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Normal mapping issue after retopo and uv map.


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Im having a issue baking normal maps, i keep getting these seams, i thought it was due to the face orientation of the normal, but i have re exported the model with normal's on and off to no avail.

I also tried using different options, flipping the green or the red in the bump map settings, happens with dx shader and nitro shader (3dsmax is what i bake in), setting to screen or world space and i still have the issue.

Any ideas why its happening and ideas for a fix?

I dont think its the normal maps im sure im baking them right, im uving the model in 3d coat in the retopo tool then exporting the low poly mesh out to 3dmax.

Funny thing is, i have a 2nd higher poly head with diffrent uvs, and its doing the same thing... spent 3 hours trying to fix, please help.



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Since you mention the retopo room and UV'ing your mesh there, you should try using 3D Coat to create your normal map and see how it compares when applied in Max. If it works well, you're doing something wrong with your baking in Max. If it appears the same, the problem is either some random setting or more likely the mesh itself. The key is to narrow it down one test at a time. Which renderer are you using and does it render ok there if not in the viewport preview? Your UV mapping could probably be a little bit better too, particularly around the ears and mouth. I'm by no means an adept with either app and V-Ray is my preferred renderer, but I'll definitely do my best to help you if I'm able.

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  • 1 year later...
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I'm having this same problem with a statue I'm working on for use in Second Life. When I render the normals map, it flips the lighting direction of some areas even though the edges on the map line up perfectly in color with each other. When I import the map back into 3D Coat, it does the same odd flip as Second Life does. 

Apparently with some, the UV parts have to face the same direction on the map. They can't be rotated odd ways to fit better, they all have to be lined up straight up and down. I'm just too far in my work to redo the UV map as I had fully textured it before finding this problem when I uploaded to SL. I can get away with just using the normals map desaturated to bake as shadows, though not to as interesting an effect, but hope you can work your's out. I'd like to know if reorienting the UVs upright does in fact fix this.

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Some possible solutions:

Try using "padding" option. It will add extra image data around UV islands to prevent seams.

Also check to make sure export presets and preferences are set to your external software of choice as some software require different types of normal maps to render properly.

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Some possible solutions:

Try using "padding" option. It will add extra image data around UV islands to prevent seams.

Also check to make sure export presets and preferences are set to your external software of choice as some software require different types of normal maps to render properly.

I wish it were so easy. It's not that kind of seam. They meet perfectly, but somehow the normals map tells it the lighting is coming from different directions on each UV zone. Even when I import the normals map back into 3D Coat, it does this, so it's not just SL that's having the problem with the map.

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I always make sure to only check "Don't snap subdivision vertices to the surface" and maybe "Swap Y and Z" options.  I've found that weld vertices and/or Auto smoothing groups can cause problems like the seams you're showing.

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Well, oddly it's not doing it now in 3DCoat, but it still does it in Second Life. 

This is what the normals should look like. 


And what they look like mapped and displayed in SL. Keep in mind, it looked like this in 3D Coat as well the last time I imported it back into 3D Coat to test to see what was going wrong. You can see the UV map seams and how the lighting in front and behind it come from different angles instead of from all one direction.


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