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Just purchased the program today.


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I just grabbed this from steam, and I am interested in using it to create renders for use as illistrations in a RP forum.

This is of course will be free content which I will not be charging money (well not real money, a bit of pretend currency will be charged if someone wants to 'buy' the ships I plan on designing in the RP) for so will it fall under the standard licence I have?

And another question , are there free pubic domain libaries of model parts I can use to speed up creating various things such a starship models and clothing as well as basic models for humans? or will I have to create them from scratch? (I have some RL modeling experience but I have only gone as far as kitbashing and have only a little experience in scratch building)

Also could someone explain what all the launch options on the stream version do I would be most grateful.

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