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4 hours ago, Carlosan said:


Please check this video...


Yup. Just took a look. Exactly what I have been wanting to do. This will step up what can be accomplished now. And with exactly the things I want to see on the final model. Again, Thank you.

Great tut by Mike Hermes btw. Very easy to follow.

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5 hours ago, philnolan3d said:

Funny to see the car here since I've been working on a car today too. Except I was 3D scanning a toy car.

Yeah, it's been a work in progress. Got a major breakthrough with the tut link today. Should have my mats done now this week coming. Then I can rig this thing up. This particular model is basically my chance to really understand the processes in 3dC, due to lots of surfaces and needing to minimise the map quantity (has 13 UV templates). Has been a really valuable learning process to refine the way I do things. Just loving what can be done in much easier ways. Will try these new mats out before I hit the hey.

Importing all my Photoshop brushes is probably my next big how to. I bought a heap of them but lost my CS3 version after a comp crash. So only running an old Photoshop7 version. Bridge works fine. Just don't have the use of all the brushes I once enjoyed and payed good money for :) ...it happens.

btw, I'm in agreement with kenmo. Awesome work to see in here.

Edited by TrevorD
forgot an aknowlegement
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Just finished an overwatch themed character +D I'm still using only 3DCoat for all texturing process, it's sooo goood !


Full project here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/veJvO


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A personnal work done in two weeks, using almost only 3DCoat for texturing (+Knald for curvature generation which still have huge issues on 3DCoat when meshe's UVs overlapps + Photoshop for final texture packing and tiny minor stupid tweaks ^^" ) here's a link to the full project : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8lWw2w

Ow and, just a suggestion guys but could it be possible to add a switcher for curvature map uses inside 3DCoat, something that allow user to load at least 2 different curvature maps and and decides wich one to use when painting with its properties ? Here I used for example the classic curvature map for all classic purposes like wornedges/cavities, etc, but also a heightmap as curvature which allow me to paint water inside pavement's holes (which looks damn coool !). But I had to reload my curvature several times...as I switched from one aspect to another =/ Please add it :) And of course if you could once and for all fix the overlapp baking issue on UVs it would be awesome for making tileable maps, like REALLY awesome. I'd rather bake all my maps inside a single software instead of having to switch to another, which, in the case of Knald, doesn't take account of tileable areas of the atlas =/












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Textures 100% made with 3DCoat  ! full post here (with marmoset viewer ;)) : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gJ8kL8

New Skin for Syblast (exclusive one, not available for purchase)




Des Bisous !

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On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 5:04 AM, rochellej70 said:

Hey guys,

WIP. trying to get the hang of doing more hard surface.


Liking this...

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I'm playing again with the tileplane for Star Wars Redemption =) These are rendered on Marmoset 3 (I used Knald for curvature, AO and heightmaps)


Here are all the other textures I did the same way :









That's all =)

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I did a diorama last year, I forgot this one ^^" full post + viewer here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/PmX1v1

100% handpainted, mostly done with 3DCoat


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Last character I did (link with 3D marmoset viewers) : https://artstn.co/p/gJ9wYP



A character done for an art test in 3 days from scratch ( based on a conceptart I didn't do this time ^^) 
I really enjoyed the sculpt part of the process, going back on anatomy (I hesitated to start from one of my basemeshes, but I would have learned less things). And I think it's a good thing to see how fast I can actually get a character done, it will helps estimate each step's timings better on the next one =) 
Sculpt made on ZBrush 
Retopo + UV on 3dsmax 
Textures on 3DCoat - Diffuse + SpecularColor/Glossiness (stored alpha channel). 2048px reduced to 512px due to model's polycount 
Texturing was based on normalmap/curvature/AO/ID bakes (done with Marmoset 3), then mixed/painted textures with 3DCoat






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*Edit* Refined a little the textures, thanks to the feedbacks from Lucas Annunziata on polycount ;)

Radial progressive gradient (center is the head, maximum is the ground), darker eyebrows, more volume on his pec, less rough/metal on darker parts of the radial gradient =)


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Vira is an exclusive character I made for "I From Japan", I really liked working with them on this new character, I think it's always a long but wonderful job to create and bring a new hero to life, that's where you're the most creative and feels everything is possible =D 
I made her with : 
- Mischief ; Rough concept arts (only grayscale focusing on Vira's shape and values) 
- Photoshop ; Finishing concept art, adjusting proportions, getting color scheme done. Minor tweaks on the basecolor texture 
- ZBrush ; Sculpt & polypaint (IDMap) 
- 3dsMax ; a few hardsurface elements (not all), then retopo + UVW 
- 3DCoat ; Texturing (using StarWarsRedemption's smartmaterials) 
- Akeytsu : Rigging/Skinning/Posing 
- Marmoset Toolbag ; normalmap/IDMap baking & lighting/rendering 
Additionally, I took care on her whole integration into UE4 (Physical Asset/Cloth/Shader setup)

You can view the full post here with marmoset viewers ;)https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mqO3de




Comb 1 (R=Metal/G=Rough/B=AO) Comb 2 (R=Cutout/G=RefractMask/B=SSS) Comb 3 (R=Cavity/G=Emissive/B=SpecularIntensity), FlowMap is for hair anisotropic direction. 4096² textures set =)




Comb 1 (R=Metal/G=Rough/B=AO) Comb 3 (R=Cavity/G=Emissive/B=SpecularIntensity), Alpha is stored in the BaseColor Map, 2048x512 textures set

Some skins variants =)




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Kind of a sentry tower ^^ 
2K PBR maps, Textured with 3DCoat, Rig/Skin/Anims made 100% with Akeytsu




Always a great pleasure to texture in 3DCoat

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Thanks Digman =D

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Nice work!  How do you like Akeytsu?

I have yet to try it, but it looks interesting for real-time animation.  Is it limited at all?  How does it handle more advanced rigging like spline ik, blendshapes, constraints, etc.

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It's kind of an off-topic I guess but I think Akeytsu is yet powerfull enough for 90% of real-time game projects. You don't have Blendshapes which can be useful for facial animation, but you can achieve really nice facial rigs, you don't have constraints/Spline-based IK too, but the way transforms and UI are made already allows you to perform complex tasks with ease. 
I used it for 4 years on almost each projects I had to work on, ranging from little props like treasure-chest to huge ones like starfighters, as well as characters of course (mecha, humanoids, non-necessarily bipeds anatomies).

To answer your very first question, I wont' have started Star Wars-Redemption without Akeytsu. I love it so much that to me it's the "3DCoat" of animation world

By the way, feel free to ask me if you have any questions about this software (but maybe rather discussing by email than here,I think about moderators ;) )

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Thanks for clearing this out Carlosan, I've just created a topic there https://3dcoat.com/forum/index.php?/topic/23582-akeytsu-discussion-corner/

Btw I've finished two other bots with same skin variants as the Sentinel ^^

So here comes the Ocrane 16 https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L2lLa0


And I finally managed to do some additional skins and animation (a last ^^") for this little dude https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k4LgGz


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Will ignite soon...;)

Textures made 100% on 3DCoat ;)

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