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Found 16 results

  1. http://store.steampowered.com/app/100980/3DCoat_V48/
  2. Hi Did not get any response via support mail so I´ll try the forum. Tried 3D Coat and really liked it so I bought EDU version from Steam. Before buying I searched around about the licensing and found information that one could find the serial number for the Steam installation in the Win registry and use it to install the standalone versions of 3dCoat. I also found out that one can buy an "Add another OS" upgrade for 40$. Tested the Wizard for the "Add Another OS" upgrade and it required the serial and it was valid for both pro and edu versions. Great, I got the serial from the registry and walked through the wizard and ordered the upgrade for MAC. Well, the order went through but I only received an order confirmation mail stating. "Thank you for your purchase..." "Error! Serial ******-******-.... isn´t active". Used 40$ on the upgrade licens but cannot use it and no response from support in 24h. :-/ Have I misunderstood everything, isn´t it possible to use the "Add another OS" if one buys 3DCoat from Steam? Hope to find an answer to this so I know what options I have..... br New "confused" 3DCoat user
  3. Hi, This is not a very serious issue, but rather a small small annoyance: 3D Coat on Steam does not show the time spent using it. For me it always shows "0.0 hrs on record". Others have the same problem too: http://steamcommunity.com/app/100980/discussions/0/648814845633449132/ http://steamcommunity.com/app/100980/discussions/0/360670708787560538/ Thanks!
  4. I need to add a job in a workshop (steam | CS: GO). Skin with effects, so just open in CS: GO can not. when I was in the "File" menu click on knpku "compile in a workshop," gives me the error: "FXB Exporter Error | Cannot open temp file". Please Help Me. I use Demo version.
  5. As far as I know, 3DC has Linux support. I wonder why it's not available on Steam? The result is that I can't install 3DC on my Ubuntu, which is rather sad =(
  6. When entering serial from Steam into ordinary install of 3d-coat 4.5.19 it launches the website with a message about succesfull activation, but the app itself collapses and is not activated when launched again.
  7. Hello, I've been looking into finding a solution for texture painting for my game development needs and I came across this lovely piece of software. I was immediately impressed and I'm thinking about purchasing. However, I am somewhat confused between the website here and the version available on steam. I see very little if any difference between the trial versions I downloaded from on here or on steam. But there is a great discrepancy in pricing. On this site it says 379$+20% VAT, which equates to around 400 euros. And steam lists the price as 290€ for me. Both of them say that they're commercial licenses and version 4.5 when I start them up. Are there any actual differences between them? Or is that just down to regional pricing differences?
  8. Just noticed how 3d-coat on steam has a 26% discount, glad to see it participating in the summer sale. Though it seems that there's nowhere to chat about 3d-coat via steam forums, seems to be missing. Would be nice to see a forum implemented on steam's store page as soon as possible. Might be a great way to get people pumped up to buy 3d-coat, get more info out on it, updates and such written in the forums. I'm a independent game developer, looking for a great price on a awesome sculpting program and 3d-coat is very promising. Kind Regards, Rak PS: You can always have a look around steam's newer games/software for an idea how they implement the forums, like: Nether, Planet Explorers, Aartform Curvy 3D 3.0, Substance Painter, are a few to list. Link to: Example of Nether's steam forum use http://steamcommunity.com/app/247730/discussions/ Have a wonderful day!
  9. Hi all, New to 3DC, old to 3D. Was playing around with 3DC... and had used the Ressample + command many times... and then just now, started a new project with a sphere, and the "Resample" (with question mark) is there... but Res+ is no longer in the commands list. That's a bit frustrating... any ideas why it mignt not be there? Thanks ever so much R
  10. The steam version is still stuck on 4.0.03. There are many new features in the newer versions but Steam hasn't automatically pushed out any updates. Have Steam users been forgotten? Is there some way I can update my license to 4.0.05? If I am at a disadvantage when using the STeam version, can a 'swap' my license for a 'normal' non-steam version of the software? Thanks
  11. Hi there, my question is just title. Can I Activate own license on steam? I want to manage own license on steam. I have a 3d-coat license. one bought from here on couple of years ago. and I found 3D-Coat on steam last month. and it have great features for TF2 modder like me. so I thought that great if my license move to steam and use them features. thanks, *sorry for my broken English. that's my personal best.
  12. Hello, i bought 3d coat v4 on steam and i wanted to connect it with applink to my Cheetah 3d. But i found that my 3d coat is only for windows system but my cheetah 3d is only for mac ios. So what are the problem with steam?? Why there are no mac version of 3DC on steam and when it will be relesed??? And also i wanted to know is it possible to use my product key of steam of 3DC to use it to download version for mac, without steam?
  13. I just bought the pro version through steam but there is no update option in the software. Is it possible to manually update to the beta 4 version even though I bought the Steam version. P.S..I have some lag when using my wacom intous 5 tablet(mouse is fine) and I'm hoping the update might fix this.
  14. Hello, I'm using 3Dcoat since few month now (since the steam release). Everything was running fine but now i've some problems who looks to be related to steam. Did'nt find any info about this particular problem on the forum. Every time i'm leaving 3d coat : steam crash and try to update itself when restarting. (every other steam apps do not act like this : only 3d coat). Some 3DCoat mode do not work anymore like : 64 CUDAOGL or 64CUDADIRECTX or 64DIRECTX I can't send any crash error log, when 3d coat crash i've a classic windows error message not a 3d coat or steam one. I did'nt made any major changes on my pc since this problem : no new hardware, no new drivers. i've already follow this steps. Reinstall V3.7 Reinstall steam+v3.7 Reinstall nvidia drivers Use check integrity option in steam app. I think they're nothing related but i've V4 on my computer too using my steam key. The exact same mode are working without problem. It's looks very strange to me. Any idea how to fiw this ? Some extra info : win7 i76600K 8go GTX 570 (v.306.94) Anyway, i'm enjoying a lot my 3D coat license, i've to post some picture in wip gallery soon :-) thanks for you help.
  15. Now that both the Steam version and the standard, direct-buy versions are on sale, I'm weighing my options. The discussion over in this thread indicates that the Steam version of 3d-coat will be updated and maintained at the same pace as the standard version (correct me if I'm wrong!) and that upgrades, license transfers, and a few other things are still being hashed out. Are there any functionality differences, currently or planned, between the two versions? Also, does the Steam version "phone home" periodically with a serial number to validate the license like the standard version or does it rely strictly on Steam's DRM? (I like to work offline and I'm comfortable with Steam's offline mode -- I don't want to be worried about being online when the validation takes place.) Thanks.
  16. So I was browsing the Steam forums and I noticed people talking about free upgrades. Is this for demo-regular version or for regular-pro and are people who purchased it on Steam eligible for the same upgrade? Any responses are GREATLY appreciated, thanks. Booyahman
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