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Found 14 results

  1. I have retopologized and baked my objects individually. Name correspendence is on. I can paint on one object at a time and export the maps, but the next time I open the file, only one object seems to display correctly in the Paint room. All the others are dark and transparent. Also, my paint objects keep disappearing. For example, I can paint an object and export it. I save the file and exit 3D-Coat. Next time I reopen the same file, the paint object I exported isn't there anymore. Everything looks fine in the Retopo room. In the screenshot here, all paint objects and surface materials are visible. I turned off "Show voxels in paint room". I can't tell where I am going wrong. The file is too large to share here. I'm getting frustrated. Can someone help? Thank you!
  2. I'm using 3DCoat to create retopology. I have run into the problems with complicated objects consisting of many parts. After importing into the program, I find part management very difficult (hiding, unhiding, selecting part for retopo) and the performance is very bad. Any idea how to improve this? I am thinking about dividing larger objects into smaller groups, but how could this be done most efficiently?
  3. Hello, I just found the 3D Coat and I'm very excited about its painting/baking capabilities, but I'm still struggling a lot with some very basic tasks like manipulating imported objects. I have created a house in Blender and imported it to 3D Coat (it contains multiple objects, walls, floor, doors, etc). Now I need to select all objects and rotate them, lets say 90deg around Y axis. In Blender I can just select all and type R Y 90 ENTER and I'm done. How can I do something like this in 3D Coat? I have found there is some Select/Transform tool in Tweak Room, but i can't use it precisely, so... 1) How can I select multiple objects for transform tool? 2) How can I rotate the selected objects by given exact angle (eg. 45deg, 90deg, etc)? PS: I know I could have exported the objects already rotated from Blender, but I want to learn how to use 3D Coat properly and there might be other reasons to rotate objects precisely :-) Thank you in advance
  4. Hi all, So today I experienced a whole section of my models textures just randomly disappearing, this seemed to happen after I added some more objects to the 3Dcoat scene, I went into the texture UV editor and the UV's for the objects that lost their textures are all completely grey, like they were never textured. I have tried erasing the grey to see if my textures were underneath, but unfortunately no. I also was not working on Layer 0. I am honestly baffled and I saved over my save so there is no way of going back to an old one and just getting my work back that way... Has anyone else had a problem with textures disappearing after adding objects, and is there absolutely any way of getting them back? Thank you.
  5. Several objects are merged into one when I export them to 3dCoat via AppLink. How can I export several objects SIMULTANEOUSLY, and that they do not merge together during the export ? I just want to get separate objects in 3D-Coat - which will be the same as in the my 3ds Max scene
  6. I am trying to taper an a cylinder in 3D - Coat but I don't know how to do this. Like in the image: But rather than taper the object from the end I want to taper from the center so the center looks more skinny than the ends. Is there a way to do this in 3D - Coat? I am not importing geometry I am using the primitives in the voxel room. I've tried to scale it from the center using the transform tool but I can't seem to get the best results. Thanks!
  7. I'm working on a robot which I modeled in Groboto and Hexagon. The head is composed of several smaller objects (head, nose, ear, eyes, antenna, etc) which can all be imported as separate objects in Wings3D, Hexagon, Silo, Vue Complete or 3D Coat. So far I've uv mapped & painted the head, nose and ear as separate objects 3DC. UV Mapping in 3DC is a very enjoyable endeavor. In the paint room I also created some details with normal maps. Here's the head
  8. I am sculpting a very large model, so I have split it up into segments/separate objects. Does anyone know of a method/software to seamlessly sculpt accross multiple meshes?
  9. Hi! The basic question is: Is there a way of clicking on the different retopo objects on the model it self to quickly select them or do I have to manually go and check by clicking on each retopo group until the right one is selected? ex. Alt click in Zbrush on a subtool selects the corresponding subtool. Thanks for the help! <3
  10. So I have a problem. I have a character that I'm trying to import into 3D coat and he has a lot of objects. For some reason when I import the objects as surfaces to seperate instances, the object density is incredibly high and 3D coat starts to lag badly. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to import multiple objects? Need help with this ASAP
  11. Can shapes be drawn in "surface mode"? I used the "click to add points to a curve" brush with blob and works quite well to make shapes in voxel mode.
  12. Please, consider the following scenario. 1. If you import this .obj file to 3D Coat for laying out UVs, you get: - Materials named: ->materialA - containing objects A-D, ->materialB - containing objects E-F, ->materialC - containing object G. - UV-sets named: ->materialA - containing UVs of objects A-D, ->materialB - containing UVs of objects E-F, ->materialC - containing UVs of object G. This is very convenient and I like it. 2. Let's see what happens if you import the same model to PPP. What you get is: - Materials: ->materialA - containing objects A-D, ->materialB - containing objects E-F, ->materialC - containing object G. - Objects: ->objectA, ->objectB, (...) ->objectG. So again, it's very convenient. You can hide, fill, etc. multiple subobjects sharing a certain material, but you can also do the same with individual subobjects. 3. When imported to Voxel Room, the model is separated into subobjects and each subobject receives its own layer. Perfect. BUT... 4. If you import the model to Retopo Room, here things look a bit different. - Groups: ->materialA - contains objects A-D, ->materialB - contains objects E-F, ->materialC - contains object G. - UV-sets: -> NO UV-SETS ARE CREATED! This can be good or bad, depending on what you want to do. If baking with names correspondence is your goal, than it's damn awful, because you now have to: ->create a Group for each subobject and name it correctly (using former subobject name that was lost when you imported the model to Retopo Room, ->move each subobject from a group that it shares with other subobjects, to its individual group you have just created. ->recreate UV-sets and move objects according to their former UV-set linkage. Let's say, you're done with this additional work and are ready for baking with names correspondence selected. The result is: 5. Paint Room: - Materials: ->objectA_materialA - contains objectA, ->objectB_materialA - contains objectB, ->objectC_materialA - contains objectC, ->objectD_materialA - contains objectD, ->objectE_materialB - contains objectE, ->objectF_materialB - contains objectF, ->objectG_materialC - contains objectG. - Objects: ->objectA_objectB_objectC_objectD_objectE_objectF (a combination of all object names, up to 50 characters) - contains ALL SUBOBJECTS(!). So it goes completely bananas here when compared to how it worked in point #2. Is this behaviour intentional or is it a bug?
  13. How can I center by joining 2 object along the x plane in symmetry? I find when merging objects that my symmetry plane is not centered and is slighty off from rotating, flipping 180 deg. etc. If I happened to move my x symmetry plane with tab. How do I know if my 2 objects are really centered from the x middle(symmetry), left(object) and right(object)? Or sometimes the symmetry will be at 0 and the left and right identical object will be off. Do I have have to separate the objects and input the coordinates in the transform. Or is there a quicker way when merging in symmertry? Thinking right now...To bound center of the two objects and then transform the left and right coordin...anything quicker?
  14. Well, the thread title is pretty clear, but for the life of me I can not figure out how to properly manage multiple objects while uv mapping. For example, I have a ship consisting of multiple objects (in my case 66), and was really hoping to pick and choose the object to work on, or solo everything but the selected. ZBrush has its solo feature, Maya (and many others) have Hide Unselected Object features, but I can't seem to find anything similar within 3D Coat. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Currently I am going through my giant list of objects and manually hiding each one. This really can't be the only way can it? :P Thanks!
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