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Can't get autopo to work


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A picture is worth a thousand words, so:



I've tried less/more guides, less/more polys but my every attempt at using autopo ends up pretty much the same. What am I doing wrong?

Click on the button at the top of the dialog (Read Auto-Retopology guide) and you'll see it mention not putting loops too close together (shoulder area has excessive number of loops) and not to let guides cross the symmetry plane. You can try it on the Human Figure preset (from the Splash Screen > Voxel or Surface mode sculpting), and just run it with no guides.....just 12-5k polys and see. For some reason, it works pretty darn well on that example.


I also noticed that your model's legs practically touch one another. Not good. You may want to use the smooth brush to dissolve some of that, or the Move Tool, to create a bit more separation between them. Remember this rule of thumb, when placing guides....Less is More. :D The more guides you add, the more it conflicts with the application's own directives, where it is looking for edges and contours. Basically, the user is handing the task over to the application to do most if not all, of the guess-work. So, we don't want to micro-manage the process. Just provide a few general directions/hints.


You might also want to ensure that you enable symmetry before you run it...on a model that is symmetrical, of course. The guide/line right down the center is not necessary and probably confuses the app more than it helps. Also, I find it's better to lean toward the high side of one's own estimate, regarding desired polycount. Auto-Retopo does have some auto-density element to it, but it's never going to be as efficiently placed as one would a typical game model or one for character animation. Auto-Retopolgy inherently tries to provide an evenly dispersed level of polygon distribution. This runs counter to what you want in a game model or a character-animated model.


Because it's not as efficient, the number may be twice as much as you might want/expect. So, shoot higher in your estimated poly count and you'll get a better "Hit" ratio. You can always use the DELETE EDGES tool, while holding down the CTRL key to delete entire loops, rather quickly...to clean/optimize the model, afterwards.

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