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[SOLVED] Crash on retopo


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Hi guys


I've got the trial version and just wanted to test out its basic features.


I took a .ply file and remeshed it from triangles to quads in Blender.


Then imported it into 3D coat as a .ply to attempt auto-retopo. 



But I get a crash no matter what version I run (CUDA etc). It tells me the program has become unstable and needs to close.. First few lines of crash report...





        Version:3D-COAT 4.1.00(CUDA)(DX64)
Memory status: OK
pointers: 27770
Video: Intel® HD Graphics 4000
Intel® HD Graphics 4000
Intel® HD Graphics 4000
nproc: 8 (1)object:  ()
vert: 0 poly: 0 rt:256x256
undo: (1) 
tool: RetopoTool
NumMeshLoads: 0
VoxelTool: 53
RetopoTool: 12
UV_Tool: 1
40A14DD0 3d-coat\quadrangulation.cpp line 3375 [+0], CrossField::SeekForSpecialVerts+608

40A185BD 3d-coat\quadrangulation.cpp line 3957 [+0], CrossField::ExtrapolateField+3677



Is there a key problem in terms of the mesh I'm using or my workflow?


Thanks in advance



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pm reply done



About your model
- You need to export only the select object, the export have some meshes used for lighting emission
- model is full of holes and floating parts




After cleanup inside 3DC


Fast autoretopo test without any crash



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Lastly, which of your Youtube tutorials would you recommend for my purposes? - I've already watched the one on retopologising organic models.


It'd also be good to watch one that shows you how to change the UI so that panning, zooming, rotating is the same as in Blender, I've tried playing around to reset these in the camera options but no luck so far.




You can customize the navigation for your own purposes


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A few new questions of course :blink:


1. the navigation numpad hotkeys don't work despite being listed in the navigation menu, why might this be the case?






2. so I have a new ply that I brought in via your instructions of 'import mesh for voxelising'. I autoscaled (gives like 5million polygons), and then clicked 'make mesh closed'



Hit 'apply' and I have two meshes like I did with the old .ply I sent you.


Why are there 2 meshes in the scene? And for some reason my new .ply is doing the above, it's missing loads of geometry...




Tried again and got this result where there are just some pixels in the place of the new mesh.




Is it obvious what I'm doing wrong?


I'm not clear on what all this merging business is..







3. I'm worried about using the 'auto-scale' function. It's important my object keeps its exact original dimensions. When I get asked this question does it mean that I'm going to be exporting at the original dimensions and not the new autoscaled ones?





Thanks in advance



Edited by arumiat
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Sure. I haven't even attempted retopology yet, I'm trying to get to the point where I have a mesh to sculpt on to clean up. 



1. import mesh for voxelising

2. I'm hitting 's' and 'no symmetry'

3. 'autoscale'

4. 'make mesh closed'

5. 'apply'

6 'yes' to the question about the merged volume


I still get this result  :(



I've also tried doing it without auto-scaling first, and same thing happens

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Try increase resolution of layer -twice- before any operation


the poly resolution is too small... 83176 tris


you need at last 6M polys to begin cleaning


voxel layer

increase resolution icon = press twice

then follow the import for voxelize steps




and then begin using fill tool

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Thanks carlosan


I tried 

1. import mesh for voxelising

2. I'm hitting 's' and 'no symmetry'

3. 'increase resolution of current object' twice as you suggested

4. 'autoscale'

5. 'make mesh closed'

6. 'apply'

7. 'yes' to the question about the merged volume


I get an estimated 11million polygons but still this result.



I'm also using the 64bit DX CUDA version if this makes a difference. NVidia GeForce 660M 2GB GPU RAM

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because the model is very noisy and have lot of holes -is this model a real 3D scan ?- dont use make mesh closed


Your original base mesh:




Is almost impossible to do something with this model without a heavy cleanup


In my workflow -any one can use their own workflow, 3DC is very open for this-

I take it as a base model

and resculpt,


Do it using 3DC, to have better result


gl !

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Yes from real data.


Ah, I thought you had to make mesh closed BEFORE you could do any sculpting to clean it up. 


Followed these steps and

1. import mesh for voxelising

2. I'm hitting 's' and 'no symmetry'

3. 'increase resolution of current object' twice as you suggested

4. 'autoscale'

5. 'apply'


I am now able to sculpt the mesh using the voxel tools. Once I have cleaned it up I will try 'make mesh closed' and re-topologising.



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If model is very high 15M +


you always can change the voxel resolution using




when your sculpt is done -fill, smooth, draw, airbush-


use this tools (RMB over the object or object layer) to clean any internal holes doesn't visible -sometimes this operation take time, based in model complexity-




and then




GL ! :)

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Nice, so i've cleaned up the model.



There are no holes left that need the 'make mesh closed' to be applied, plus I can't find this button anyway now, I assume it's only available on import?




I've gone into the retopology room to now apply auto-retopo but I can't find an option for this?






Lastly I'd like to separate out these separate 'pipes'/ vessels so that in my finished mesh they are individual pipes.






How would you approach this. Use a voxel tool? I tried carve but had to have a v.high polygon count of 20million to separate & still wasn't very effective.


Or would you retopologise to a relatively low poly amount, rip the vertices where appropriate, (I'll probably do in Blender), then re-topologise as necessary?

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As a followup.


I've done a search but can't find quite what it is that I need. I'm looking to sculpt a sharp deep thin line into my surface but can't quite get the effect I'm looking for. Is there just a freehand knife tool that lets you do this?


These are my results so far with the cutoff tool with depth limited and then using fill and pinch. Difficult to control throughout the depth and keeping it clean. I'd essentially like a very sharp deep crease..


Thoughts appreciated!


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Once the block object at voxel mode is finished and you got the right proportions... usually we switch to sculpt mode.


There is 3 sculpt modes at 3DC


- Voxel mode - used for block modeling

- Sculpt mode - used to add details

- inside Sculpt mode there is optional tools (Live Clay Mode) - use to add very fine details


To switch to Sculpt mode, press the letter V in the layer... it change to S, and a new set of tools appear.

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So I've played around with lots of different tools in the LC and surface panel varying depth & radius but I'm still struggling to get a very thin, deep cut as though I've used a knife to cut into the surface a few inches



Any tips?





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Cool Carlosan


Think I'm covered on the poly count, - I used autoscale on import and then 'increase resolution of current object' in the Voxtree straight after to end up w 5million polys initially. Somehow as I've been sculpting it's crept up to 9 million?



Went into surface mode and selected under the LiveClay preset the sharp tool, I assume this is Artmans sharp preset?


Using a radius of 0.1 and a depth of 2500% I was able to get the cut on the left. The one on the right I made the same cut but then also applied the angulator tool to which gave a very cool effect in terms of making the edges irregular to each other as would be found in real life. The angulatory effect didn't work so well on the cut on the left. 


Any comments as to the usage?


Is there a way to 'amplify' the effects, so make the difference here more pronounced?



There's also now a weird mesh 'bug' on the left cut that I can't clear, any suggestions?

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Watching these tutorials really helped.


Another question the answer for which I haven't found or seen yet, - is there a way to hide part of your voxel mesh so that you can get to hard to reach areas? Eg the equivalent of the 'h' key in blender.




Would be useful for where I'm separating connected pipes using the cutoff tool and need to fill in some chunks in the sculpture

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The 'Hide' tool in voxel mode looks like it does what I need it to. If I'm hiding a lot of mesh to get to areas that need a lot of cleanup though I can imagine forgetting where the hidden parts of my mesh are, is there a hotkey to reveal all hidden areas of the mesh, a bit like 'Alt-H' in Blender?

I played w the voxel mode and it's useful to know about but don't think I need it right now.



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I got the effect I wanted eventually by first using the grow tool to draw a line in the desired region in surface mode and then applying the angulator tool to this line. Happy with the effect. 


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