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Found 8 results

  1. Does someone know of a technique to import a terrain that has a slope to it and buildings and vertical details etc. but add thickness not along the normal using inner or outer thickness but along a negative Z axis only. So you could make a skirt for the terrain and 3d print in 1 go. I've messed with making a large volume and trying to intersect the two volumes to get just a fill under the terrain but it's not as easy as it seems. Any idears? Much appreciated! Jason
  2. Hey Gang, Just wondering if anyone knows a way to fill only 1 UV island at a time in the 3D Viewport with freeze or just colour? Would save me a lot of time instead of hunting down the island in the Texture Editor. The program got into a weird state the other day and was doing this, and I'm unsure if it just bugged out or I found it by accident. Cheers
  3. Hi, I feel the fill tool is just too slow to be really useable in the paint room with anything above 4k textures. I have a 45k tri scene, all one material and selecting polys to paint on regardless if its a smart material or just a colour with disabled normal/roughness, its taking about 10 secs for it to complete each fill. This gif shows how sluggish it is. Any ideas? thanks.
  4. Hey guys, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I was curious if there is a button that will auto-fit the UV islands to completely fill the UV tile/preview window. I have attached an image below of an example I am working on now. Pressing "auto-scale" didn't seem to do much. Thanks! -Davide Foundation_Walls_Bottom.3b
  5. Fill with erace do not work with layer/surface / object mode in fill menu, it just fills with color! v4.2.7
  6. Hello forum, this is my first post so excuse me for my realy stupid question ) So, I tried to repeat this lessin about masking and freezing. But I can't find stamp preview window just like in attached photo. In video - when lector choose Fill tool, that window shows automatically - but not in my case. My config: version 4.7.11(GL64) MacOS Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2555) iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)
  7. Hi at all. After several testings with the new PBR Materials, i feel something wents wrong if you have to change some colors, roughness and metalness on your existing models. In Substance Painter there is an easy way to do that job. It is called Fill Layer. I have created a little Video about the Problems and how it works in Substance Painter. Problems: 100% Roughness and Metallness In 3d Coat you have always to work with 100% Roughness and Metalness, if you want be able to change these values on the fly. That means, if you fill your object with 50% Roughness, you where not be able to go above 50% in the layer. If you need 75% or 100% you have to fill the complede layer new. Same with Metalness. HUE, Saturation and Brighness The next big problem is the color change. Hue, Saturation and Brighness did not realy work in realtime. On the other side there is no Color palette or something like that, it is always trial and error to find the correct color. Tiling If you want to change the tiling of your Material, you have to delete the layer befor, because 3d coat where not be able to delete the old material and replace it with a new one. If you dont delete it, you have both tilings, old and new, in your current layer. Solution Fill Layer In Substance Painter there is an option for it, it is called Fill Layer. This layer stores the material infos and let you modifiy it on the fly in a non destructive way. You are not be able to paint on it, because it is only for the used material itself. Something similar would be nice for 3d Coat. Long story short Feel free to add you +1 here if you think a Fill Layer would be a good idea. Mantis http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1736 Trello https://trello.com/c/ghjYS3DG/312-fill-layer-for-paint-room Cheers Malo
  8. Is there a Fill painted area or layer in the Paint room? If I want to change the specularity or color overall in a painted spot, i find it ranges from super easy to difficult. I know how to fill unfrozen.
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