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  1. Hi - I'll admit I've got confused over this, and not for the first time. I'm working in Lightwave 2015.3, and 3DC 4.8.25(GL64). I open an object into the UV room, and that contains two meshes with two surface material names, but no UVs yet. The dialog in 3DC offers a UV set per material, so I click OK. But once open, only the first material that was in the list gets a UV set. The meshes are there, the surface materials are there, but only one set. That's the first confusion. The second: are UV sets actually separate UV maps, that can be exported, or are they only a UV management tool within 3DC? In addition, when I create a UV set, it adds a surface material of the same name to the list, when the surfaces are already named. When I export the meshes again, in LWO format, only the first listed UV set is exported as a UV map; I was assuming that UV sets would export as separate UV maps. Obviously that assumption was me, and seems incorrect. I have checked the docs and watched several vids, but not found anything covering this whole process. Surely on import, if 3DC offers to create UV sets per surface material, surely they should appear in the UV set menu. Likewise with exporting the model, and the UV maps created in 3DC. Would appreciate any insight. Thanks.
  2. Hey guys. I'm a noob and need UV help. I'm making a superhero body suit for my Daz gen2 model by using a daz gen2 model. I decapitated him and cut off his hands and feet. I retopologized to 2000 polys in 3D Coat. The result is actually pretty awesome in terms of topology for the auto topologer (and I haven't smoothed it out or done any of the other magic things you can do in Coat.) But it's a single cowskin lookin thing and in 3d Coat it shows that there's mild overlap and stretching. Now this is not how anyone who makes tutorials on UV mappings that I've seen makes their UV maps. They make islands or clusters with seams and stuff. And I'm okay with that. But my paint is going to have this hexagonal geometric pattern like armor or whatever. I want the hexs to be as uniform as possible as my superhero is really buff and this leads to a little stretching. It's way better than it was but I want to make something I wouldn't be embarrassed to show to non noob animators. I'm worried if I put a lot of seams in then it'll cut off the hex pattern at the seams and my guy's paint job will look crappy. With this model the there is some distortion though it's not major. Before the darn hexes varied in size very visibly and now you kinda have to look for it. And again, I can make it better in Coat manually. But should I cut the bodysuit all up with seams. I'm probably going to make the collar a separate island because it has detail and I want to try making it huge in UV space. But that's just me trying to figure stuff out. So is there like a formal best practices way of making UV maps that I should follow in weird cases like this. In fact does anyone have a suggestion to a really deep study of UV mapping. I don't mind paying a few sheckles for a book. But paint should be pretty. I'm getting there but I don't think Pixar would be happy with the kind of Uving I'm doing....though that's not the best example in the world. Don't they use PTEX?
  3. Hello i have a mesh with one uv tag coming from cinema 4d and i want to pick spesific UV islands and transfer them to a different texture set, essentially creating an extra uv tag for these objects. Can do that in 3d coat keeping one unified mesh instead of having to break the mesh into parts and redoing the uvs? How can i go about doing that? Is that possible? Thank you
  4. Hello there! been using 3dCoat for a while now and something I havent been able to figure out yet is if there is a way to sort of drag select over a bunch of islands that are stacked so I can move and scale them all at the same time. They are all stacked ontop of each other to help with the texture resolution since it is just a bunch of planks of wood that dont really need dedicated space on the uv map. http://prntscr.com/lrbw9j Thanks!
  5. Hello, just a quick question. is it possible to maintain my selection tags and material assignments from Cinema4d to 3D Coat and back? I had assigned materials and after i did my UVs in 3d Coat and exported my fbx back to Cinema4D all that was gone replaced with a single generic material. No selection tags, no materials? Could this be because of an export setting or is the fbx file format? i dont know. Thanks
  6. Hello, this is my first time trying out 3d coat and i' ve been bumping into the same problem on a particular model i'm working on. After i add some seams, change my uv layout and then press UV Unwrap some areas on my model become grey with no checkerboard projection on them and they also dissappear from my uv set. I have checked my model and cleaned it up twice by now, making sure there are no weird areas but i have no idea what is causing this. Any ideas?
  7. When I adjust UV,another UV set can be select and move. This problem only occurs when select Vertices, Edges, Tweak. I use version 4.8.20
  8. I have symmetry ON and I unwrapped my model, then applied symmetry. This causes UV islands to be backed on top of each other according to the symmetry. I now want to move the stack of the UV islands. However, when I click on the island, on the top island is selected. Is there a way to select the UV islands together while they are on top of each other?
  9. Hey guys, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I was curious if there is a button that will auto-fit the UV islands to completely fill the UV tile/preview window. I have attached an image below of an example I am working on now. Pressing "auto-scale" didn't seem to do much. Thanks! -Davide Foundation_Walls_Bottom.3b
  10. Hi, In the UV room is there a way to sew together seams?
  11. Hi folks, I have a question with regard to UVs. I have read other threads on a similar subject but found now solution. - I am using only 3DC and I have a Scene I have done in the sculpt room. Its made of 3 separate Meshes. - I make a Low-res decimated version of the the scene and export that as an .obj. - Move over to Retopo room and import that Low red version via the 'import retopo mesh' - Once that is done I do all the seems on each mesh, unwrap each mesh. all on separate UVs (or at least I think it is. they are not overlaped in the 'UV preview' - Then Bake the normal to tranfer over the detail from my High Res to the Low Res Version. and here is where I have my issue - I move over to the paint room and even though on the Bake process it asked me about the three UVs I wanted to bake. in the paint room they are just stacked on top of each other...why? (Note, I looked in the UV room and they are stacked in there too and cant seem to find a way to separate them.) I am miffed :S Cheers.
  12. I'm revisiting 3dcoat and the latest update to 4.8.10 has given me a weird bug. The mark seams tool does what it wants. I cannot use it on the edges l'm hovering over with the mouse, it'll always maybe select an edge loop around 4 faces below where l'm selecting. It also wont select individual seams and instead stay in edgeloop mode. Please help.
  13. I'm getting this issue "The square of the UV set is too big." I don't know what could be causing this error. I've imported other models exactly this way before with no issue, but there seems to be an issue now? I attached my unwrap in the images. The poly count is 3,824 tris. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
  14. I`m moving between applications in my workflow (sculpt in 3D-coat, paint in Substance Painter). I have heard that the following is possible, though I`m unsure how exactly. I want to : 1. Import a mesh (originally sculpted in 3D-coat, but textures are generated in Substance Painter) 2. Import multiple texture sets for said mesh (from Substance Painter: they all belong on the one mesh, but for different "parts", and therefore needs to be merged since it can`t be done that way in Substance Painter) 3. Somehow combine the textures into a single UV-tile (that can later be applied to the mesh inside of e.g. Maya). 4. Export (... the newly combined texture as a single file.)
  15. Hi there folks, I know similar things have been asked before and I have read a followed those threads to no avail so I am starting my own post with a hope to get some help on the issue. Here is my workflow. I sculpt a model in the sculpt room (Made of more than one Object) > Decimate the mesh's a bit > Import for Per Pixel Painting > Then it squashes all my object into one UV. I would like 3Dcoat to take the separate meshes within the Exported .obj and place them on there own UV Island. Possible? Cheers.
  16. Hey, Currently in the process of unwrapping a model. I'm trying to use the copy and paste uv tools to overlay some uv tiles that I want repeated. See below. However when I attempt to copy paste them nothing is happening despite them being completely identical? This isn't the only uvs its happening too, it's the same with all other identical uvs.I've also had this happen on older files too. Below is a pic of the object in mention. I'm running the latest version. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  17. Добрый день, Я активный пользователь 3D coat и на днях у меня возник такой вопрос. Можно ли добавить в Скульпт рум модель с уже готовой рвзверткой чтобы потом расклонировать её повсюду с помощью Instancer? Интересуюсь вот почему. Я собираю сцену из модульнных объектов (домики, заборчики) прямо в 3д коат , затем экспортирую её целиком во внешний рендер. Я знаю что я могу процессить каждую модель отдельно, сделать развертки и экспортировать в рендерер по частям, собирая сцену там. Но хочется работать над дизайном сцены в 1м пакете, не прерывая поток. Плюс ко всему, не хочется ретопать всю сцену, а только по 1му экзепляру объекта, с последующей автоматической подменой всех инстансов в сцене. Предположим такой пайплайн. 1. Моделим несколько домиков в скульпт руме 2. ретопаем их и разворачиваем в ретопо руме 3. забираем развернутые модельки в скульпт рум обратно 4. заменяем воксельные объекты на лоу/мид поли из ретопо рума. 5. экспортим всю сцену в рендерер, настраиваем материалы. Такой пайплайн позволит не только ускорить процесс сборки сцены, но и ползволит улучить качество. Если есть способы это сделать сейчас, буду рад если кто-то мне расскажет. спасибо!
  18. Greetings to all. I will start posting to Gumroad my smart materials collections. All materials will be : Seamless custom PBR accurate materials (game engines optimized 512 x 512 pixels) 9 Texture Channels Each (depends on material type) Dermis ( Base colour / Diffuse ) Subdermis Hypodermis Ambient Occlusion Base Color Bump Curvature Normal Detail_Normal Diffuse Displacement Emissive Glossiness Height Metallic Opacity Roughness Specular Pseudo SSS mask Compatible with : 3D Coat PBR ( smart materials included ) Substance Painter ( materials included ) Toolbag 2 ( materials included ) Unity 5 PBR ( materials included ) Zbrush ( Texture painting ) Unreal PBR Substance Designer for texture based nodes ( SBS and SBSAR NOT INCLUDED ) Render Engines Compatibility : Mantra PBR Mantra IPR Renderman Arnold Redshift Vray Indigo Maxwell Octane Furryball Thea and any renderer that supports Here is my first collection (will be posted shortly) teaser.
  19. As I was UV mapping a model yesterday I assumed that the Complex Checker orientation needed to be readable to be correct, but that doesn't seem to be right at all. Here all of the islands are rotated and flipped so that I can read the complex texture (I assumed that's how it's supposed to work): But the result had the opposite effect. I could paint and it would appear as I expected, but on the UV map, everything was backwards–flipped and rotated in the wrong direction: Starting over, I rotated all the islands so that they were upside down. (didn't need to flip anything, they were all already backwards): The end result shows that the painting is in the right orientation: Is it supposed to be that way? Am I always to assume now that my UVs need to be backwards to be correct? Anyone else experiencing the same thing? I'm using version 4.5.23C. Thanks!
  20. Hi! I made a model of human model. In the retopo room I used Autopo and then i manually edited some faces that got wrong. Now i want to edit the UV, according to tutorials there should be a red 3d mesh in the UV preview window, but not for me. There is no UV preview in the UV room either. What is wrong? is this a bug or does the UV exist but is so messed up by the autopo that it can't be renderer? I heard something about that a 'face' are not allowed to have more than 4 edges. could perhaps that be the problem here? Some faces only have 3 edges while other have 4. Thank you.
  21. Bonjour, J'ai quelque chose qui arrive sur mes modèles récemment. Il me semble que toutes les coutures sont bien placés, mais quand je presse le bouton "défaire-unwrap", je pert quelques polygones de la surface de ma carte UV. Voici une image, quand je fait un AUTO-UV, tout semble correct: Et voici ce qui arrive si je presse le bouton "défaire":
  22. I'm new to 3dCoat and searching for the best way to do good, clean well-aligned UV Mapping so that the borders are synched-up perfectly (doing figures). The other posts are a year old, and most of the pages are NOT FOUND - I'm open to hearing suggestions and seeing links for the best clips on these subjects! Thank you -
  23. У меня есть Low-Poly модель с симметричными боковыми частями, для этих частей сделаны одинаковые UV- островки. Эти Островки полностью накладываются друг на друга на развёртке (overlap). Как правильно запечь АО с High-Poly для этого Low-Poly объекта так чтобы два раза не запекалось на одно и то же место на текстуре? Чтобы потом АО не было более чёрным для элементов которые накладываются на развёртке?
  24. Hi everyone! When I uvmap, sometimes certain meshes are doing this strange thing of having one or more polygons plain grey. They also don't show on the UV map islands! I've encountered this problem twice before: once, I solved it splitting a polygon that had several vertices in more, simpler polygons; and the other time it was a rectangle and I just couldn't get what was going wrong. I've no idea on why this is happening (in this specific case is also a triangle, so it's clearly not a matter of complexity) and I'm attaching a screenshot to show you the situation! Thank you for your support!
  25. Automap UV feature is fantastic, very impressive results in testing. Only issue similar to other automap softwares is small islands, sometimes these are single triangles. This usually seems to be because algorithm does not take into account size, only other metrics like angles? A min triangle or cluster radius would help. This could be separate from automap and just another uv tool that looks over existing seams/islands and merges/welds small island to neighbouring ones. This is useful for avoid many islands on small noisy areas of mesh. Maybe it will need some cuts and islands in areas like this, however main advantage of automatic uv feature for me is making UV islands of the bigger broader shapes/volumes. Provides a good starting point. Presently either do manually or have to cleanup hundreds of islands. One mesh have 3k islands but only about 200-500 are reasonable size the rest need to be removed/merged. EDIT, sorry just notice on mobile there is feature request section, could this thread be relocated there please? http://3dcoat.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-feature-requests/
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