I'm new to 3D Coat, and it has the potential to be very useful to me, but right now, I'm struggling with a weird problem that is very much getting in my way.
Specifically, when I attempt to use the Live Clay brush on a Curve Stroke, or a Curve produced by the Curves system, and my brush radius is below about 4, I start getting intermittent, messy gaps. The smaller I go, the more gaps I get. Adjusting the Spacing under Brush Options Panel seems to have no effect on this problem, whatsoever, so that's not the issue.
This is a wireframe view of the kind of result I'm getting at a brush Radius of 1:
As you can see, where it's laying down a stroke, it looks fine, but those random gaps make it completely unsuitable for etching nice, smooth shapes.
For this image, I was using the first Default brush, with these settings:
This problem seems to occur at a wide range of Live Clay detail levels (I've tried 0.25 all the way up to 10), so that's not the issue. I've tried this with a wide variety of alphas, and that doesn't seem to make any difference, either.
At some low detail levels, it even seems to tear holes in my mesh:
I have, so far, seen this problem in both 4.9.55 and 4.9.65, both DX and GL.
Is anyone familiar with this issue? Does anyone have any ideas?