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Weapon Retopo


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  • Advanced Member

Well finally got around to weapon retopo.


I probably went about it the hard way, of course!

I retopoed every piece at the mirror symmetry line. So both sides of every object are mirrored and split at the center.

Actually a couple parts left(main housing needs to be done in Blender 3D, it's like a cave and auto-po can't handle it.).

Now I have to line up loops and join seams.


Does anyone actually import weapons in separate pieces like that(but joined as one, except animation parts)?

It would work but I don't know how acceptable it is, or actual problems with it.


I probably should have joined some continuous parts and retopoed, would have saved time actually.

Well it was good practice retopoing different shapes anyways!



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  • Advanced Member

Ya I was just thinking though.

Yes there would be hidden faces to the viewer which is basically useless.If it was put in a game engine as is.

Poly wise though I would end up with just about the same amount of poly's or actually it may raise the count,

because when making a continuous mesh, all those fine lines and edges cost poly's.

Wouldn't really matter to me!

Just curious as usual.......Anyways. I will let it sit for a day.

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  • Advanced Member

I guess that's the way it goes lol.....

I'm not sure why I thought it has to be continuous for weapon retopo. Join where possible I guess.

I must have seen a few modeled this way, probably because they were started in low poly to begin with.

Ok, well that opens some design ideas!!


Almost done. 1 more and 5 retoped models ready for paint and renders!

Edited by FreezeFrame
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