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Found 9 results

  1. Hi All, This is part two of how to build quick and easy terrains in 3D Coat. I go over working with higher quality Height Fields (4k) along with using adjustment layers to balance out specific areas or features that are added to the terrain design. Cheers.
  2. Hey, I am really having a hard time getting 3D coat to work with any kind of scale value, I need to be able to sculpt to exact scales and dimensions. What I am trying to do is sculpt a terrain, and setting a sculpt brush to always sculpt to a max height. So for example I could sculpt to a max height of 300 meters and know when I export my heightmap and then import into engine, that the height will be 300 meters. There have been a few issues I have found, firstly I could not seem to export a heightmap where I could set white to be 3200 meters and black to be 0. Instead 3D coat always makes the heightst point value white. So I decided I would sculpt 2 spots on my mesh, one to be 3200 meters and one at 0 meters, which I would not sculpt above or below, ensuring white would be 3200 and black 0. Unfortunatly I then realized that brush depth changes depending on the radius of the sculpt brush and I have no idea how I am supposed to ensure I am working with correct scales. Please tell me there is a way to work in 3D coat with exact dimensions.
  3. Hey, I am requesting a feature that will allow the exporting of heightmaps within a range, where the highest white value can be set based on distance rather than the highest point sculpted. This could be added to the Export Scene along Y axis, or something could be added into the retopo room similar to how 3DS Max and Mudbox bakes height from one plane to another, the height difference being the range of the black and white mask. A little info on why I am requesting this feature: I have been trying to sculpt a terrain and export a heightmap where black = 0m and white = 3200m. The tools currently available that I am aware of will output a map where white is equal to the highest point I have sculpted. So if I sculpt a mountain of 300m and that is my tallest point, when I export the heightmap then white will = 300m. This is a problem when I need white to = 3200m. When I import this heightmap into another program such as Gaea or World Machine the height will be inaccurate in comparison to the X and Y scale forcing me to manually adjust the heightmap values, and if the max height I have sculpted changes, then I would need to do that calculation with every export from 3D Coat. I have asked around and looked up solutions to this and so far have not found any way to do what I am looking for so I am assuming 3D Coat does not have this functionality at present.
  4. Does someone know of a technique to import a terrain that has a slope to it and buildings and vertical details etc. but add thickness not along the normal using inner or outer thickness but along a negative Z axis only. So you could make a skirt for the terrain and 3d print in 1 go. I've messed with making a large volume and trying to intersect the two volumes to get just a fill under the terrain but it's not as easy as it seems. Any idears? Much appreciated! Jason
  5. Hey all, So I'm working on a new method for creating heightmaps using a combination of Mudbox, World Machine and 3D Coat. Inside mudbox, you can sculpt the basic shape for your terrain and then simply export a heightmap through the Extract Texture Maps option. I was wondering if there's a way to do this inside 3D coat when using Voxels? Basically I want to sculpt in voxel mode and then do a projection of the voxel model onto a simple plane and save out a heightmap from that. Thanks!
  6. Hi guys! I have a project I am working on and the bit I have gotten to now is really making my head hurt haha! So I am trying to make terrain pieces that can fit together side by side and be seamless and flow from one to the other. The idea is that I can sculpt a number of pieces and they can be used multiple times in different positions and rotations to create a potentially infinite number of terrain boards. http://i.imgur.com/NGRCrqg.jpg That is my rough concept where there are pieces like straight rivers, curved rivers, rivers with crossings, cliffs, cliff corners inner and outer, cliffs with slopes, lakes and grass plains and they can then be used multiple times to create varied landscapes. My issue is that I am unsure how to make them tileable! Ideally I am looking for a way of sculpting a perfectly square mesh that repeats at the edges so each module can fit next to another module with relative ease. I have tried doing it via photoshop creating heightmaps but the results are not great and it takes far too long to make a heightmap by hand, with detail without having a reference as to what it looks like when applied to a model. I would appreciate any help that I can get with the matter! I am struggling! Thank you!
  7. when you make a terrain you cannot use the same type of workflow that when making a normal static mesh, because the terrain will be much much larger so even if you use a 4096*4096 texture that will be blurry (the surface I mean) when your player is placed on it. You need to tile a texture but how to do that in 3d-coat? the only way to do this I think it would do like they do in unreal engine when painting landscape, it seems they asign uv when you stroke the paint brush over vertices, how can you do that in 3d-coat? is is even possible?
  8. when you make a terrain you cannot use the same type of workflow that when making a normal static mesh, because the terrain will be much much larger so even if you use a 4096*4096 texture that will be blurry (the surface I mean) when your player is placed on it. You need to tile a texture but how to do that in 3d-coat? the only way to do this I think it would do like they do in unreal engine when painting landscape, it seems they asign uv when you stroke the paint brush over vertices, how can you do that in 3d-coat? is it even possible?
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