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  1. Good day, I was following AMD products for some time, although I always was Intel / Nvidia user, I decided to switch to a latest Ryzen / Radeon pro setup. I have discovered that it is working surprisingly well and are indeed match to a latest Intel / Nvidia tech. From all my software library, the only application that is underperforming , compared to Intel / Nvidia setup is 3DCoat. I've tested it without using CUDA on Ryzen 1800x / Radeon pro VF setup vs Intel i7 7700k / Nvidia GTX 1080 (CUDA off, although CUDA-ON haven't showed any performance improvements). GTX 1080, even being an older hardware with lower specs outperforms Radeon pro in 3DCoat, but in every other application Radeon pro is almost twice faster due to a higher specs and latest hardware tech.I also have discovered that GL64 mode is having a better performance on both, Nvidia and AMD card compared to DX. The difference in FPS is 21 (AMD 16gb Radeon pro) vs 52 (Nvidia 8gb GTX1080) on the same 40 million polygon scene (GL64). My thoughts are that 3DCoat is optimized to work with Intel / Nvidia hardware, and making that had a total sense due to a lack of a good tech from AMD last years. However it is not the case now. My suggestion or rather question, if its possible to optimize 3DCoat for the latest tech from AMD? Maybe utilize something that already have been done for MAC version of 3DCoat, since latest iMAC pro is using exactly AMD Radeon pro hardware, and reportedly it works really well with this setup. Other suggestion would be to switch from CUDA to OpenCL to speed up calculations. This way 3DCoat will be able utilize not only video cards from Nvidia, AMD, but even discrete solutions like intel's HD series. Additionally I've noticed that most of the calculations while sculpting are utilizing only one core of the CPU, which is a shame (or it is related to a bad optimization for AMD tech?). Anyway, apart from that, I am really enjoying working in 3DCoat. If only it could perform better on latest hardware. Cheer's K
  2. Hello!!!! I hope this post serves many others who would like to do the same thing. Please, for anyone who really knows about PC Build, I would very much appreciate your guidance. I am wanting to build a new pc after many years, but unfortunately I do not understand much. I would like to set up a machine for programs like mainly 3D-Coat (of course), ZBrush, Blender, Mari, Substance Designer, Marvelous Designer, Krita, Photoshop, Mari, Unreal Engine, Marmoset Toolbag and others applications, as well as I can play games. I've been following the forum for information but I coundn´t find exacly what I´m looking forward and I was worried about what Andrew Shpagin said that "3D-COAT is essentially multithreaded, so cores will speed up. Intel is better because Intel TBB library used for multithreading, so on Intel it works faster anyway." Maybe this would be the first problem, because the configuration I set up was according to AMD Threadripper... I've done a lot of research and most of the people are only commenting on positive things about AMD Threadripper is better than Intel. I always had Intel, but... I have a lot of doubts regarding processor, Memory and the video card: Please, you could analyze in detail each item and see if it would fit to my goal of working with the applications above, as well as games. Below is the configuration of the pc. ================================================ 1.Motherboard: ASRock X399 TAICHI sTR4 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1/3.0 ATX AMD ===================================================== 2.Processor: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X (16-core/32-thread) ===================================== 3.CPU Cooler: Ecomaster Technology Enermax ELC-LTTR360-TBP LIQTECH TR4 Threadripper 360MM AIO Liquid CPU Cooler ==================================== 4. I do not know which mhz is better 3000mhz, 3200mhz or above? And which quad channel should I choose? What do You Think??? Memory: G.SKILL 64GB (4 x 16GB) Ripjaws V Series DDR4 PC4-25600 3200MHz For ntel Z170 Platform Desktop Memory Model F4-3200C16Q-64GVK Or which one you indicate? ================================================ 5. Video Card: Radeon Pro Duo 32GB (amd 100-506048 - AMD RADEON PRO DUO 32GB GDDR5 POLARIS PCIE 3XDP 1XHDMI) One person talked about the following video cards: 2x (two) Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB Turbo OC... --- OR: 2x (two) Zotac ZT-P10800H-10P..., --- OR: 1x (one) PowerColor AMD Radeon RX VEGA 64 8GB HBM2 HDMI... --- OR: 1x (one) Radeon Pro Duo 32GB (amd 100-506048). It seems to me that the Radeon Pro Duo 32GB (amd 100-506048) would be the best video card. But I would very much appreciate your opinion, which video card would be the best for the applications above and games? Would it be possible to use the Radeon Pro Duo 32GB (amd 100-506048) in conjunction with geforce1080 or Zotac ZT-P10800H? How would it be possible to play a game with these cards at the same time? I would have the option to choose which card I want to use it in the game (I know the Radeon Pro Duo 32GB (amd 100-506048) is not a gaming board). What do you think? ===================================== 6.Storage: Samsung 960 EVO Series - 500GB NVMe - M.2 Internal SSD (MZ-V6E500BW) ================================= 7.Power Supply: What do you think? PC Power & Cooling FireStorm Gaming Series 1050 Watt (1050W) 80+ Gold Fully-Modular Active PFC Performance Grade ATX PC Power Supply 5 Year Warranty FPS1050-A4M00 ===================================== Thank you very much for your attention and I hope everyone benefits from all the opinions here.
  3. Source To prove that Zen has the right stuff, AMD officials on Wednesday night demonstrated before a crowd of reporters and analysts that an 8-core Zen could run just as fast as Intel’s newest 8-core consumer Core i7 chip. The first two Zens will feature an 8-core consumer chip and a 32-core server chip.
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