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Found 4 results

  1. Hi there! Wasn't sure if this was a bug, feature or settings option, but after rendering a turntable of hundreds of frames, it deletes the entire directory with all the images as soon as the list image is finished rendering. but does write out and .mp4 movie. It's nice to have the .mp4 video, but I'd like to keep the image sequence as well. I may need to re-render a section in the middle or the end, but currently the whole directory goes away. I've even tried rendering on a few frames, and the same thing happens. I'm running version .41, but not sure if this was happening in .39 or .40 as well. Has anyone else run into this? Thanks!
  2. I accidentally drew on my reference image, and now I can`t erase those strokes, destroying my reference image. Is it not possible to reset it? I can`t reload in the image either, the lines er stuck. I`m also having trouble finding my way in the documentation, to where ever it explains the extremely unintuitive reference image stuff..
  3. Hello, I'm exporting the depth of a sculpt to be used later as alpha for a brush in paint room. The problem I'm having right now is there's a mismatch between what I see in the viewport, as you can see here: and what 3DCoat exports, as you can see here: After a rapid investigation, I'm very newbie with 3DCoat, I discovered 3DCoat use the defaul Camera position, ie if I reset the viewport will be this, which seems to me to match the exported images: I'm pretty sure I'm missing something, so my question is: how do I tell 3DCoat to use the actual viewport camera to export the depth? Thank you very much in advance, please, help me!
  4. Okay...first newbie question. ;-) I've been trying to paint an image onto a mesh but have not been able to get the same result as in the tutorial. In the tutorial the image itself is what is painted on the mesh. Each time I try this, the color palette is forcing itself and I get the bumped information of the image (which is okay) and the color within the brush palette (which I don't want). I've tried to disable the color palette, among other things, but does not work for me. Example. I model a rock. I have an image of the texture I want to paint on the rock as a custom pattern. What setting am I missing? Also, when I'm painting on the mesh, I can't seem to get the mesh to translate without affecting the image texture. This affects my control over the pattern. If I rotate my mesh the image is also moving. I want them to translate independently. Thanks
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