In the sculpt room with Surface mode, I imported a mesh(too high for retopo room), there is a long line that is pretty much like a ring cut out, like a hole but with a surface within that hole. Close hole and other tools that would usually work in this case have trouble due to the extra surface within the "hole", how does one repair this? I have not had much luck with bringing the vertices together and welding/merging them.
Some sort of way to pull verts/edges(pose tool or move seem to sort of work for this) then get the edges from both sides connecting(doesn't seem to be a snap/weld verts that works?) and flattening them in some way that they could combine into a planar surface, then repeating this to manually repair? Most of the approaches seem possible in the retopo room, any reason they're not available for Sculpt room? I noticed some brushes/tools have a real-time detection merge option but this didn't seem to work. My current solution has been adding a primitive cube that's been scaled and positioned to bridge the two sides, boolean add, tangent smooth to flatten it, deleting the sides of the bridged surface, and relaxing/remeshing the bridging surface(start/end have denser topology from flattened sides). If I repeat that process I can have better luck with tools for closing/patching the holes as it is more recognizable as a hole(doesn't handle it well if there are angles to the hole).