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  1. User Interface Suggestions 1. One-Sided Scaling: The transform gizmos would be even more useful with One-Sided Scaling. For example, to lower the height of a cube sitting on the grid, one could press SHIFT while dragging the scaling box on the gizmo. This would move the top of the box without raising the box off the grid. This should work no matter where the volume origin is located. Nice way to speed up work. 2. Floating Gizmo: It would be nice to hold a key and have gizmos pop to the center of the view. This way all the gizmo handles would be available for use on the current volume. 3.Use Only Gizmo: Holding a key down while using a gizmo would let users select and highlight only the gizmo features without accidentally clicking outside the gizmo. 4. Return to Last View Position: I have been working in Ortho mode with background patterns. This requires quick changing between Top, Front and Right views. Switching views usually did not return to the last position and size of my last work in a particular view. 5. Lock View in Ortho: There should be some way to guarantee that the user does not accidentally drift out of true Ortho projection especially when using backgrounds. For example Front shows at the top right of the viewport even when the front view is rotated slightly. This can lead to tracing errors. 5. Tool Option Titles: Tool option titles should contain the name of the tool as well as "Tool Options". This may be troublesome to program but is basic user feedback. 6. Scale View from Cursor: It would be oh-so-nice if we could position the cursor arrow over the center where we want to scale and hold a key while scrolling the mouse wheel. This would eliminate the scale, move, scale, move cycle currently necessary. I have been an advocate of this feature since using Sketch Up. 7. Disappearing Work: As a new user I was shocked to see everything I worked on disappear. I know what is going on now but I spent a lot of time screaming at the screen and exiting 3D-Coat to start over again. There should be some kind of automated message to assure the user. An automated reminder to use the Apply button would be useful to newbies. 8. Quit Message: Most software asks before letting the user quit without saving. This message is important. Please understand I am not complaining about 3D-Coat. I am so impressed with what it DOES do. I just wanted to give feedback from a newbie. If any of my suggestions are already implemented in some way, I would appreciate hearing about them.
  2. okay, i thought i had a methodology worked out that worked for me, but... going through the same steps is giving me different results. is it me, or is this some kind of bug i need to report? OVERVIEW: i'm trying to make a morph for a poser figure. problem number one for poser obj's is that they are incredibly microscopic compared to the universes of other 3d tools. problem number one for making morphs is keeping the vertex order and count of the object the same. here are the exact steps i followed, and the anomalous results i got from them. Version: 3D Coat V4.00.b15AGL ======================== ROUND ONE TEST 1: No Symmetry Start in Surface Modeling Mode (i figured this would preserve the obj surface without mucking around in all those voxels) Open/Import the base OBJ file. The Transform Tool is selected when the OBJ is brought into the scene. Move the Gizmo Only to 0,0,0. Scale 200% five times. (Note: my scaling math is off during this part of the test, so of course the position and scale of the resulting morph is FUBAR, but i'll include it here for the sake of completeness.) Select the Surface Tool: Expand Click 2x on the Right Forehead (i'm using a head model base) Select Adjust: Transform Tool (note: if I select the Transform Tool I saved in my presets, it tries to change me to voxel mode) Move Gizmo Only to 0,0,0; Scale 0.25% five times. (yes, totally WAY wrong.) Export OBJ, hit Cancel on mesh density reduction. TEST 1: Results Load Morph Target in Poser; turn on Attempt Vertex Correction. yeah, the scaling is FUBAR, but... the important thing, the vertex order is clearly correct (I can see the shrunken, misplaced head is not exploding). However... i don't see the lump on the forehead. ??? it just looks like the base object. TEST 2: Mirrored Since I know Sculptris totally FUBARs the vertex order when going into symmetry mode, i'm testing symmetrically painted morphs separately. Undo the Previous scene 5x, until the object is un-shrunken, and undo the forehead lump. Turn On Symmetry X. Use the Surface Tool: Expand 2x on the forehead. Two lumps are created. Repeat the same (incorrect) de-scaling and exporting as TEST 1. TEST 2 Results Load the Morph Target in Poser. This time, turn OFF Attempt to Correct Vertex Order (just to test) Results are the same... exactly the same. First, hooray! the vertices are all in the correct order and the morph doesn't explode. Secondly... uh... still no lumps on the forehead. EXPERIMENT ONE Undo the file back to the base head that was scaled up and has lumps. Attempt the de-scaling 4x, then 1x, try to figure out where my percentage math is screwed up. EXPERIMENT ONE Results the 4x descaled head was still a pinhead. the 1x descaled head was too high/large (naturally), and also exploded. NOTE: why is it now exploding, when before it was perfectly fine? ROUND TWO at about this time, i figured out my scaling routine is wrong. duh. yeah, so sue me, i'm not a math major. i calculated if i just scaled the object up 1000%, then i should scale it down 2.5% TEST 2.1 Start new scene, go to New Surface Scene. Import the base OBJ file. Use the Transform Tool (gizmo at 0,0,0) to Scale 1000%. PROBLEM: why is the object not scaling up where i can see it, like it just did before? (okay, doing 200% 5x vs 1000% 1x is probably different, but... that different? if i hit the scaling at 1000% again, then the object was large enough to see. did it ignore my first scale-up? did i put it in wrong? i restarted 3dcoat a couple of times, because it appeared to not be working as expected. TEST 2.2 i decided to scale up 2000% and scale down 1.25%. here are my notes on this attempt: (okay, stupid newbie mistake: always say yes to merge) Turn on Symmetry X. Surface Tool: Expand 2x on forehead. Resize (Gizmo @ 0,0,0) 1.25% Export OBJ, Cancel on reduction. TEST 2.1 Result: PROBLEM: target geometry has wrong number of vertices. 38,246 vertices instead of 38,290 it has 112,857 polygons instead of 38,354 and it is all triangulated! (which the original OBJ is not.) NOTE: i have not changed my import/export/sculpting/scaling methodology. why am i now getting wrong number of vertices results? i checked the original exported mirror test obj. it, too was triangulated, and it, too, had almost twice as many polygons as the original OBJ file, but... it had the correct number of vertices in the correct order. PROBLEM: when i imported the obj into poser, the head was not the right size/position as expected (could be my scaling math. i used to have a program that did poser obj scaling and de-scaling, but i no longer have that.) however, i DID see the knobs on the forehead, unlike previously. TOO LONG; DIDN'T READ: importing and exporting an object for a morph resulted in a morph that worked, except the sculpting that was done on it did not appear. exporting the same object again resulted in a morph that exploded. importing and exporting an object again, in a new file, using the same methodology as before, resulted in a morph that didn't work because of wrong number of vertices. but did have the sculpting appear on it. bloodsong needs help scaling an object up to work on it, and then back down so it is in its original size/space (it is not centered in the universe) for export. what, exactly, of my system specs do you need and where can i get a dump of them for you? thank you for your extreme patience.
  3. I'm still having the same problem I'd had before. I have an object in the voxel room. I am doing a merge for MicroMV paint. The retopo version seems to be fine, but when I finally get the object in the Paint room the poly version is probably 1/2 the size of the voxel model in scale. I know this because for some reason when I end up in the Paint room, 3DC unhides every voxel object I have and puts it over the top of the poly model. What's even weirder is, if I view the low-poly version, it's scaled correctly and matches the voxels. This is version 3.7.13 DX64. I'm running a GTX 470 card, I have 24 gigs of ram and I'm running Windows 7 x64. Thanks, Paul
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