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V4.1 BETA (experimental 4.1.17D)

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Unfortunately, none of those work, so something's messed up.  I checked the "Customize Navigation" there, as well, but no luck on anything, despite telling it to "Move in screen space."  Tried other settings.  I finally deleted the Options.xml and still no luck.  Are you using the latest beta?

Edited by alvordr
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What 3DC version are you using and which OS?  If you would like me to test your file, here, I'll be glad to.  It does look like the smooth quality on a freeze is striated.  However, the speed on mine (3DC 4.1.08B on a Windows 7 64-bit Pro machine) works in real-time.  I used the standard 1.5M mannequin to test.  You can see my specs in the signature line.

I'm using Win7 Pro 64-bit (SP1) and 3DC 4.1.08A. I'll try 08B in a minute, but I don't expect it will offer me a significant speed boost in the freeze smoothing department. :)

Maybe it's my Kepler card (GTX660Ti) that slows this down, but on the other hand I don't recall having those slowdowns in the past. Freeze smoothing was - like you said - real-time for simple objects.

Edited by ajz3d
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I installed the latest beta today and I'm finding that when I try to use the Hide tool while in the UV room, 3D Coat will crash. I've been able to repeat this consistently and on two different computers, one with nvidia and the other with an ATI card. Running Windows 7 Pro x64 on both systems.


Anybody else?



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This also happens on MacOS verison as well. latest. With a Nvidia gtx580 card.


I installed the latest beta today and I'm finding that when I try to use the Hide tool while in the UV room, 3D Coat will crash. I've been able to repeat this consistently and on two different computers, one with nvidia and the other with an ATI card. Running Windows 7 Pro x64 on both systems.


Anybody else?



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A little more info: apparently, this only happens here with certain geometry. No crashes when I use Hide for selections on simple meshes in the UV room, but  I get repeatable crashes on a more complicated mesh I'm working with today. I'm not yet sure what it is about the mesh that causes the crash. I tried regressing to the stable version of 3DC but same results.


Will post again if I figure out why this is happening with this mesh.



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Okay, I figured out the cause, at least in this case. When I import the object and use Set Subdivision, I get the crash in the UV room when using Hide. If I import the object with Subdivision set to None, Hide works fine in the UV Room.


I guess this is a bug but at least I can finish working on the UV map now. Will try Hide in the UV room with different geometry later today to see if this crash is repeatable with other 'complex' objects.



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im great full for the update and new features

but please fix UVroom(i can't even unrap)

and moving to v4.0 means registering every time.

I'm on OSX10.8.5

thanks a lot,you are Genious

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I have an idea. Since the Spacebar popup is so big, how about putting the Quickaccess area right in the middle of it? That way when it pops up your mouse is already over it, making it just that much quicker.

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I'm using Win7 Pro 64-bit (SP1) and 3DC 4.1.08A. I'll try 08B in a minute, but I don't expect it will offer me a significant speed boost in the freeze smoothing department. :)

Maybe it's my Kepler card (GTX660Ti) that slows this down, but on the other hand I don't recall having those slowdowns in the past. Freeze smoothing was - like you said - real-time for simple objects.


I recall AbnRanger saying something about 660 cards not working well with 3DC.  I decided to take his advice and skip that one.  He did, however, imply that we should consider an AMD card.  I wasn't convinced, but I do appreciate his experience with 3DC.  So far my 550Ti works like a charm.  I've maxed it out at 51 million polys on 3DC, not that I would ever need to go even remotely that high.

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Okay, I figured out the cause, at least in this case. When I import the object and use Set Subdivision, I get the crash in the UV room when using Hide. If I import the object with Subdivision set to None, Hide works fine in the UV Room.


I guess this is a bug but at least I can finish working on the UV map now. Will try Hide in the UV room with different geometry later today to see if this crash is repeatable with other 'complex' objects.




I imported an existing mesh to per-pixel-paint and did the hide in the UV room with no problem.

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When I import the object ..


Will ypu share the object ?

How was done ?

Is an obj with subobjects ?

Do you tested import it using another file format ?

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I recall AbnRanger saying something about 660 cards not working well with 3DC.  I decided to take his advice and skip that one.  He did, however, imply that we should consider an AMD card.  I wasn't convinced, but I do appreciate his experience with 3DC.  So far my 550Ti works like a charm.  I've maxed it out at 51 million polys on 3DC, not that I would ever need to go even remotely that high.

The 660Ti's overall performance is Ok. I remember hitting some crazy polycounts too. The thing is that the card is unbelievably slow in 3D Coat's wireframe mode which makes working in this mode practically impossible if polycount is high enough.

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The 660Ti's overall performance is Ok. I remember hitting some crazy polycounts too. The thing is that the card is unbelievably slow in 3D Coat's wireframe mode which makes working in this mode practically impossible if polycount is high enough.

Exactly. BTW, Alvordr, I still don't recommend AMD cards, because I've had experiences in other CG apps where the AMD card I had, simply refused to work right. I tried updating the drivers multiple times and looking for solutions online and I could find no answers. So, I went out and bought a comparable NVidia card, and sure enough, everything worked great. I've had no problems whatsoever, with CG apps from then on. I am just ticked at Nvidia for the GTX 600-770 series of cards (Kepler). For some reason, they took a big step back in CUDA performance AND they reduced the Memory Bus from 384bit to 256bit. That is purposefully creating a bottleneck, and that's why that Kepler line of cards should be avoided, if you use 3D Coat much.


When you use LiveClay and other dynamic subdivision type tools, you want to see the wireframe as you are working. As Ajz3d just mentioned, if you have over 1-2mill polys in the Voxel room, having wireframe toggled on brings those cards to it's knees. I suspect it is the 256 Memory Bus. The previous line of NVidia cards (Fermi) ds had no such problem. Why? Because they had/have a 384bit memory bus. What's really odd is, the generation before that, was 512bit. So, instead of staying put or increasing the size of the Memory bus, Nvidia has been steadily cutting back.


Imagine a major city where they cut the interstate lanes from 5-6 lanes down to 3-4. How bad do you think the traffic congestion problem would be? Nevertheless, they went back up to 384bit with the Titan and the 780.

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I guess I misunderstood, or perhaps missed somewhere where you changed your opinion on AMD cards.  I've never been a fan of Radeon (ATI) cards, so I've always stuck with NVidia, since they started in the consumer market.  Aside from the early ones burning out, they've been very good for my purposes.  Granted, I've not upgraded from the 550Ti and probably won't for a long time now.

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I recently was trouble shooting a pc for a friend who had an amd card in it.


have you seen the driver installation package? it's like something from 1995!


that being said, i'm also pissed of at Nvidia for its recent crippling of their GTX series. My guess is they realized that professional software was being made to take advantage of gaming cards and found a way to force more professionals towards their quadro cards. Which cost a collosal heap more... And until recently provided a massive performance boost for people using pro software.


It's unfortunate that there is so little competition in this sector... what ever happend to Matrox? At some point i remember them competing with nvidia and ati...

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I think Nvidia fell into the old saying of  "Cutting off your nose to spite your face" or is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem. They at least now reattached the nose maybe upside down but at least they have a nose again....  :blink:

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Will ypu share the object ?

How was done ?

Is an obj with subobjects ?

Do you tested import it using another file format ?

Can't do that but the object is a multilayer .lwo modeled in LightWave, otherwise nothing unusual about it. I'm noticing other weird things when using the HIde command while in the UV room, especially after disabling/enabling layers under Materials--3D Coat seems to get very confused about what's supposed to be hidden and seen. As mentioned previously, this only happens after using Subdivision on import. Straight import with Subdivision set to None appears to work fine.


That was on the computer with the GTX 470--will check this on the other computer with the ATI later tonight. I guess it's good that nobody else is seeing this weirdness--maybe I just need to update my graphics drivers.



Edited by D.R. Greenlaw
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Let's get back on topic folks. Any Nvidia vs AMD, or X vs Y doesn't belong in this thread.




While I completely agree for the most part, it does in some way matter in this particular thread, assuming we can keep it related to how the beta reacts to various graphics drivers.  Granted, it doesn't matter if there isn't anything Andrew and company can do.

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Javis, just one more thing about video cards if I may.


I've been thinking about this issue with Kepler cards and wireframe mode in 3D Coat. Maybe this could be improved slightly by introducing an additional wireframe shader: wireframe on solid instead of a transparent wireframe? Foreground faces could prevent background geometry from being rendered, so it could give some of the performance back.


Take a look at the image below and note how many triangles are being rendered in the background. In most cases I don't need to see them when sculpting the foreground surface.


Every single triangle counts for a Kepler user entering wireframe mode.


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Well, since you are talking about it anyway...I would like a "wireframe on shaded" view mode for sculpting too (if it is possible for Andrew to implement that).

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Javis, just one more thing about video cards if I may.


I've been thinking about this issue with Kepler cards and wireframe mode in 3D Coat. Maybe this could be improved slightly by introducing an additional wireframe shader: wireframe on solid instead of a transparent wireframe? Foreground faces could prevent background geometry from being rendered, so it could give some of the performance back.


Take a look at the image below and note how many triangles are being rendered in the background. In most cases I don't need to see them when sculpting the foreground surface.


Every single triangle counts for a Kepler user entering wireframe mode.

+1. Good Point.

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When working in the Retopo Room with symmetry turned on (Virtual Mirror set to off) I  constantly run into problems with 3D Coat incorrectly mirroring the geometry. Sometimes when I add an edge loop on one side it leads to only partial symmetry and I need to undo and try again in a slightly different place. Sometimes 3D Coat shows that there's perfect symmetry, while there clearly isn't.


Edited by ajz3d
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Same here,

They did not join, it creates extra faces in the middle, create different faces like you say.

Retopo with symmetrie is sometimes/always realy buggy.

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- Chiesel/Flattern brushes tuned a lot. Now they easyly produce flat surfac even undr aggressive sculpting. It hould work much more prodictable. Changes was done under gudance of on russian artist.

- Primitives history window. It keeps history of primitives usage (Windows->Primitives history). It opens way to nondestructive modeling. Further I will add curves, merge, cutoff and possibly stroking history.

- problem of curves preview wnen node scaled fixed. RMB & drag will scale node, RMB click will toggle sharpness (for uniformity with other curve-like tools)

- UV-sets names correceted - if symbl like : happens there - it will be replaced with _ to be able to export textures correctly.

- Scripts will not be paused on inactive windows

- Scripts updated a bit - naming in comboboxes changed a bit for getting unique identifiers, some functions related to uv selection introduced, command line accessing.

- Fixed Undo in UV/Retopo - no more switching to zero UV set after Undo

- Hardsurface autopo disabled if voxelize turned ON in AUTOPO dialog.

- fixed crash in UV room -> Hide. Hide/invert hide/unhide different problems fixed.

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- Chiesel/Flattern brushes tuned a lot. Now they easyly produce flat surfac even undr aggressive sculpting. It hould work much more prodictable. Changes was done under gudance of on russian artist.

- Primitives history window. It keeps history of primitives usage (Windows->Primitives history). It opens way to nondestructive modeling. Further I will add curves, merge, cutoff and possibly stroking history.

- problem of curves preview wnen node scaled fixed. RMB & drag will scale node, RMB click will toggle sharpness (for uniformity with other curve-like tools)

- UV-sets names correceted - if symbl like : happens there - it will be replaced with _ to be able to export textures correctly.

- Scripts will not be paused on inactive windows

- Scripts updated a bit - naming in comboboxes changed a bit for getting unique identifiers, some functions related to uv selection introduced, command line accessing.

- Fixed Undo in UV/Retopo - no more switching to zero UV set after Undo

- Hardsurface autopo disabled if voxelize turned ON in AUTOPO dialog.

- fixed crash in UV room -> Hide. Hide/invert hide/unhide different problems fixed.

Great stuff. Thanks Andrew. Since you mentioned the Curves tool, would you PLEASE, PLEASE add an option to flip the direction the repeated object is facing? For example, a dragon scale. If you want to flip it where the pointed end is facing toward the head, you'd have to go through a lengthy workaround to get it to face the direction you want. Meaning you'd have bring the object (being repeated along the spline) into the scene > rotate it 180 degrees > drag and drop into Splines pallet > start all over again with the Curves tool.

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