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  1. From the album: FanArt

    Second illustration for Civil War Kids series. Team Iron Man Hope you like it!
  2. From the album: Character Animation & Modeling

    Morgan Mascot Creature Character Modeling by GameYan Studio

    © GameYan Studio

  3. Taros


    From the album: Artworks

    This character is a fantasy character I designed for myself. I called him Windrunner. It was an early sculpting I used for testing some 3D-Coat tools and workflows and for personal horse anatomy training.

    © Christoph Werner

  4. Hi all, these are my first w.i.p.s made in 3D Coat. I will I began from Silo bust , and the other from a sphere. I hope you like them. Best Regards!
  5. Hey Everyone, I've been slogging away for the last four weeks making a character for the monthly character challenge over at Polycount. I sculpted her body and clothing in 3D-Coat but only just realised today that I haven't posted anything here. So, mega dump First up I did a model sheet in Inkscape based on the provided reference (the one on the left): Then I sculpted her body using this (took about 5 hrs):
  6. Hello. I discovered 3d-Coat 16 days ago. I tried several software when doing retopology character. But when I started to do retopology in 3d-Coat I thought that this is where the developers really been working hard. Retopologiyu in 3d-Coat is a true delight. Now I am studying other features of 3d-Coat. I must say that the learning process is incredibly easy. This is my character for which I did retopology in 3d-Coat. I want to make my mesh as accurately as possible describes the shape of the body, with a minimum number of polygons. 10014 points of base mesh. WIP
  7. oscar_mello


    From the album: characters

  8. oscar_mello


    From the album: characters

  9. Hi all!! i would like to post my second sculpt on 3dcoat, still its been 50/50 3d coat and 3ds max, im still thinking how to sculpt the fur, still need to learn a lot. all C & C are welcome.
  10. silkroadgame


    From the album: 3d characters of games

    This is our passion project famale charater making for one of our clients. Some other game characters,you can find here:http://game-silkroad.com/game_en/case.html

    © Silk Road Game

  11. From the album: Chris work

    © c.gonnelle

  12. silkroadgame


    From the album: 3d characters of games

    This is our passion project famale charater making for one of our clients. Some other game characters,you can find here:http://game-silkroad.com/game_en/case.html

    © Silk Road Game

  13. 3dstudio

    Tuko Tuklik

    From the album: FUN

    21.06.2013. Don 5 hours ago. 3D max ->Base mesh 3D coat -> Unwrap/sculpring/Texturing/ Kayshot ->Render Photoshop -> add detail

    © Davit.T დავით.თ

  14. Just a starter project as a new user of 3d coat. A fantastic tool. Can't wait for a stable V4.
  15. Hello everybody, I'm a long time owner of an 3D Coat licence, but not a long time user of this program. I bought it because of it's voxel tool, but after using it for a few days, I wasn't really satisfied with it. I'm a long time ZBrush and Sculptris user too, therefore I was thinking about to sell my 3D Coat licence again since a longer time. But I wasn't here in the forum for an very long time, therefore I didn't know how much 3D Coat has changed since I bought it. I now have downloaded the newest beta version and I have to say, that it has changed tremendously. The brushes seems to be so much smoother and these Liveclay tools are looking great at the first look. And there are so many more tools I didn't know, yet :-) Therefore I have decided, to take another look at 3D Coat. I will challenged myself the next days, to learn all the new functionality. I will post my results here in this thread and if you want, you will be able to download all the models I do during the next days, to take a closer look at them. Sorry for my bad English, but I'm not a native speaker :-( Here is my first test I call her Kim and she is a little cartoon girl. You can download her from here: http://www.sharecg.com/pf/Skias_Onar
  16. I need the practice and critique so as the topic states, this is my contest wip thread. A little back story to help character development: He is an archer for hire to protect farmers and herders and their familys, crops and animals from creatures that roam about. Fur coverings and dark clothing help camouflage him and keep him warm at night. He has an array of arrow types, one of which is wrapped in fur and dipped in a bioluminescent mixture, that when it hits a target it sprays the mixture on the animal making it more visible and easier to hunt at night. The character base was created with the curves tool. I did a quick paint-over in 3DC to try to get some ideas for clothing and gear. Current progress: Trying out some clothing created in Marvelous Designer. Probably use it as a base for sculpting additional detail. Fur progress: I hope to continue making progress on this but I (my wife) am expecting kid #2 any week (or day) which could put this on hold. Thanks for reading! Side note: For those with an iPad (and soon Android, Mac and PC), the l'Ecorche Classical Anatomy for Artists app might be of interest. imho it's nice to have on a tablet so it doesn't take up screen space and you can just use your fingers to navigate.
  17. Two characters I've created a while back. Probably the most detailed models I've made with 3D-Coat so far. Now that I have a new, more powerful PC I hope to finish them.
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