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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everyone, New user here on the final days of a try out, I really want to buy 3dcoat as I think it would be good for our future projects and have been very impressed with its capabilities. I have a quick question that i'm having problems with though that i would like to sort before going a head, i sure its just down to my inexperience with the software. Going from 3dcoat to unity, I'm getting a 'stepping' effect on the normal maps i export that i'm not seeing in the 3dcoat view, it looks like some result of the voxel process i'm an guessing by the pattens it make. My work flow was sculpt with voxels, Went over to surface mode, done a little work there, smoothing etc Rough auto retopo, default settings painted where I wanted detail etc paint room, whole layer filled with a metallic look export mesh and texture, unity settings in unity using stander shader added the normal map Also i'm on mac if thats anything i've added some screen shots of what i mean, please note the unity one is the stander shader with just the normal map applied I'm sure its just me being rubbish, any help to get me in the right direction would be really cool. I've really been enjoying my time with 3dcoat, and look forward to nagging all my artist friend to get it
  2. Is there an ORDER to the tool buttons? They seem pretty random, and it's slowing down my learning curve.
  3. New User from the UK here, Downloaded the Trial Version to sample 3DCoat over the next few days before making my final decision to buy. I am using 3DC in conjunction with Lightwave 11.6 on the Mac and have tried setting up the I/O app connection with partial success. I can File>Export to Lightwave and receive the file but cannot Export to 3Dcoat. *I believe i am using version 1.3 (finding this version was slightly confusing as I believe it would be easier to either keep the applink download up to date or keep ALL versions in most recent release order on the 1st post of the thread detailing the downloads, as well as a duplicate link on the most recent post announcing its release.) This though has had the positive effect of making me work with and understand workflow between the two applications. One thing though has me a little stumped - that is Brush creation. From what I understand to create a *.psd useable in 3DC it must be of size 128,256 or 512 in size and have four layers named as follows; Color HeightMap Specular EraseMask Once created the base colour of these should be set to; Color=White (white areas will be of current paint in 3DC with grey providing tints, I assume black = no colour.) Height=Grey 127,127,127 (any white will result in extruded/raised surface with black resulting in the reverse.) Specular=White (any black will result in specular being painted.) Erase=Black From what I understand I save this as a PSD and can then drag the file to 3DC to create a brush, all I get though is a small cancel window. So I tried an alternative method of going to the brush window and clicking the plus sign and selecting the PSD from my desktop, this results in nothing happening. Is there a limit on the Trial version I have missed e.g. certain functions restricted, this being one or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be gratefully received, thanks.
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