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How to save the 3dcoat-file with cover-jpg in only one file?


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Hi, in the past 3DCoat saved the .3b files with a contents-cover-jpeg in only one file, like other programs do.


But now, since the version 4xxx, I always get two files, one is the 3DCoat-file (.3b) and the other one is the respektive jpeg-file, that shows the aproximate contents like this:




How can I change this to save them again in only one file? I am using Windows 7 (64bit), with 3DCoat DX without cuda.

Thanks for an answer.


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...and? Nobody knows? All other applications save their data in only one file, with a jpeg-picture (thumpnail) on it showing the aproximate content. 3DCoat do this on my computer with TWO files as shown before, one of them is the datafile, and the otherone is only a jpeg-picture. Is this normal on all computers from new versions from 3DCoat ?

Edited by DrLong
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