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  1. drate


    From the album: Artworks

    Nearly completely done in 3d-Coat & Photoshop including rendering.
  2. From the album: Monster Bash

    This illustration is part of a bigger project called Monster Bash. Actually this is the first one: The Great Evil Witch from the Dark Forest. Hope to share more with you soon!
  3. Hello All! For those of you already on Pluralsight/Digital Tutors or those of you who might want to be, I recently had a 4 1/2 hour course covering some techniques in Character Sculpting published. If you want, please take a look at the course overview below: 3d-coat-character-concept-sculpting-techniques One thing that is different about it is that it covers a way of taking the voxel/surface sculpt directly to Cura to 3D print. In my case it is a Lulzbot TAZ 5 3d printer, but the techniques could apply to other printers as well. Excelsior! Eric Kunzendorf
  4. Hi, there. I'm a little late to the party. Will post my progress here. After a lot of references , I decided to create some context to the piece. It's a racing, maybe inspired by wacky races or something like that. This is the first pass on the car: The design is not final though but pretty close.
  5. hello everyone, 4 months ago, i was asking you about more smart material for 3d coat for my Sci-fi exam in video and today i can show you my final work. All the texture has been made with the smart material in this topic (and the basic smart material of cours). This screenshot come for unreal egine 4.9. I should like to have your opinion on it (positif or negatif about texturing, props, lighthing, etc) English is not my mother tongue so, sorry for the mistakes And this is a like for my SF character https://skfb.ly/OHZO
  6. #Ornatrix #CGHair #Vray #haircut #3dsmax #3dcoat Hello everyone! This is my new personal project which I did in my spare time. Bust modeling - 3dCoat 4.5 Hair - Ornatrix 4 Render - Vray 3.30.05 Hope you liked it! Best regards, Andrew. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/o6y3J

    © artofcharly

  7. Here is an old gameartisans entry that I never finished. I decided to go the hand painted route. Its still a early WIP. On a side note, whenever I run 3DCoat on my laptop, the computer gets really hot and the fan is working hard. I am afraid I'm going to burn something up. Is there anything I can do to solve this or ease it? My specs are: Windows 10 64Bit Processor: AMD A4-4300M APU with Radeon HD Graphics 2.50GHz RAM: 4.00GB (3.46GB useable) Thanks.
  8. Hello everyone! This is my new personal project which I did in my spare time. Bust modeling - 3dCoat Hair - Ornatrix Render - Octane PostWork - Photoshop Hope you liked it! Best regards, Andrew.
  9. From the album: Kargall-3DC

    Hello, Here is my latest work for an oil painting.. This was very long to manufacture because I Experienced many functions. I beat my record: 50 milion polys ... Wouaaa .No retopo (too complicated and too long), rendu and textured with 3DCoat, 3DCoat is really a very great software.
  10. From the album: Harley Quinn

    Hello everyone! I want to show you my new personal project - fan-art for character Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad cinema. After watched trailer of this film I'm very impressed and want to create this character. So you can see she in this trailer =) https://youtu.be/0mpgj-4IbjY I made sculpting in Zbrush Rendering in Marmoset Toolbag 2 Texturing in Quixel Suite Cloth simulation in Marvelous Desinger Retopology in 3D Coat Her polycount is 28 230 tris You can buy this character on CGTrader - https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/woman/suicide-squad-harley-quinn-fan-artgame-character Marmoset Viewer and all HQ images here - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa Hope you liked it =) Enjoy and happy viewing! Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Artofcharly

    © artofcharly

  11. From the album: Harley Quinn

    Hello everyone! I want to show you my new personal project - fan-art for character Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad cinema. After watched trailer of this film I'm very impressed and want to create this character. So you can see she in this trailer =) https://youtu.be/0mpgj-4IbjY I made sculpting in Zbrush Rendering in Marmoset Toolbag 2 Texturing in Quixel Suite Cloth simulation in Marvelous Desinger Retopology in 3D Coat Her polycount is 28 230 tris You can buy this character on CGTrader - https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/woman/suicide-squad-harley-quinn-fan-artgame-character Marmoset Viewer and all HQ images here - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa Hope you liked it =) Enjoy and happy viewing! Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Artofcharly

    © artofcharly

  12. From the album: Harley Quinn

    Hello everyone! I want to show you my new personal project - fan-art for character Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad cinema. After watched trailer of this film I'm very impressed and want to create this character. So you can see she in this trailer =) https://youtu.be/0mpgj-4IbjY I made sculpting in Zbrush Rendering in Marmoset Toolbag 2 Texturing in Quixel Suite Cloth simulation in Marvelous Desinger Retopology in 3D Coat Her polycount is 28 230 tris You can buy this character on CGTrader - https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/woman/suicide-squad-harley-quinn-fan-artgame-character Marmoset Viewer and all HQ images here - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa Hope you liked it =) Enjoy and happy viewing! Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Artofcharly

    © artofcharly

  13. From the album: Harley Quinn

    Hello everyone! I want to show you my new personal project - fan-art for character Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad cinema. After watched trailer of this film I'm very impressed and want to create this character. So you can see she in this trailer =) https://youtu.be/0mpgj-4IbjY I made sculpting in Zbrush Rendering in Marmoset Toolbag 2 Texturing in Quixel Suite Cloth simulation in Marvelous Desinger Retopology in 3D Coat Her polycount is 28 230 tris You can buy this character on CGTrader - https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/woman/suicide-squad-harley-quinn-fan-artgame-character Marmoset Viewer and all HQ images here - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa Hope you liked it =) Enjoy and happy viewing! Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Artofcharly

    © artofcharly

  14. From the album: Harley Quinn

    Hello everyone! I want to show you my new personal project - fan-art for character Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad cinema. After watched trailer of this film I'm very impressed and want to create this character. So you can see she in this trailer =) https://youtu.be/0mpgj-4IbjY I made sculpting in Zbrush Rendering in Marmoset Toolbag 2 Texturing in Quixel Suite Cloth simulation in Marvelous Desinger Retopology in 3D Coat Her polycount is 28 230 tris You can buy this character on CGTrader - https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/woman/suicide-squad-harley-quinn-fan-artgame-character Marmoset Viewer and all HQ images here - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v4QBa Hope you liked it =) Enjoy and happy viewing! Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Artofcharly

    © artofcharly

  15. dimitribastos

    Red Skull

    From the album: FanArt

    After reading Red Skull: Incarnate I decided to create a illustration. 3D Coat + Modo. Hope you liked it!
  16. From the album: Macalabs Sketch Dump

    Just me messing around in 3dcoat, playing with some cheesy lighting setup and learning a lot in the process:P
  17. Guest

    Pugnacious Girl

    From the album: Character Sketches

  18. Guest

    Pugnacious Girl

    From the album: Character Sketches

  19. Guest

    Pugnacious Girl

    From the album: Character Sketches

  20. Guest

    Pugnacious Girl

    From the album: Character Sketches

  21. Guest

    Pugnacious Girl

    From the album: Character Sketches

  22. Hello! I just began using 3D Coat and felt it could be a good idea to post some of my wips on the forums. I am accustomed to Zbrush ways of doing things with multiple subdivision levels and etc, but I recently bought 3D coat because the pricing was just too good to miss for what you get. Hopefully with this thread I can get more comfortable with a workflow that suits 3D Coats strengths. This is the character I am working on currently for a game concept I have created. It is probably not going to end up in the actual game, but I found it to be a good way to learn and practice with 3D Coat. Overall there are a few things I am uncertain about, for example. What is the deal with not being able to remove paint layer 0 in painting, and are there ways to reset it to default other than just exporting the sculpt and then reimport it into a new project? Also, what kind of workflow is common when sculpting in 3D Coat start to finish? I sort of miss being able to step down in subdivisions to do large structural changes without destroying details I have done on the higher subdivisions. I also stream most of my sculpting/3d related sessions on Sywork, so please do take a peek if you are feeling bored or just want to laugh at how horrible I am! https://sywork.tv/channel/name/morgannilsson Happy sculpting! Best regards //Morgan
  23. From the album: FanArt

    First render for an upcoming project. Hope to show more very soon. Hope you like!
  24. Initial stages of new character floating around in my head for a while now.
  25. Hi, I've been using 3D Coat for some time now and I am going to be using it on a bunch of upcoming projects so I figured I'd share my creations here with you guys as I go along. First off I'm working on a kind of generic soldier model, see below - comments & crits welcomed!!
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