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Some works arround Star Wars


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Hi guys !

I'm new here, but I'm working with 3D-Coat since nearly three years and I really love it.

Done before I knew smart materials ^^


Here it's an OC made in order to fit as much as possible into the TV serie The Clone Wars ( I really loved it )


The same character but with a more usual outfit ( as she's a jedi and not a clone )


Her spaceship :


And finally a Venator Class Stardestroyer




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  • 3 months later...
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New Star Wars Stuff =D

For these two assets I've not used smart materials, I've just handpainted the mesh and then convert all layered effects to the right values of Metalness/Rougness/DetailNormal maps.

The Sith hilt was done entirely using SmartMaterials, but is less in the Clone Wars Art Direction than the two others ( Note that the PBR take me away from TCW art direction too ^^" )

I did this conceptart before doing the Sith hilt, this guy has no name so for now he will be "Lord-Whatyouwant" ^^"



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  • 1 month later...
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The last one, another lightsaber ^^"

It's the one Obi Wan had in the Phantom Menace, check it here on Sketchfab : https://sketchfab.com/models/bd0c8e0933774443b1bd22247a94c46e
And here you've got a "PowerON" blade version ^^ : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WgdL3

I've not check the last Beta of 3DC but it looks damn awesome =O Keep doing great things 3DCoat Dev Team & users !

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  • 3 weeks later...
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New one ! Blaster Rifle DC-15A used by Clones =D

Links to artstation & sketchfab : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gGL3E


Enjoy =)



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  • 1 month later...
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Some new stuff arround the clone wars, full res here : http://vexod14.deviantart.com/art/414th-on-Geonosis-624621359

All the project files are grouped on this artstation's post : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gO4Pm

Alll assets were textured under 3D-Coat. I'll never said thank you so much for this wonderful software, and I REALLY mean it. I'll post animated assets as soon as I'll have them on sketchfab, but don't expect me to finish this task quickly as long as I'm not a good animator. I also need a break on this Clone Wars project ^^"

Des Bisous ! And sorry for my english ( even if I know how it's weak to appologies like that +P )

414th on Geonosis.jpg

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  • 5 weeks later...
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New stuff arround the main character ! I finally did the animation part, well, started to do it ^^" I definetly want to play with her in a 3D plateformer beat them all like The force unleashed but against droïds, CSI bots & machines =D But there's a lot more animation to do btw...

I'm working on a run, jump, and some attack moves are planed too, but I may switch on Clone Trooper's anim cycles to get a fresh eye over all animations ( I guess it's best ^^ )

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Really sorry for the report, check these links to all anim loops :

Animation - Mevenn - Idle - Force Push

Animation - Mevenn - Idle - Bang Bang !

Animation - Mevenn - Idle - Lightsaber On

Animation - Mevenn - Cycle - Walk

Don't forget to turn textures in HD ;)

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi guys ! I've been working almost all days durings the holidays and I'm having fun doing environment stuff, the most exciting thing I found in the field of 3D industry =D ( the spacecraft is an old one which, well, can't fly cause it's not aerodynamic, but it's a good placeholder ^^" )

I'm also working hard on blueprint learning how to use it for making a plyable character with a super friend and teacher, Fantin Gislette, and for now, Meven can move, jump, use her jetpack ( without VFX and sounds but they'll come ^^ ) and grab her saber/gun =D It's sooooo fuuuuun !

Btw I'm still not really thinking about the leveldesign but the atmosphere and the place I want to move on ^^" I only have some sci-fi crates there and away to jump on and that's it ( but I want to slash droids...and move objects with the force and so much more ! )

So here are some screenshots guys, hope you'll find some interesting here and if you have any suggestion for some stuff to add on the ground/wall/anywhere I'll take care of it ( I have an "ideabox" where I write all the cool things I found anytime, so yours will be welcome =D )

Des bisous !




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Last one =)

PlaceHolder Replaced ;)
2K PBR Maps done with 3dsMax/3DCoat


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  • 2 months later...
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Woohooo !! Another guy =D Still fully done with 3dsMax/3DCoat/Akeytsu =)


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi again guys ! I just finished the Acclamator Class StarDestroyer, qith the same workflow I used back in 2013 for modeling/texturing, so it's not really PBR as I use the simplest map channels possible ( Albedo/Diffuse, Roughness=1 Metal=0, AO and Emissive ), you have a sketchfab viewer here : https://sketchfab.com/models/4b8c1ff8b1484a3e89f52232ce37593d

Now...The republic's fleet is cool enough I guess, let's do some CIS Spacecrafts ^^


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  • 4 months later...
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( I thank everyone for your support, even if I don't write an answer, I love you guys ! )

So here's a new one I loved from the first time I saw it : the ARC-170 Starfighter, still made in a handpaint/PBR workflow - Made With 3dsMax/MightyBake/3DCoat/Akeytsu, a tiny model friends offered to me for my birthday ( Thanks goes to Aurélien Baarsch, Julie Pain & Alexis Meunier ! ), and still the very helpfull Vehicles CrossSection's Book =)

Hope you'll love this new one guys ! Feel free to check the project's page here, I've added few things earlier this week, + 360 pano views of the actual game level =) ( still WIP ^^ Btw for now it's mostly a sandbox for devs ^^ )

Sketchfab's Viewer : ARC-170 Viewer


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  • 4 months later...
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Here is a funny version of the new Mevenn’s stuff, rebuilt from the previous one I made years ago, with many tweaks, mostly in texturing/skin/rig. The model is integrated into the engine but I still have issues with cloth parts ^^” 
About the model itself, I used 3dsmax for modeling high/lowpolys, 3DCoat for texturing and a mix of MightyBake/Marmoset Toolbag for the normal’s bake. The rig I used to make her pose is the same I made for the previous clone stuff she wear, still on akeytsu by the way =) I just used some parts of the awesome new V1 of that software to get faster pose, such as the great reverse-foot =) 
Textures were made in 4K max per map, in PBR with handpainted smartmaterials made for Star Wars - Redemption on 3DCoat =) 
Hope you’ll like her new outfit =)

Star Wars - Rdemption's project : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gO4Pm


This one is a “young” version of the new Mevenn’s Jedi stuff. 
About the model itself : 
I used 3dsmax for modeling high/lowpolys, 3DCoat for texturing and a mix of MightyBake/Marmoset Toolbag for the normal’s bake. Rig/Posing made with akeytsu. 
4K max per map, PBR with handpainted smartmaterials made for Star Wars - Redemption =) 


Here is the new Mevenn’s stuff, rebuilt from the previous Jedi Stuff I made years ago, but with many modifications, mostly in texturing/skin/rig processes. 
About the model : I used 3dsmax for modeling high/lowpolys, 3DCoat for texturing and a mix of MightyBake/Marmoset Toolbag for the normal’s bake. The rig I used to make her pose is the same I made for the previous clone stuff she wear, still on akeytsu by the way =) I just used some parts of the awesome new V1 of that software to get faster pose, such as the great reverse-foot =) 
4K max per map, PBR with handpainted smartmaterials made for Star Wars - Redemption =) 
Hope you’ll like this new stuff, it’s her default one now =)



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Hi guys !

This is a new asset I made for Star Wars - Redemption =) I used 3dsmax for High/Low poly, MightyBake for the normalmap bake and 3DCoat for texturing. 2K PBR maps. The model is "scorchable", which means you've got some damn cool motors'n pipes under the hood 

As it's Mevenn's bike and globaly Republic's side bike ( not empire ), I've added some new things to it to make it more suitable with other prelogy asset's logic, and of course the usual art direction's treatment ^^

Hope you'll like it !

Star Wars - Redemption : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gO4Pm




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Made with 3dsMax ( Modeling + UVs )/3DCoat ( Texturing )

The model is a reworked version of an old one, I needed to have more details when I fly really close to it, so I created kitbash assets and detailed all parts by handplacing these new assets =)

Star Wars - Rdemption's project : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gO4Pm














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Made with 3dsMax ( Modeling + UVs )/3DCoat ( Texturing )

Probably the biggest model I ever did ^^" Special thanks to Ansel Hsiao for his good advices about modeling huge spacecrafts carefully 

Hope you'll like it =)

Star Wars - Rdemption's project : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gO4Pm






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Star wars - Redemption | SmartMaterials (Overview)



These materials are 100% handpainted and made on 3DCoat from A to Z (not all are rendered here btw).

 I first draw several tileable "noise" I decided to call "Variators", but by hand so it's fully custom and fits to my art style, then I play with them in order to create these materials.

I used them on all stuff I had to texture during the last 2 years on several productions (not only StarWarsRedemption but TheBurningDescent VR too for example). 

Would you be interested to buy them ?

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Superb modeling and awesome thread!!!!!

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Thanks =)

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Some WIP level's screenshots =) Every texture was made with 100 % 3DCoat !


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi everyone ! I've done some stuff since last post :)

First of all, the splash screen is now 99,99% made on marmoset, meaning that this...


 ...Can easily be shot these ways :





And of course textures are 100% done with 3DCoat, I also dis some retopology on character parts ( most of the time organic ones such as body and head ) and UV packing ( your algo are a blast, I love them ! )

I also improved Jetpack VFX by using simple displacement over a simple mesh ( same used for the musleflash ^^ ). Once it's UV animated in unreal engine 4 it works damn good =D



Reworked Mevenn's face topology + facial rig and her textures aswell, animating her face now is super easy ^^


And now we can pilot the ARC-170 =D


Geonosis environment is on its way  =) I made some rock formations, then separated them into smaller blocks in order to build anything ( okay guys "almost" anything ^^ ). The material adds sand on the top, it's fairly simple at the moment but I may upgrade it when I'll have to work on snowy environments ;)



Concept board I made before doing env stuff :


That's all atm =)

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  • 1 year later...
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An update about the current state of the project

I've been heavily focusing on it last weeks (curious thing as I've also a (super-cool) job during the day, I should rest more, but instead of it I work like a machine ^^"). 

So here is a summary : 
- Now we have a build. Yeah. Game is finally standalone, playable on a (good enough) windows PC. That's something we should've had a long time ago but anyway, now it's there. And it's cool
- Since our only game designer left the project months ago we've faced a problem : we had to do blueprint. And as an artist, it's always a pain to dig into this for many reasons. But hey ! Look at the cool part of the solution : you're going to learn it ! And it becomes more and more fun to use finally ;)
So now, I also take care of blueprints
- I've started working on Lumberia last year, because I had enough of desert environments of both Geonosis and Space corridors, and I've started to create modular environment assets to build a dungeon. You've seen some of these on the past updates when I was trying to create my master env. shader, now everything works I can show a bit more of it. Every environment benefits of it, and it speeds up a lot the way I worked them. But I'm not 100% satisfied with what I get, since I think it involves still too much repetitive task and could be more optimized. Next project should start from it and improve it.
- I've also decided to stop developing the project, not due to any strike (don't worry), but simply because I've figured out that I've mostly developed it alone, and I can't keep doing this. It's above my will now, I need to do something else than working again when I'm "off-work", and focus and shorter project. That's why, in next December's end, Redemption's updates will heavily decrease and hopefully reach 0 faster than light. I think this project could've been far far away than what we have now, and of course I'll be forever sad about it, but time has come to leave it behind and explore new horizons. Next project won't be about Star Wars by the way.

That said, there's still one big month to add more stuff =P

So let's go for the screenshots and enjoy ;)



















































Des Bisous

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