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A few issues, Retopo, UV's and Paint [Video]

Gary Dave

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Hey, just a quick video as I figure it's easier to show what's going on. Just a few issues that cover the retopo and paint room, with some UV stuff too.


I'll list the general issues here, for anyone searching for similar topics:


- Strokes tool gets "stuck" when renaming layers
- Ctrl Z resets UV set back to default.
- Retopo groups get empty duplicates when cloning.
- Doesn't unwrap extremely similar geometry the same way.
- Object layers in paint room get empty duplicates when baking/merging new groups.
- Seams appear on previously baked objects when new objects are baked/merged.
Apologies in advance for it being like 9 minutes long, I probably could have condensed it a lot better.
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Please try some of the newer builds 4.1.08, as I think a few of those have been addressed, but others are still there. The UNDO > Revert to Default UV set is still there, and it occurs in the UV room, too. It's getting to be a royal pain in the bum.

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Cheers for the replies. Perhaps I should start jumping aboard the unstable train.


What's Mantis?

Thanks for making that video. It is indeed easier for everyone to see what you are referring to. As far as the stability thing...meh. It kind of goes in cycles. The one about the UV map UNDO is something that only recently cropped up, in the last several builds. From experience, it seems that when Andrew goes in a feature addition mode, that's when niggly bugs tend to pop up. So, he often has to stop for a spell and clean up a lot of those newly created bugs.


The extra layers thingy happened before and I thought he addressed it, but he is going to have to re-visit it, obviously. Could you send that video, and maybe copy-paste the content from your initial post into an e-mail to Andrew (support@3D-Coat.com)? He might not be able to get to it, as he is on vacation, but hopefully he will get right on it when he gets back or has one of the new programmers try and take care of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Ctrl Z resets UV set back to default.




- UV-sets names correceted - if symbl like : happens there - it will be replaced with _ to be able to export textures correctly.
- Fixed Undo in UV/Retopo - no more switching to zero UV set after Undo
- fixed crash in UV room -> Hide. Hide/invert hide/unhide different problems fixed.

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