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Found 2 results

  1. Hey everyone... As I did not have much knowledge with 3d-coat in relation to Define Measurement Units and Edit Scene Scale. I started a project without paying attention to these two important settings that are found in the Geometry menu. I would like to ask the help of all of you to used this topic to explain the subject better and with that you would help others who use 3D-Coat. Doubt 1) In a project I'm working on, only now that I've realized that the values in the Edit Scene Scale are all changed as you can see in the image I've attached. If I change the value of SceneScale to 1 will what happens in my file? I would have problems if I change this value which is currently 137.963562 for 1? Could I change units from millimeters to meters? Because it is in millimeters... Could someone explain it better? Doubt 2) I realized that by default 3D-Coat uses millimeters. I would like to have a 1: 1 ratio between 3D-Coat and Blender because of a 3d print job and I also believe it will help in mesh workflow for animation and games. Currently in 3d-coat version 4.8.21, what would be the best configuration between 3d-coat and blender without there being any problems in the scale and positioning when it imports -> exports -> imports again for 3D-Coat? I realized that when I use these 2 programs, the scale almost always changes. Maybe because I do not know how to configure. Sometimes the sculpture when it returns to the 3d-coat comes either large or small and the pivot gets altered also causing the sculpture to be located in another position completely different from when I exported. I think using meters would be the best unit of measure because I've read that physical simulations, displacement maps and other things will be best produced when configured using actual measurements of the world in meters. How do you work with Measurement Units and How does the Edit Scene Scale work? Doubt 3) How to properly set up each project (for 3D print? for Games? for animation?) What would you advise for 3d-coat users in the initial scene setup within 3d-coat? Anyone who is knowledgeable in this subject, please share with the whole community about all of these subjects that I mentioned above. This is very important... Thank you for your attention and help.
  2. Hello, when I open a 3DCoat project as a new session, and import an object, I get the prompt to preserve the scale of the object for export (Yes or No). Clicking "Yes" will ostensibly scale the entire scene — and in my experience when exporting, the relative size of the object imported into 3DCoat is maintained 1:1 in the origin app when exporting from 3DCoat. This is a great and very essential feature and saves a ton of scaling work or messing about with units, etc. However, here's my quesiton: Is this scale stored anywhere? Is it possible to persist it between sessions, like "loading" this scale setting for instance when working with something that is intended to be sent to Blender or something? I can find FBX export units mm/cm/m but not anything like scene scale anywhere. I'd much appreciate any info on where I can find something like current scene scale relative to default scene scale, or change it, if it exists Thank you for your time and any responses
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