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Newbie Interface issues.


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Hi all, I have a few (interface?) issues that I couldn't find the answers to. I've actually been trying out 3dcoat to do low poly modelling of all things :)

I am using the latest Beta 4 trail. CUDA GL64 version a14a

  1. How do I delete isolated vertices when doing Retopo? I can select them all but when I hit delete nothing happens. Note : I created the vertices using the Points/Faces tool.
  2. Sometimes when I try to paint on an imported mesh, nothing happens why is this?
  3. Only in both DX versions (not openGL) I get a high pitch buzz sound whenever I move the mouse (this does not happen in any other app....weird I know)


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Ah, the phantom noise glitch! It's been around. The isolated vertice can only be deleted in the Points& Faces tool. Hover over the verice and it will turn white then hit the delete key, As to why 3DC fails to paint on some imported meshes, my guess is normals facing the wrong way but without a screen shot anybody's guess will do.

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