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  1. Please, consider the following scenario. 1. If you import this .obj file to 3D Coat for laying out UVs, you get: - Materials named: ->materialA - containing objects A-D, ->materialB - containing objects E-F, ->materialC - containing object G. - UV-sets named: ->materialA - containing UVs of objects A-D, ->materialB - containing UVs of objects E-F, ->materialC - containing UVs of object G. This is very convenient and I like it. 2. Let's see what happens if you import the same model to PPP. What you get is: - Materials: ->materialA - containing objects A-D, ->materialB - containing objects E-F, ->materialC - containing object G. - Objects: ->objectA, ->objectB, (...) ->objectG. So again, it's very convenient. You can hide, fill, etc. multiple subobjects sharing a certain material, but you can also do the same with individual subobjects. 3. When imported to Voxel Room, the model is separated into subobjects and each subobject receives its own layer. Perfect. BUT... 4. If you import the model to Retopo Room, here things look a bit different. - Groups: ->materialA - contains objects A-D, ->materialB - contains objects E-F, ->materialC - contains object G. - UV-sets: -> NO UV-SETS ARE CREATED! This can be good or bad, depending on what you want to do. If baking with names correspondence is your goal, than it's damn awful, because you now have to: ->create a Group for each subobject and name it correctly (using former subobject name that was lost when you imported the model to Retopo Room, ->move each subobject from a group that it shares with other subobjects, to its individual group you have just created. ->recreate UV-sets and move objects according to their former UV-set linkage. Let's say, you're done with this additional work and are ready for baking with names correspondence selected. The result is: 5. Paint Room: - Materials: ->objectA_materialA - contains objectA, ->objectB_materialA - contains objectB, ->objectC_materialA - contains objectC, ->objectD_materialA - contains objectD, ->objectE_materialB - contains objectE, ->objectF_materialB - contains objectF, ->objectG_materialC - contains objectG. - Objects: ->objectA_objectB_objectC_objectD_objectE_objectF (a combination of all object names, up to 50 characters) - contains ALL SUBOBJECTS(!). So it goes completely bananas here when compared to how it worked in point #2. Is this behaviour intentional or is it a bug?
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