@Andrew Shpagin I have some suggestions about, well, pretty much basic functionalities in 3DCoat Ui.
Lets start:
- Extensions creation - add an option to select multiple presets at once with SHIFT. That's very basic functionality, that is pretty widely implemented in apps and operating systems. Selecting every position separately is pretty annoying and time consuming.
- Presets panel - allow to move, export, delete multiple presets at once. Pretty much the same situation as above - really basic functionality.
- Shaders/Smart Materials panels - allow to move, delete multiple items at once...
- Alphas, models, splines, stencils, etc. - same situation...
- Render presets - add separate panel for render presets/camera shortcuts. Presets panel gets pretty messy with all that stored along brush presets and necessity to delete that stored ***** one by one is damn annoying.
Also, when it comes to 3DC 2023 - tool panels covering/intersecting with Camera nad Navigation bar or whatever it's called(check screenshot), it's another little annoying glitch/behaviour in 3DC Ui.
All the things listed in this post are long standing and never addressed, as far as I'm aware, which is hella weird, as those are really BASIC things.