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Found 8 results

  1. My old i7 920 is too slow for painting and retopo. I wait 5 to 10 seconds seconds when I click on a new smart paint, not the best. What do you folks recommend? Motherboard, memeory and cpu combo. On a side note, which parts of 3d coat depend on memory bandwidth, cpu speed, gpu speed? 'Thanks
  2. Hi, this is my first post to this forum, and if I am doing anything wrong, please let me know, and I will give my best to try to fix it. I would like to thank you guys firstly to be such a great community, although I didn't take part in your discussions, I've red many of your posts and they helped me a lot. Although I am still a 3d Coat newbie, I have some previous foundation in drawing and concept designing, so it didn't took me long to realize outstanding power of this software, and I've decided to incorporate, to be more precise to MIGRATE majority of my work to it. But unfortunately, my PC does'n handles 3D Coat the best, so I've decided to build a new one, since this one has more then 7 years. So, since I don't know anything (almost) about computer hardware I've started deep search on NET and among other forums on this one about my future build. But majority of reviews is for GAMERS, and I wont play games on this PC, it will be semi-professional work station for: 3d modeling (3d Coat, MAX, Skethup, zBrush), Unreal engine, Keyshot,... Photoshop. So, since I don't have enough money to buy best equipment, I would like to ask you for your advice: what is the best value for your money today for: CPU, GPU, motherboard, how much RAM? to be able to perform with ease concept designing and visualization. My choices were GTX- 970 - because I've read somewhere about cuda cores, but few days ago on this same forum I've read that they are not playing that important role at all, so I am totally confused now, and I don't know should I think about R9 390 also? For CPU I was thinking about I7 4790K, but then I've heard about RYZEN few months ago, and I am even more confused what to choose now for CPU then for GPU. So, please HELP ME, and give me some advice. Thank you in advace
  3. Hey y'all, first of all merry xmas and happy new year! I am new here since I just started with 3D Coat. The funny thing is my company saw me doing their products in 3D Coat and they are buying licenses and computers now. For my personal use my 7 year old pc made it okay with small amounts of polys, but I need to go realistic, high poly and render stuff out in external renderers too. I did a small couch which was really hard with going highh in detail and my pc was reallyyyyyy slow. I want to go fast and high in everything now o.o I searched quite a lot but most of them time there are older threads or talking about what is okay. But I would like to know what's a must in specs for working professional now. Can somebody tell me what 3D coat is using and how important stuff like Cuda Units and Vram and stuff like processor power and and and is? I am so confused by all that graphic cards and things they have these days, liek these cuda stuff Perhaps what would be good for other renderers too? This would be so awesome, if there is a possibility I would by cookies for everyone who is having some advice for me and my company Thank you very much for every answer and have a nice day!
  4. From the album: Noctua NH-D14

    SubD modelling: Nvil, Houdini Texturing: 3D-Coat 4.5 BETA Rendering: Houdini (Mantra) Post: Houdini, Photoshop.

    © Artur J. Żarek, 2015

  5. From the album: Noctua NH-D14

    SubD modelling: Nvil, Houdini Texturing: 3D-Coat 4.5 BETA Rendering: Houdini (Mantra) Post: Houdini, Photoshop.

    © Artur J. Żarek, 2015

  6. Hello I am thinking it’s time to upgrade my aging PC (Q6660 2.4ghz with 8Gig Ram) and I have been reading through the forum topics on this sort of thing. I have been seeing a lot of posts saying the 580 series of NVidia cards are still some of the best value and best performing cards there is for 3D coat. I currently have a 570gtx with 1.5Gb RAM on board. My question is this: Is my current card worth keeping if I am planning to build a new pc based around one of the Haswell 1150 socket PCs e.g. i7 4790K. The software I use is 3D Coat v3 (hopefully V4 soon) and Lightwave 11.6, I don’t have Octane or any of the GPU based render engines so I am wondering what benefits a newer card would give me (if any!) All opinions welcome as having to buy a new graphics card will have a huge impact on budget etc. and any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Every couple of years computer hardware shifts up a gear and the next shift is about to arrive. New motherboards, new processors and a new RAM format could see performance increases of 50% or more. September will see the release of a new generation of PC hardware that could improve the performance of high-end systems by a huge amount. This new hardware will be expensive at first, but for power-hungry gamers and multimedia professionals the performance gains should be well worth it. More...
  8. Hi, I am a hobbyist, with a little more than a year with Blender and about a month with 3d Coat. I am looking for a laptop to get me away from my desktop as much as possible. I can still go back to the office for heavy work, such as rendering or super high polygon sculpts. My question is, how much can be done with 3d Coat on a $1000 laptop? I had my eye on a MSI GE70 2OE-017US. ( Intel i7 4700MQ, 12Gb Ram, Geforce GTX 765m, and 7200rpm hard-drive). I appreciate any realistic, down to Earth advice. I know that I will not be producing the next Pixar animated feature film with a budget machine, but I am wondering about how far I could expect to get with such a machine before taking the work to the desktop. I plan to use 3d coat for sculpting, retopology, UV unwrapping, and painting, then probably take the results back into Cycles for test renders(to the desktop for heavy renders), material editing, and compositing. I am learning, and mostly creating simple machines, animals, household objects, etc. I am sure that will change and grow over time. Do you know of any better laptops in that cost around 1k? Thanks ahead of time for any help with this. I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, or if I didn't provide enough info. This is my first post. Thanks
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