses and version 4.5 when I start them up. Are there any actual differences between them? Or is that just down to regional pricing differences?
  4. Yes just remembered, it states no commercial usage for the educational version. Is it an issue to dump off a couple beginner models to try and sell on turbosquid or a personal site, whatever, to help pay for the next version? Or is this really strict in stone!!
  5. Man, I love this video! It somehow really captures the essence of how awesome 3D-Coat is! Just plain fun to model stuff without worrying about technical details too much...but the results still look great! And I like the music too...anybody know who wrote it?
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