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Found 8 results

  1. Hi Guys - I'm an owner of 3DCoat 4.8 Pro, but I'm finding that ever since the gig that I originally bought it for, I just really never need it, and I'm wanting to sell it if I can. So how does one actually go about selling their license? I have PayPal so that part is easy -- but in the handful of threads I looked at where folks were selling their license, I see nothing about how I as the seller would transfer the license, or how the buyer makes it their own? Am I just giving them my license key? Does anything have to be done between the buyer and Pilgway... Can anyone please help me out? BTW, I'd take $180 for it. I'm not greedy, and I'm fine taking a significant loss on this, since it got me out of a jam and allowed me to finish an important job a ways back...
  2. Yo - I am selling my license of 3DCoat Pro 4.x for US$160, because I am not needing it lately in the type of work I have been doing, but it is wonderful, and I have enjoyed it a ton when I used it, but my current gigs that are going to be cranked on into the foreseeable future really do not require 3DC, and I am ready to pounce n some new GPUs.. and selling this will help offset that cost a wee bit.... This is quite a deal friends, if you are looking to buy, and especially if you have been waiting for a great deal to come along, I think it is pretty unlikely that you are going to do any better than $160... that is my guess... PM me and let's make this happen. Pilgway will transfer the license.
  3. hello there, as of personal reasons, I want to sell my 3DC 4.x educational license. (I saw quiet a few people selling there licenses, so I hope it will be ok to do so) You can grab it for 75$ instead of the 99$, if you wish! just PM me for the details... Cheers!
  4. Hi! I'm selling my V4 Pro license. I'm looking to part with this for 300$, that is 80$ off the original price. Please send me a mail at rasika666 (at) gmail (dot) com Cheers!
  5. Hello, all. I posted a link in the forums a couple of weeks ago about training that I put together for new and advanced artists going into 3D Coat for the first time. I'm currently providing a %50 off sale on this training (normally $29) until the end of Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013 for the first 8 people to sign up! That's only $15 for 4 hours of instruction, introducing 3D Coat's main functions, internal workflow, some external actions, and customization! Don't miss out! https://www.udemy.com/introduction-to-3d-coat/?couponCode=U3D002
  6. Folks, I saw this sale, this morning and thought it might be useful for someone: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1323525&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL052413&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL052413-_-EMC-052413-Index-_-Combo-_-Combo1323525-LM6A The sale flyer said free shipping on this and it's $359.99 after the Mail-In-Rebate. I hope this helps.
  7. Hi. I am selling my 3D-Coat 3.7 Pro Windows license. It is the full commercial license. I have received authorization for license transfer from Andrew. I am selling it for $215.00, which will allow you to upgrade to V4 for less than retail. I accept Paypal from confirmed addresses only. Thanks for looking.
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