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Found 4 results

  1. Hi Guys! I`m trying to find tutorials about making art for mobile games in 3D Coat. There are a lot of great tutorials covering process of creating, UV unwraping and painting models but i couldn`t find any tutorials about baking the resulted paint into one 'beauty" Diffuse map for use on mobile devices. Like in Substance Painter they bake out single texture using Baked Lighting process Link to their tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHQfYklBVTY&t=3s I`m sure there are ways to do something like this in 3D Coat. If there are tutorials about this topic that you`ve seen could you please share the links to them. Or share your experience on the matter in this thread. Thanks in advance! Cheers!!!
  2. Hey Everyone, I just wanted to share the announcement of a mobile game I just released. It's called Buzzle and right now it's iOS only, but will be coming to Android soon. It's a pretty cool game, with a unique concept. It's a free download, you can play the first world before you decide if you want to buy the rest. I would love to get your feedback. And spread the news! http://www.glowbuglabs.com I did the ingame art. Models, animation, and tiles. I used 3D Coat and Photoshop for doing the tiles and making sure they are seamless. I also used Blender and TVPaint. The game is done in Unity.
  3. Professional 3D modeling on tablets and smartphones is viable finally! - Major new version of Spacedraw available, further extensive updates to follow soon and regularly Spacedraw is a full-featured 3D-modeling program for all Android tablets and smartphones is developed from scratch to make use of multi-touch and motion-sensors throughout introduces novel ways of viewing, drawing & modeling Features includeCAD construction advanced polygon & patch modeling lighting & texture mapping 3d-painting Since the release in October 2012, Spacedraw has proved suitable for creating professional artwork, see the images below, done 100% with Spacedraw on a 4" smartphone (using beta versions of the new release). However, Spacedraw was not developed further for over a year, and serious bugs and shortcomings prevented its application in real-world projects. This will change with the release of version 1.1 today, that fixes over 20 serious bugs and adds more than 10 important features, e.g. orthographic projection backface culling freezing objects unselect tools repeated extrude completely redesigned reference CS management The further development runs at full speed now, next updates soon will bringfundamental usability improvements interactive help and tutorials substantial performance increase stylus support a complete revision of the painting tools a multitude of new functionalities, e.g. advanced rendering capabilities, boolean operations full-featured animation Suggestions for improvements are highly welcome and will be taken seriously! See http://www.scalisoft.com/ for further information Spacedraw is available as a free version without ads on Google Play and Amazon that can be used with the following limitations: only scenes with up to 1000 vertices can be saved or exported as .obj files the undo-history cannot be saved to files A key can be purchased for currently just $2.99 (until March 8, then $11.99) to remove these limitations (Google Play , Amazon)
  4. Hello everyone, I was just wondering if there was a recommended iPhone app that could be used to read and interact with the 3D-Coat forums? Most of the time I currently just read the 3D-Coat forums on my iPhone in the "Full Version" mode. I don't like the automatic mobile version of the website because of its limited functionality in comparison with the full version. But I also don't particularly like using the full version because it is too big for my little iPhone screen, and I have to constantly zoom in and out to read things. I'm guessing that the best way to read (and post) on the forum with my iPhone would be to use some kind of special forum app, but I don't know which one works best. I'd like one which was easy to use for logging in and posting, and if I could also upload images, that would be wonderful! I have heard of an app called Tapatalk, but I am a little reluctant to try it without someone recommending it first. Is Tapatalk the one I should use for the 3D-Coat forums?
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