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I know this is the wrong section, but the feature request was disabled for posting? I'm working on mapping some bread to low polly loaf shapes, I've been shooting photos of each side stitching together onto a 2d plane and then mapping orthogonal views to each side and then stamping (cloning) out seams, they look really good (SEE ATTACHED SCREENSHOT OF FINAL). I've been jumping back and forth between substance and 3DC bc technically for what I'm doing they pretty much do the same thing, BUT when I need to tweak alignments and such I have to jump to photoshop and liquify and then bring back in and I know substance has live layering and 3DC also does from projected views to use this a work around. Ultimately, it would be awesome to see a liquify toolset in 3DC and i would never use another program again! Affinity Photo has an even better live liquify capability and dozens of other photo softwares out there have the included toolset, so to think an added plugin to 3DC wouldn't be too unrealistic. With a UV set it could easily bring in the UV set to a separate window with the generated pixels from the specific layer selected (Merge all could be used to capture entire work area, or isolate a specific layer selected) and liquify tools to help adjust would be simply amazing and very functional. Smudge and other tools just deminish quality completely, but to have a functional less diminishing option similar to photoshop liquify would be magic! In addition, TRANSFORM would be amazing, to take a layer and transform it to move across the 3d plane on an object, scale, rotate, etc..would be equally as great.. If 3DC did nothing else between now and V5 that would be an amazing add on that would just be texture paradise in my opinion. I come from 15 years of retouching, and I may be bias, but ultimately textures are super important and to add a few essential retouching tools to the 3DC toolset would be a great overall improvement, and leave SP in the dust in my opinion. Now that Adobe has their future in their hands, it's not long before similar strides are probably met on that end. Ultimately, these may just not be able to work into the program, but in my head they seem to and I would love to know why they wouldn't if so. LASTLY, I know there is the TRANSFORM/COPY tool which isolates a selection to transform and copy again, which is nice and does come in handy, I am proposing a transform layer option in addition to that tool, which essentially you take the current layer and can rotate and transform live across the 3d plane, for example you paint a smily face with height and color so you have a bit of a raised smily face, you can then freely drag it rotate it scale it across the plane while still keeping that layer isolated and nothing changes except the UV coordinance. I know a work around and similar method would be a smart object with an alpha mask and then painting in, which is nice and works. But if I'm cloning small pieces and want to slide up or over or copy and move again and have these all isolated to layers individually, this is my goal and dilema. Thanks! I love 3DC and just want to keep making it more awesome. SD
Hi all, From the title you can probably guess what I'm up to here. I am finding pose tool to be amazing but a bit frustrating too. Say I have a cylinder and I want to bend it into a U. (there is a question already in the forum like this but it didn't really get solved IMO) I need: control over the area affected by the distortion, a type of hierarchy, to approximate how it would be in the real world. maintain volume of distorted section. Voxels are amazing! Just like the real world only without limitations. It does seem with some tools, this idea is forgotten. I would love the development team to consider this idea when creating tools... "If I had a piece of modeling clay in my hand, how would I shape it?" Is this not the philosophy of voxels in the first place? In the meantime I can use a curve to bend an imported object. So finally getting to my question... Can I draw a spline and create a curve from that?