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Invisible polys in paint room


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I have a big problem. I have this character model from a job that I was texturing in 3DC. I exported the model to LightWave to add a ponytail mesh. Now when I bring it back into 3DC, (per pixel) the ponytail is invisible. The model seems to have nothing wrong with it. The ponytail has a UV map, it even has a texture applied in LightWave although the problem occurs even before I load the textures in 3DC. Anyone know a fix?

I just realized when I look at the UV in 3DC the ponytail isn't in the UV map, just the other parts of the body.


I'm also having weird problems with other big chunks of the body disappearing. And they're not even along the poly edges.

if I turn on wires it looks the same as the above.


It's probably not the object as the object loads into Blender fine.

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OK the problem seems to be solved by exporting OBJ from LightWave and importing that, so the problem is with with the LWO loader. I still have that weird slice across the head UV but this is solved by loading a normal map texture.

Edit: I did still find a few times when the normal maps I imported would disappear this was solved by hiding and hiding them

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OMG I managed to get this finished and export, but then when I load in LightWave the model is a mess, missing polys in chunks and messy textures. I actually exported right from 3DC and sent it to my client like that because 3DC has never messed up an export before.... :mad: I even tried exporting it from 3DC 3.7.

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I solved the problem by exporting as OBJ, loading into blender, exporting to OBJ again from blender, then loading into LightWave. The UVs were still flattened into one map, but i was able to split them without any trouble at that point. Seams like all of 3DCs import export is messed up.

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