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  1. Hello dear friends. I´am Paul and I´m from Europe. I have a little (big) problem with 3D-coat, at the moment. There is already a thread from 2017 with a similar problem; but non of the solutions work for me. I used 3d coat at school, and there we always used the auto-retopology function. Now, I bought the program, because I really missed it. But as soon I try to activate the auto-retopology, this happens: I click on auto-retopology. I import my model, choose the right setting (I already experimented with it.) The Program opens my model in a yellowish-beige color. If I use the density modulator, or not, changes nothing. Then comes the moment where I can draw the guidelines. (If I do it or not is also unimportant) Then I click on "Next". And then, nothing. The model stays how it is and I am stuck on the retopology screen, where I could theoretically begin to do the retopology by hand. No automatic retopology performed. I changed the size of the model. Tried objs created by another program. Always the same. I really don`t know what to do, and I really hope that someone can help me. I apologize in advance, if it`s a really stupid problem, that could be solved by one click. I´m trying for 2 days now to do it, and I have a deadline X( I thank you very much in advance and wish you a nice weekend Paul
  2. Hey Guys, Were having a $7 dollar Video Sale at Learn3DSoftware.com on all our tutorials!! -Save 63% OFF all our Software Titles!! -Over 100 Titles to Choose From!! http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/7_dollar_madness_Back_to_School_2014.htm 3D Coat Version 4 Tutorials ---------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat V4-Volume #1-Getting Started -$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #2-Getting Started II-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #3-UV Mapping I-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #4-UV Mapping II-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #5-Retopology I-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #6-Retopology II-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #7- Voxels I-$7 3D Coat V4-Volume #8- Voxels VI-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#9- Voxels III-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#10- Voxels IV-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#11- Voxels V-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#12- Voxels VI-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#13-Dino Detailing I-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#14-Auto-Retopology Secrets-$7 3D Coat V4-Vol.#15- Photo Painting & Masking Tools-$7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Coat Version 3 Tutorials ------------------------------------------------ 3D Coat 3.5-Auto-Retopology -$7 3D Coat 3.5-Retopology-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Retopology II-Project Suchomimus-$7 3D Coat 3.5-UV Mapping-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Normal & Displacement Maps-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Painting Color-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Voxel Sculpting-Project Dragon-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Photo Painting I-Project Elephant-$7 3D Coat 3.5-Photo Painting II-Project Human-$7 3D Coat 3.7-Painting Tools & Alpha Brushes Vol.#1-$7 3D Coat 3.7-Painting Tools & Alpha Brushes Vol.#2-$7 3D Coat 3.7-Starfighter UV Mapping-Quick Method-$7 3D Coat 3.7-Starfighter Detailing-Normal Maps-$7 3D Coat- 2D Sci-Fi Alpha Brush Collection Vol.#1-$7
  3. Hey Guys, I just made a new tutorial on Autoretopology. http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/3dc_4_vol_14_autoretopo_secrets.htm In this fourteenth video volume of 24 volumes 3D Instructor Adam Gibson introduces the 3D student to 3D Coat's powerful Auto-Retopology Tools. So why is Auto-Retopology a needed process? The best 3D texture artists in the world know that in order to have flawless textures you need near perfect UV maps. The problem is that with Organic Sub-D models a process called "Retopology" is usually needed to do that. But the other problem that lies within that is that "Manual Retopology" is just as time consuming as UV Mapping, if not more in some cases. So this is where "Auto-Retopology" comes in to help speed up the process. Table of Contents for Volume #14 Chapter 1- Intro Chapter 2- What is Auto-Retopology? Chapter 3- How to Access the Auto-Retopology Wizard for Polygonal and Voxel Objects (Part One) Chapter 4- How to Access the Auto-Retopology Wizard for Polygonal and Voxel Objects (Part Two) Chapter 5- Poly Density Masking Chapter 6- Guide Strokes for Redirecting Poly Flow Chapter 7- How to Export your Mesh to Other Software and Clean-Up Chapter 8- Hard Surface Hard Edge Auto-Retopology Chapter 9- Applying Auto-Retopology to a Parasaurolophus Dinosaur Chapter 10- Final Running Time: 2hrs. 10 mins. High Quality (Screen-Res 1920 x 1080 pixels) Video Format: MP4 (.mp4) Level: Beginner
  4. Hey Guys, I just want to let everyone know we are having a Summer Sale at LEARN3DSOFTWARE.com -All 3D Coat Tutorials are only $9 Each!! -We have training for 3D Coat Versions 3 and 4. We also have Lightwave, Zbrush and Modo Tutorials as well. We have close 100 Video Tutorials to choose from!! Come Visit Us at: http://www.learn3dsoftware.com
  5. Happy New Year Everyone!! We are are having a $7 Video Madness Sale at Learn3dSoftware.com All 3D Coat Video Titles are only $7 Each along with our other 3D software packages. So that's approximately 63% OFF our regular prices!! Or $12.00 in savings for each video title!! Visit Us At: http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/7_dollar_madness_New_Years_2014.htm Sale ends soon!!
  6. Hey Guys, With 3D Coat Version 4 being released I've a created a super discounted 3D Coat Version 3 video training bundle. http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/3dc_version_3_complete_collection.htm It come with all 15 titles created in 3D Coat 3.5 to 3.7. Hours and hours of detailed training covering: Voxel Sculpting, Retopology, Autoretopology, Normal Maps, Displacement Maps, Color Maps, Painting with Photos, Paint Tools, Brushes, Alpha Brushes and full Project Based Tutorials. The Project Based Tutorials include: Dinosaur Detailing, Voxel Sculpting a Dragon, Elephant Detailing, Female Character Texturing and Sci-Fi Detailing a Space Fighter. The ultimate collection to get you started using this powerful piece of software.
  7. Hey Guys, I'm having a MOVING SALE!! All our 3D Coat and other Software Video Tutorials are on sale for $10 Each (Almost 50% Off) -Over 65 Titles!! http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/quick_pick_list_10_dollar_moving_sale.htm All our videos will be on sale for only $10 Each until we have reached our goal of 500 videos sold. Don't forget to check out our Free Model Packs (Windows Collection Vol.#1 and #2) and our Youtube Channel with hours and hours of free video beginner 3D training. Have a Great Weekend:) Learn3DSoftware.com
  8. Hey Guys, Just wanted to announce that Learn3DSoftware.com is having a $7 sale on all older 3D Coat 3.5 video tutorials until April 7th. http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/quick_pick_list_Apr_1_2012.htm 3D Coat Titles 1) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Photo Painting I- $7.00 2) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Photo Painting II- $7.00 3) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Painting Color- $7.00 4) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Normal and Displacement Maps- $7.00 5) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Voxel Sculpting:Project Dragon- $7.00 6) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-UV Mapping- $7.00 7) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Retopology I- $7.00 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Retopology II-Project Suchomimus- $7.00 9) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Auto-Retopology- $7.00 Lightwave Titles 1) Dinosaur Sub-D Modeling- $7.00 2) Dinosaur UV Mapping- $7.00 3) Spacecraft Modeling- $7.00 4) Surfacing for Beginners Volume #1- $7.00 5) Surfacing for Beginners Volume #2- $7.00 6) Surfacing for Beginners Volume #3- $7.00 7) Advanced UV Mapping Volume #1- $7.00 Advanced UV Mapping Volume #2- $7.00 9) Modeler Volume #1- $7.00 10) Modeler Volume #2- $7.00 11) Modeler Volume #3- $7.00 12) Modeler Volume #4- $7.00 13) Modeler Volume #5- $7.00 14) Modeler Volume #6- $7.00 15) Rigging a T-Rex with Skelegons- $7.00 16) Rigging a T-Rex with Bones- $7.00 17) Animating a Tyrannosaurus- $7.00 18) Sci-Fi Modeling-Interiors Hallways and Corridors- $7.00 19) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #1- $7.00 20) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #2- $7.00 21) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #3- $7.00 22) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #4- $7.00 23) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #5- $7.00 24) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #6- $7.00 25) ZBrush 3.1 for Lightwave Users-Volume #1-How to Paint Color- $7.00 26) ZBrush 3.1 for Lightwave Users-Volume #2-Normal Maps- $7.00 27) ZBrush 3.1 for Lightwave Users-Volume #3-Displacement Maps- $7.00 ZBrush Titles 1) ZBrush 4 for Lightwave Users-Painting Color- $7.00 2) ZBrush 4 for Lightwave Users-Normal Maps- $7.00 3) ZBrush 4 for Lightwave Users-Displacement Maps- $7.00 4) ZBrush 4- ZApp Link Plugin- $7.00 5) ZBrush 3.1 Creature Sculpting- $7.00 6) ZBrush 3.1 Creature Head Detailing- $7.00 7) ZBRUSH 3.5 -UV Unwrapping-"Mastering UV Master"- $7.00 Modo Titles 1) Modo 501 Painting Color-The Essentials- $7.00 2) Modo 501 Modeling Tools(Volume #1)- $7.00 3) MODO 501-Retopology- $7.00 4) MODO 501-Dinosaur UV Mapping- $7.00 Photoshop Titles 1) Photoshop CS4-Basic Training- $7.00 2) Photoshop CS4-Seamless Textures- $7.00 Model Pack 1) Dinosaur Mega-Pack (Over 40 Dinosaurs)- 49.00 http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/quick_pick_list_Apr_1_2012.htm Thanks Again for all the Great Support from the 3D Coat Community!! Adam Gibson:)
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