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  1. Hey, In the retopo room , when you press SPACEBAR it brings up the quick select toolbox... in this there are quick access slots #1-8. firstly... this is an absolute stroke of genius...!! secondly.... it doesn't seem to work. I just watched a video tutorial so I know i'm using it correctly but nothing happens when i press the hotkeys.... also clicking on the icon in the quick select area doesn't work. is this a bug?
  2. Hi, all! After creating and unwrapping a UV map, I can see the UV preview in the Retopo room-- but when I switch to the UV room, there's nothing there...can someone help? Thanks! Bryan
  3. hey, so if i have an object with a lot of overlapped / mirrored uves, 3d coat either takes a loong time to open it or it crashes, is there something i need to tick off , is it trying to calculate something even if i set it to "keep the uv's " ?
  4. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a udim workflow from 3d coat to mari. I know that I can unwrap my uv's into separate tiles in 3d coat, but is there a way to export those tiles as udims for mairi? I've been searching for an answer on this and I am unclear if this is something I can do with 3d coat. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks! Max
  5. I'm having a bit of trouble getting UV's to blend at the edges. This is my best attempt - making a base mesh in C4D and auto-UV-ing in 3DCoat. I'd like some advice for making the edges blend better, or perhaps a video link. I'm on the lookout for manual UV-ing tutorials so any advice that points in that direction is appreciated. Also, I'd like to understand why the material was blank when exported - ie: the textures didn't export with the OBJ. I had to export them separately and reconstruct the material from individual maps in C4D. pillarRockTest-1-bad-UVs.tif
  6. I have some requests. Would like to know what do you think about them. Thanks in advance. 1. Procedural noises, specially for texturing Right now, there is no (complex) noise creator inside 3d-Coat, and only on sculpt room. That would be great for sculpting and texturing, but specially texturing. Why? Because, right now, Smart Materials are totally dependent of user textures. So, if you don't have an extensive library of noises and grunge maps, you can't create anything great with smart materials at all. 2. Non destructive smart materials Smart Materials are great, but would be greater if we have a way to make changes on the material without the need to re-apply them on the layers and objects, or even without have several intances of the same smart material while creating them and testing out. 3. Quick UV Editor toggle visibily button Having the texture UV editor window fixed may take away precious screen space while have to go trough menus and dock it again can be somewhat annoying. So would be great to have a button to display some viewports on Paint Room: one with the models only, one with the UV editor, one with both side by side. Exactly like Substance Painter actually. 4. Layer maks like Photoshop I heard that this feature is coming, but would be great to know more about it in order to give suggestions. 5. A real smoothing option for painting I'm painting right now some 8k textures. There is no way for blending colors in any way while painting. The smoothing (shift) does nothing at all, unfortunatelly. 6. Sculpt layers This is a non-brainer. Cinema 4D, Modo, and many other software uses. I may be wrong, but it seems that only 3D-Coat doesn't have a feature like this.
  7. Hi 3D Coat Users! Okay, so I'm very new to 3D Coat, and I'm having some trouble baking... I've been trying for hours to figure out how to bake a high poly model (That does NOT have UVs, and that HAS been painted in 3D coat already) onto a low poly (Has UVs but no textures). I tried out the texture baking tool in the paint menu, but it only gave me an empty colour map instead of the details I've painted (Though granted, it was kind of in the shape of the low poly UVs). I tried messing around in the Retopo tab too, but whenever I AUTOPO and UV the high poly, it doesn't apply the UVs that I create. I can see them in the preview in the retopo tab, but when I jump back to the paint tab I just get an empty checkerboard texture editor panel. I've just tried importing my low poly into the retopo tab, and I can see it, but I don't know how to apply the geometry from this to the model (I've managed to bake out a normal map for the high poly already by exporting it as an .obj and running it through xnormal), so at this point all I really want is the colour/diffuse map, which doesn't really need the high poly. I'm sorry, I know this probably sounds confusing, but I'm really stuck! Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi, I've got a rather simple question. Is there any way to use the UV Room's Auto Scale command without triggering 3D Coat to automatically realign all UV islands as well? The problem is, that I painstakingly arranged different 'sub-islands' in Cinema 4D, so that things are a little more organised once I start working on the global UV map in Photoshop. All I need, is to scale all these sub objects' UV maps to the same size. Clicking on the Auto Scale button makes this simple, however, it instantly messes up my initial layout, by rearranging everything as it sees fit, meaning I have to recreate my layout from scratch. If you could Auto Scale without any realignment taking place - let's call it "Auto Scale In Place" - there might be overlapping islands, but I could quite easily move things around, keeping my initial layout. There would still be work to do of course and it would be fiddly, but it would definitely be quicker, than having to create the entire layout from scratch. So is there a way to achieve this in 3D Coat? I haven't been able to find it. Or would this be a feature request for a future update? Thanks for letting me know!
  9. I unwrapped several items from my 3d scans now and usually the results are acceptable. But executing "Save Contour" mostly produces a message like "Warning! It seems some islands are stretched...The percent of distortion is...." Sometimes I have values of 30-50% distortion but the cutting patterns are not that much messed up. Are the values an average of the whole distortion or is it just the maximum stretching of a specific island? Is there a way to minimize this? I usually use "Cloth Relax" before I save the map to an .eps file.
  10. Sometimes you need to bake objects in the same UV set separately. This creates two UV sets with the same name. So you go to UV room combine them back and hit "Apply UV Set" Every time I use "Apply UV Set" in the UV room and go back to Paint Room it asks if I want to apply changes made. No matter what option I choose, this destroys totally screws up the normal maps on my baked paint objects? Is this broken or am I doing something wrong? I've been trying to understand what 3D Coat is doing with UV's and baking, but I'm obviously missing something. Can anyone help?
  11. Hello, is it possible to project a stencil in "UV-Mapping mode" but without the tiling all over the object? I need to project a texture exactly and "From camera" is not helpful this time. Thank you. P.S. And positioning the projection seems a bit tricky, not so immediate like the "From camera" mode
  12. I have been trying 3DCoat and it's UVing system with great results but now this week after my 3rd model it crashes when selecting an edge on the bottom. It seems like its crashing when selecting the same place each time. The screenshot below is the crash report.
  13. Hi people Still learning painting in 3DCoat and maybe a stupid question, but when I am paint a model like Genesis 3 it have many UV islands for arms, head, torso and others. Using CUBe pojection to paint solve almost all my problems and create new ones. BUT I want to know if theres a way to paint with a pattern like in the image across the UV islands ang that the brush get the same size in whole object. Theres a way to do that or I need to really change the brush size to match the others islands? Look the image how the head, arms and torso have diferent sizes. Thanks
  14. Hi All Noob question here, I`m trying to uv an object in 3d coat that has lots of extruded holes , rather than go round one by one marking seams/edge loops is there an easier way eg selecting all the faces/edges of these holes and doing an auto map or something? Thanks
  15. Im using 4.7 and when I bring a mesh(symetrical) from Maya with good normals (and no inversed normals - also did freeze transformations so no black areas), do the UVing in 3d coat and take it back to maya I get blue shaded uvs along with the red shaded uvs. The red shaded uvs are from the duplicated and mirrored meshes. How do I make sure the all the uvs are blue shaded???
  16. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there is an easy way to stack islands when they have the same element, like in this example, I made a tree with many leaves and the UV map would look like this: http://i.imgur.com/A72DcZL.png So if I would do that manually I had to scale and move every single island and it would not only take a long time but also never really be accurate (http://i.imgur.com/mjWIKHf.png). Is there any way to do this better? Or at least a way to scale all the islands equally so I'd only have to move them manually? If not, maybe in another program like 3ds max? Thanks!
  17. I imported a model for Autopo and it opens into Retopo room. Then I inserted my uv-cuts and unwrapped in Retopo room as well. When I change to UV-room there is no model visible though. I want to apply the "Cloth Relax" though which is not availabe in Retopo room. Is there a simple solution?
  18. Столкнулся вот с чем. В комнате текстуирования при нажатии «редактировать все слои в Фотошопе» я вижу лишь слои в режиме цвета. А глубина (карта нормалей) нигде не видна. Соответственно сначала вопрос. Есть ли возможность быстро превратить всю пачку слоёв в суммарные карты (цвет, блеск, нормали, металлизация, что там ещё)? А далее предложение: каждый слой превращать в фотошопе в группу соответствующих слоёв (те же самые цвет, блеск, нормали). И вообще позволять выбрать внешний редактор, которому будет скармливаться PSD. 2016 на дворе, Фотошоп перестал быть единственным и безальтернативным, хотя и остался в ряде вещей самым мощным. Или вариант пока только один: сохранять карты, удалять слои, импортировать карты? И если только так, не заскриптовал ли это дело уже кто-нибудь? В общем и целом я веду линию к вопросу о том, где и как можно лицезреть полную структуру складываемых компонентов шейдеров/слоёв в режиме текстуирования.
  19. Hi there I am currently giving 3dCoat a spin and have a question for the UV room: I've created the seams and unwrapped the model successfully. The texture export also works well apart from the fact that I would like to export the UV wireframe as a reference as well (on a separate layer would be cool). I havent yet been able to do that. Any ideas on how to do this? Cheers, Michael PS: Why can I only make 2 posts per day?
  20. I just finished this zbrush sculpt and struggle with 3DCoat. I did the retopo of a part of this mesh and began to work on the UVs just to make an XNormal test. As most of the UV tools also exist in the retopo room, I defined my seams from there. But I tried every way I could figure out to export the mesh with UVs defined but when I open it from ZBrush, Max or any other app, there are : no UVs... I put the scene with seams from the retopo room in the link below if someone could help me to understand my mistakes or explain the way to export properly the mesh WITH UVs from the retopo room. DOWNLOAD retopo with seams marked in the RETOPO ROOM here : http://mcassar.free.fr/3DCoat/Metal Chest Part1 UVs from Retopo Room.3b As it wasn't working in the retopo room for me, and I also couldn't figure a way to get the mesh with seams from the retopo room in the UV room ... Well I imported the mesh and did all the seams again in UVs room this time. But it's the same ! When I export the .obj, it's got no UVs defined. I'm facing a wall there and would love to finish this mesh quickly. Understand how to do that would accelerate my workflow big time as UV unwrapping in 3DCoat is so damn cleverly thought, coded, and fast. DOWNLOAD retopo with seams marked in the UV ROOM here : http://mcassar.free.fr/3DCoat/Metal Chest Part1 UVs from UVs Room.3b Thanks a LOT in advance to anyone who could help me understand what I do wrong here P.S : I precise (I just think about that) that I did a quarter of the retopo in 3DCoat then Used 3DSMax symmetry twice, in X and Y, put an edit poly on top of the stack, collapsed it then imported it in 3DCoat. Maybe that's the issue ?
  21. Hi, I've been trying to introduce some means into a model I obtained from a 3d scanner. It's a scan I applied to a human body. Initially I was planning to use this to obtain some cutting patterns within 3d coat. My problem is that I just have to live with the mesh the camera software created. The problem is I cannot even introduce straight seams for the arms for example because the mesh does not contain such lines. Even with UV path it is impossible to do so. Is there an easy way to introduce a "simpler" mesh which allows for straightforward UV unwrapping? Please have a look at the current state of the model for an idea how it looks like right now. Perhaps it's simple but I have just started to use 3d coat and only watched some youtube tutorials for simple models.
  22. Вопросы у меня. Начну с самого начала. Модель сделана в 3ds max, перевёл в OBJ и закинул в 3d coat. Внутри файла obj, модель поделена на куски для лёгкой работы в UV и текстурировании. После того как UV закончена, я догадался что каждая модель имеет свою собственную развёртку, и именно тут я начал путаться. в UV комнате, модель имеет одну активную UV (в картинке, выделено красным), с которой можно работать, но UV всех моделей 7 штук (выделено зелёным). Пробовал импортировать UV координаты, но при открытии в 3ds max, UV не сохраняется ни в моделях, ни как отдельные файлы. Если сохранять UV отдельным файлом, то сохраняется только часть развёртки с которой можно работать (одна штука)... а все остальные части не сохраняются (остаются пустые места). Можно вроде создавать и перемещать развёртки и между собой перемещать разные части UV, но тут у меня проблемка - не умею сразу выбрать только одну часть нужной развёртки, а тыкать по одному кусочку нужных частей, это жестоко. В общем. Помогите мне вытащить развёртку из 3dcoat. Пожалуйста!
  23. Since I had no luck explaining and getting help on my problem in the newbie forum, I decided to make a video that might explain it better. This way I can maybe find out what can be done better by me or 3D-Coat. I can't say it's an exciting video, as most of it is 3D-Coat freezing my machine while performing what seems to me a simple task, but hopefully it helps get answers to my problem.
  24. I have created a very simple retopo mesh and auto unwrapped it in the retopo workspace but I wish to send it to the uv workspace but cant figure it out. Help!
  25. Hello, I have model from sketchup, looks okay, I have many of them and I need to unwrap them in very fast way. No time to spend hours on each model. So I usually use auto uwrap in 3D-Coat and just save it but I noticed it doesn't do good job out of the box and some thing I woudl be happy to fix, like tighter space between uv island, less separate from each other, maybe keep them aout stich and weld togerher? I don't know much of 3D coat uwrapping solutions, I did only manual uwrapping on simple object, but this is big objects with many parts connected in one mesh. I have attached screenshot of what I could do with auto uwrap, and actual obj file of building. How to make it more niceir unwrap? Maybe I missing something, thank you in advance! CondoBremnerAveR2_Uv1.obj
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