Been working on this forever it seems and tried googling and searching all the forums. PTEX is included in 3d-coat but hardly a word on how to use it. Since Maya 2013 in its hardware render mode can render ptex I thought be nice to export a voxel from 3d-coat to Maya with ptex textures. I first AUTOTOPED WITH PTEX then exported it as an obj (also tried fbx). Then in the paint room I exported a PTEX COLOR TEXTURE. In Maya went the HD RENDER VIEWER imported obj (and tried fbx) and then applied the Ptex to the color channel. Just cant get it to work correctly. I have tried a million different things. ANY advice on this would be so appreciated. I love the hardware 2.0 render in Maya and use it all the time. It would be a dream to be able to use PTEX (no uv's! hurray) models from 3d-Coat.