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Found 7 results

  1. I've come across something strange in 2022.48 (in fact, in the 2022 series): When using the stamp brush to place details on a mesh, with Symmetry enabled on the X axis, It sometimes does not place the details on one side. I've noticed that as the surface you're stamping on approaches vertical, the chance increases. Steps to repeat: 1) Create a cube, centered on the origin, and take it into the paint room. 2) Enable symmetry across the X axis, chose a brush alpha, and stamp mode. 3) Most of the stamps should appear across the x axis, but not all. Also, varying the size can cause symmetry to fail as well - usually smaller. This doesn't happen in 4.9.65 (which is the most recent version I could get working; 2021 wants to crash). If someone could verify this and let the devs know, or knows a workaround/fix for it, I'd appreciate it.
  2. Wouldn't normally post in SOS, but pushing up against a dead line and didn't expect to run into an error like this. See attached for my source image and resulting low resolution stamp. I've tried various image for mats. restarting 3dc. etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hey folks, Just a quick question. I love using the stamp, click and drag with the alpha on the brush to create interesting forms when making concepts. My only issue is that I can never drag beyond the limits of the mesh. By that I mean, if I click a point to start my stamp and drag out it works fine as long as my cursor is over mesh. Once it leaves that area and essentially is over the background my stamp disappears. Anyone else have this issue?
  4. So I'm trying to import a mesh to use with the Voxel mode of 3D coat. I used to do this all the time for re-topology but for some reason lately any obj file I import loses it's smoothing groups. I have checked off smoothing groups in the export settings of the obj but when I bring it into 3D coat it's completely faceted. Any idea how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hello forum, this is my first post so excuse me for my realy stupid question ) So, I tried to repeat this lessin about masking and freezing. But I can't find stamp preview window just like in attached photo. In video - when lector choose Fill tool, that window shows automatically - but not in my case. My config: version 4.7.11(GL64) MacOS Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2555) iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)
  6. I want to create characters that look like they are created from globs of paint, almost like the surface of a painting. heres a 2d example: Heres 3d examples Is there any way I can create a stamp with the shape of a pallet knife stroke, and at the same time assign it a color that is slightly random? or something like that Thanks!
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