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Hello, does anyone here know of some tutorials with specular painting of some sort. I understand the basics of specular maps. I really need to improve my spec maps. I know some different ways like 1) painted on diffuse, 2) generation e.g. crazy bump, 3) P.S., manualing painting highlights on a spec map and also 4) through, desaturation of the diffuse in P.S. In this case dealing with specular painting or how the spec map gets affected in 3D Coat.
Hi all, I am using 3dCoat to paint low poly models but a lot of the time I need to limit my painting to specific faces. I know that I can create masks etc manually but is there a some kind of tool that would allow me to paint on speficic faces quickly. I've tried the hide (make some faces invisible) tool but it only seems to hide faces about 10% of the time. I'm guessing this is broken right? (version 4.0.03)
Hello. As the Topic says, i have some problems with vertex paint. 1. I see at the startup it is possible to paint in vertex with high (displacement), but if i go from the voxel room into the paint room, i cant paint with high? Did that only work if i export and reimport my actuall work again into 3d coat or is there a hidden button for that? 2. I have some trouble to pain only on high or low areas. If i choose more/less on cavity and if i use a opacity of 200% i have to paint 5 or 6 times the same area to see the full effect of the color. As far as i see on PPP i have 100% opacity and one stroke to see the full color. Why is there so a huge difference? 3. I want to paint a modell with vertex color, but my modell have a to low resolution. How could i subdivide my surface modell to get enough vertex points? If i resample the surface model, i lost some details, if i change back to voxel i lost some details, too and get ugly artefacts on my lowpoly surface areas. Would be nice if somebody could helps me with my problems. Regards Malo
Right now I'm creating a character, 3d Coat has been amazing. I love being able to paint my textures, move the forms around in 'Sculpt', back to 'Paint', and edit and apply uvs in the other tab, all in one software! #winning. One thing that came to mind was that I didn't like some of the actual topology of my model I was painting. I really wanted to Merge/Weld two Verts together. It would of fixed everything!! ;P Is there any 'Merge Vertices' tool somewhere, in the 'Sculpt' tab? I looked in the retopo tab, but it looked like there was just retopo whole mesh tools, using my model as a reference. I want to edit the reference though. Hook meh up! <3<3<3
Hi noob question time... I've modelled a character in voxels. I've run AUTOPO (which is all kinds of fun) What I then get in the paint room is a lower quality mesh to paint on. I don't understand what the relationship is between the voxel sculpt and the mesh. If I bake out maps will they conform to the mesh or the voxels? Should I just set the settings higher at the AUTOPO point so that I don't lose detail at the mesh point. (I should make it clear I don't mean the really low poly autopoed animation mesh, I mean the high density poly mesh that's created for you paint on. Do you need to create this lower poly mesh? Would a directly converted voxel sculpt of 20 million polys explode my computer?). It's just that it's lost quite a bit of detail (like teeth) despite pushing up quite high... (also if I have a k4000 should I use the cuda or ogl version of V4) many thanks Olly
Hi all, I have a few (interface?) issues that I couldn't find the answers to. I've actually been trying out 3dcoat to do low poly modelling of all things I am using the latest Beta 4 trail. CUDA GL64 version a14a How do I delete isolated vertices when doing Retopo? I can select them all but when I hit delete nothing happens. Note : I created the vertices using the Points/Faces tool. Sometimes when I try to paint on an imported mesh, nothing happens why is this? Only in both DX versions (not openGL) I get a high pitch buzz sound whenever I move the mouse (this does not happen in any other app....weird I know) Cheers
New Tutorial- 3D Coat 3.7-StarFighter Detailing Volume #2 -Color Maps http://www.learn3dso..._color_maps.htm In this training video Instructor Adam Gibson shows how to detail a Spacefighter model that was created in Lightwave using 3D Coat's powerful normal mapping and painting tools. Learn how to take simple models and create complex surface geometry like Sci-Fi panels, vents, pipes, rivets, and all kinds of gadgets and nurnies. In this second volume on Color Maps you will learn how create realistic looking weathered down hull along with battle damage. Grunge, Dirt, Corrosion, Dirt Streaks, Laser Blast /Battle Damage. Tips and tricks on how to use the different brush types along with alpha brush collections is covered in great detail. The concepts learned from this video can be used for all sorts of other projects like machinery, vehicles of all types, and architecture. Great for detailing hard surface models, but not limited to. You can also apply what you learned for organic objects as well. Also included is a Free Alpha Brush Collection created by Lightwave Artist "Kevin Phillips". This a Grunge and Weathering Alpha Brush set that is perfect for Sci-Fi detailing. Table of Contents for Volume #1-Normal Maps Chapter 1- Intro Chapter 2- Adding a Base Metal Layer Chapter 3- Adding a New Paint Dirt Layer Chapter 4- Paint Brush Alphas Chapter 5- Layer Blending and Layer Emboss Chapter 6- Paint Chipped Panels Chapter 7- Painting the Vents Chapter 8- Dirt Between the Panels Chapter 9- Blaster Tip Burns Chapter 10- Dirt Streaks Chapter 11- Stains Chapter 12- Blast and Damage Marks Chapter 13- Corrosion Chapter 14- How to Export Color and Normal Maps from 3D Coat Chapter 15- Importing the Spacefighter into Lightwave's Layout with all Maps Chapter 16- Final Render in Lightwave Running Time: 3 hrs. 53 min. High Quality (Screen-Res:1920 x 1080 pixels) MP4 Video Level: Beginner & Up
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How do you reset the spline you've made using the Paint with Curves Tool?
Hi there ! This is my new work "Earth Dragon". Maybe Vox Sculpt, Retopo, Paint in 3D-Coat, and Render in UDK. I like snake brush drawing, but instead retopology is very hard..... Thanks.
The locking of objects in the paint room doesn't appear to have any affect at all. If I want to lock an object, it implies that I don't want it to be affected by the actions I take in the paint room. However, whether or not I make the object visible or lock it, if I want to paint another object by using the Fill unfrozen action, it paints even hidden or locked objects.
Is there a Fill painted area or layer in the Paint room? If I want to change the specularity or color overall in a painted spot, i find it ranges from super easy to difficult. I know how to fill unfrozen.
Hello all. I have a bucket that I made some time back with 3ds Max and brought into Mudbox. I painted it and render it out and put it into the UDK. It was OK for the time I had to do it, but now I want to try my hand at voxelizing it in 3DC and going through the motions. I have sculpted in details in the Voxel Room, but any time I Autoretopo this, it's aweful. Am I stuck with doing this one by hand? Voxelized Bucket: Autoretopo Problem:
Hi, just stumble upon this rather unknown but simply great software and watched some tutorials wich included auto-retopo to painting , but couldn't really find any that explained the way from manual-retopo to start painting and ofc UV. Can someone pls tell me some very short step by step in this process (the final output is going to be a low poly model with an NM going into LW11) e.g 1 Creating high poly model in Voxel-> 2 Manual retopo, turn to low-poly model-> 3 UV? 4 Bake? 5 Painting?
Hi thanks for the awsome updates of voxel painting and other stuffs. it seems deleting multiple layers in voxels, retop and paint to be difficult since only one layer can be selected and deleted at a time. it would be nice if there is a multi select or some kind of shift select all layers and delete it with one click. i am not sure wheather that feature is already there ... thanks and regards