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Found 7 results

  1. HI, I've had many people reach out to me on how to create a multi-layer volumetric object like a brick with an inner and outer layer, so I decided to create a video showing my approach for creating this. Hope this comes in useful for a few of you. Enjoy!
  2. In Mudbox you can use the grab brush to move two fingers or legs when they are close together, because it is selecting based on surface instead of volume around the brush. Can 3D coat do this?
  3. Is there a way to use a volume or primitive to select polygons within it's volume? So placement and scaling like import primitive tool but rather than boolean to a surface, selection instead?
  4. I select the transform tool, The pick by click option is checked, when i click on a volume in the view-port, nothing happens, the transform does not change its target and i volume selection does not change. What could i be doing wrong thanks
  5. I downgraded a voxels layer and then merged a load of objects into the layer. When i click the button to restore the downgraded volume, all the objects i placed/merged into the layer are gone, while any changes to the original mesh of that layer are kept. Is there a way round this?
  6. Hey guys, Just wondering... After doing a retopo of my model in 3DC and bringing it into C4d, placing it under a HyperNurbs,.... ooops SubdivisionSurface, I loose part of my Volume of course. Simplest thing to do, is to use the brush and go over the shrinked parts, I normaly use a high density exported version from the voxel room and place it at the same place as my retopo-ed version but with a different color. That way I can check which parts needs to be corrected in order to have the same shape/volume as my voxel version. I'm curious to know how other people deal with this, maybe there is a more clever way of doing this. Thanks, Robert
  7. Let´s begin with that I don´t know if such a feature already exists. Let´s say I have one volume (Surface mode) containing a bird cage with a bird inside. Both surfaces are separated and have no contact to each other. I would like to select the bird with one click. Is that possible? If not I would like to have a Select tool where I can select Lumps/Elements/or whatever you call´em. While we are at it, maybe select all polygons within a certain angle to each other. I am sure more ideas will follow.
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