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Found 10 results

  1. Hi all, quick question... Is there a way to mask an area from the 'Geometry>Decimate' command, would be great to have a bit more control over that and allow me to be more aggressive with the Decimation. Cheers. ^^
  2. I have been using the clean clay tool with reduce/decimate/remesh to control triangle density in areas. Recently I have sharp edge that I'd like to keep the hard edge(I create with using flatten tool) but the current approach I use doesn't seem what settings I try, the triangles get reduced but it cannot seem to reduce keeping the hard edge shape(90 degree like a box).
  3. I have noticed with a mesh I import with bad geo, decimate does not help much, but when I tried enable proxy with Decimate 16x, it made a much nicer topology(lost detail aside). Unfortunately I cannot seem to replicate this proxy decimation(decimate 16M mesh to 1M is not same results). I can use the clean clay brush and manually get similar result, but would like this decimation approach proxy feature uses vs current decimation method.
  4. Workflow: import high poly .obj from 3DS Max Autopo to desired polycount UV unwrap retopo mesh <--- I would like to then decimate my unwrapped retopo mesh to further reduce the poly count, while preserving the UV boundaries from the previous unwrap. This is possible in 3DS Max, but is it possible in 3D Coat?
  5. Hello, I am playing with 3Dcoat for a while but recently I came to this video: https://vimeo.com/206531457 Here guy decimates objects in S mode but how then he imports it for painting? How did he achieved automated UV map in paint mode? I tried several approaches for import decimated mesh but results were usually crashing. Thank you!
  6. Is there any way to decimate the polycount of all objects in the scene instead of doing it seperately for each object? My current very mechanical model has over 30 objects in it and the triangle count is getting over 10 million causing a lot of lag especially when rendering. There has to be a powerful way to optimize things without doing it one at a time for each object.
  7. Определился с топологией, перешёл в работу с мешем, для снижения нагрузки и хочу попросту зачистить часть сетки от лишней детализации. Маска не предохраняет высокодетализированные области к сожалению. На картинка видно полосу, прошедшую через ухо.
  8. Hi guys, I've recently started using c4d for rendering my environments and I was wondering if anyone knew how to reduce the polycount of my models in 3dCoat before exporting? I know you can decimate but it loses ALOT of edge quality and perhaps theres another way? I tried "make a shell" and it just doubled in size.. (???) Any help would be much appreciated!
  9. Hi Im just learning ..l have the demo of 4.5 but can't seem to find decimate. I played with resample but that not taking any curvature info. just straight up or down rez. Thanks!
  10. Watched many of the videos. Picked up the basics in a few days. Thx. I may have missed it but, I was wondering how to keep the details from distorting for "Resampling" (decimating). Is this possible by painting with pen, freezing or something!? Haven't tested how many poly's I can go but I would like to keep it a optimal range.
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