Is there a way to copy part of your retopo or import other mesh data to another layer and affect another with a live boolean/replace effect? Similar to how this Modo feature is shown:
*should start at 21:38 showing off the feature until 21:47.
I've requested something similar for sculpt room(but more of being able to use a reference mesh to snap to like retopo offers), now I'm having some trouble finding some sculpt room like features in retopo..
The sculpt mesh is 10 million triangles, and retopo 1 million. It came out mostly well, but had some errors I will fix. Draft quality(Fastest) took about 8-10 hours to process(Intel i5-6500 3.2GHz quad core, Nvidia GTX 1070, 32GB RAM, SSD), seemed mostly only able to use a single thread Appreciate any tips on how to speed that up but get density of that size(which unfortunately quite a few other operations have trouble performing on, edge must avoid accidental doble click with select, which can take >20 mins to perform.. brush select work fine though).