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Found 3 results

  1. Been trying all night to get this Autoretopo to work. Ive followed tutorials and Im doing nothing different. When the mesh finishes retpologizing I just get this. https://gyazo.com/8ceae1baacdac46f8104539bde0c6aad No polygons or anything. Ive tried resizing, adjusting the base mesh, saving it in different names. OBJ or FBX nothing seems to work. I go through all the steps of assigning the flow of geometry and nothing happens. Anyone have any tips? Thank you.
  2. I'm trying to get a retopology done out of a model that has some close together holes in the head but I keep getting bad results. I've tried the stroke lines shown in the picture below and slight variations like putting an edge loop around the thins pieces of skin but every time I get I similar result to the one shown in the picture where at least one of the holes is completely covered and the back part of others have those spiked polygons. I've also tried cranking up the poly count for the auto retopology but had the same happen. I've also tried to add more guides but it seems that if I try to add more than the amount I have shown in the pictures the whole thing goes crazy and the topology becomes really bad all over the model. I've seen people get some really good results from complicated meshes like this but I haven't had an auto retopology that seemed good enough so far. Is there something I'm doing wrong? PS: I'm using version 4.5 BETA 15
  3. Hello, long time user, first time posting. required intro- longtime 2d/3d artist and gamer-gal; zbrush and 3dcoat enthusiast I am running into an issue in auto retopology (v 4.1.17D) where I try to draw the spline guides and they just auto-straighten to a single straight line. Soft splines is on, Number of segments makes no difference. I am running on 64bit windows 7. NVIDIA card, 32gigs of ram, i7 hex-core. Tried disabling other apps, tried other meshes, even uninstalling and re-installing. Nothing has helped. I tried it at the college where I teach a class (which has a vastly inferior machine) and it ran fine without the issue so I am completely at a loss.
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