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  1. This is a fairly detailed tutorial that follows step by step the retopology techniques I use to produce a baked low poly garment. The garment was created using 3D Coat's cloth tool so if you would like to see a tutorial that covers how to make similar items of clothing, just let me know and I'll set one up. I use blender for it's powerful modifier to achieve a task that would normally take a VERY long time without it. The results could have been cleaned up a lot more and several extra extrusion steps / subdivides put in place to ensure that it was a more usable finished result, however I believe that the finished product would work well for most games. Well, I hope you all enjoy this tutorial, I wasn't able to locate any other tutorials that cover this workflow I demonstrate and thought it's something the community could really benefit from. Thanks, Jax n.b. The video will be live in 6 Hours Time as it runs for 50 Minutes and covers all the steps from start of retopology right through to a finished baked version of the pants.
  2. Hi guys. I am posting this for help and advise. I have been modeling human characters in 3d-coat, then rendering a scene with them in blender. But i just keep noticing that my characters aren't close to real, they look more like mannequins. Am i just lacking something, or am i just fundamentally wrong?? would really appreciate some advise for this... Here are some of my recent works (hair is done with blender hair emitter) Thanks
  3. Hello guys, I have used 3D-coat for a year now, but haven't actually tried out a lot of stuff. Mainly i have only revolve around the voxel room. I have recently downloaded and tried Blender, and it was amazing to me. But I wasn't going to give up 3D-coat, and looked for ways to link them. For the first few times, I have just imported the object straight from Voxel room, (usually 1 500 000 poly or above), and it is terrible to work with in Blender. I found out that i should autopo the model before hand, which i tried, but though the model turn out fine in the paint room, after exporting into Blender it was horrible. I tried UV mapping the model myself, but it didn't change a thing. What am I doing wrong? Really appreciate some help... T_T Model in the paint room which looks fine I only got the default and i didnt save the UV map i did, cuz it made no difference Model in Blender with the deformed mesh circled
  4. Hello there! Recently I bought 3D-Coat so I am quite new to this program. There is already one question I would like to ask: How do I export Textures from 3D-Coat properly so I can use them in Blender? I have already found this video: http://vimeo.com/10890641 But when I export the diffuse map, the specular map and the normal map by clicking Textures -> Export, they will either be empty (when exporting as .png) or completely black (when exporting as .tga). Hopefully someone can help me here as I would really like to use both, Blender and 3D-Coat at the same time when working on something. Oh, and one more thing which might be important: I also used Photoshop in order to paint on the object by clicking Edit -> Edit Projections in Ext. Editor.
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