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LightWave 10 Applink


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We here at Liberty3D have waited patiently for the LightWave to 3D-Coat Applink to be written, and frankly, we got tired of waiting........

so we wrote one ourselves and we are putting it out for a free beta!!!

Anyone who wants to beta test it out, sign up and follow the development at http://www.liberty3d.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=293

It works as a Mac UB plugin PPC/i32/i64 for both LW9.3.1 and up, and LW10.

There is also a Win32 and Win64 version that has been tested on LW9 and LW10.

We will also have more freebie tools and videos available soon through our freebies area on the website.




//admin edit


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# Description: 3D-Coat AppLink for Newtek LightWave (Layout)


# Version: 1.02 for WIN / 1.03 for OS X


# Author: Ilia Zaslavsky <|> Email: vfxdomain@gmail.com <|> Web: http://flavors.me/vfxdomain


# Last Update: 22:40 29/11/11


# 3D-Coat Home Page: http://www.3d-coat.com


# Notes: AutoAppLink functionality added for compatibility with File -> Export to -> LightWave feature in 3D-Coat & OS X compatibility fixed




Unzip the archive.

Copy 3D-Coat AppLink folder with 3dc_applink_gui_GN.lcs, 3dc_applink_autoimport_GN.lcs and 3dc_applink_autocreate_GN.lsc files inside to some place on your HD, C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave10.1\support\plugins\scripts (/Applications/NewTek/LightWave10.1/support/plugins/scripts on Mac) for example, or any other folder you're using for scripts. In LightWave (Layout), hit "Add Plugins" button, browse to the directory where you saved *.lcs files and add them one by one. To add UI buttons, select "Edit Menu Layout" from the "Edit" menu of Layout, find 3D-Coat AppLink, 3D-Coat (Auto-Import) and 3D-Coat (Setup Auto-Import) items on the left side and drag them to the prefered location on the right side. Now you can use this buttons to run AppLink scripts from LightWave Layout UI.


"source" folder is included in the archive for those who want to check and/or modify uncompiled ".LS" files, please do so by all means! Any suggestions/improvements from more skilled LScript coders would be gladly accepted!



In LightWave Layout choose mesh you want to edit in 3D-Coat, then run AppLink UI by hitting

3D-Coat AppLink button you've created, or by using LScript/RT and selecting 3dc_applink_GN.lcs file.

In AppLink GUI, select "Import from 3D-Coat" or "Export to 3D-Coat" button, set needed options and hit OK. Switch to 3D-Coat,

"import object" will pop up, set your options, hit OK and edit imported mesh to your heart content. When done,

hit File -> Open in original app in 3D-Coat main menu.

Now switch back to LightWave, run AppLink and select 'Import from 3D-Coat' button to

bring edited mesh with textures and maps created in 3D-Coat back to LightWave.

You can repeat the whole process as many times as needed.


Usage (Auto-Import):

Now you can send meshes to LightWave straight from 3D-Coat, by using File -> Export to -> LightWave menu in 3D-Coat.

LightWave will be started if needed, to get geometry and textures you've exported from 3D-Coat

via File -> Export to -> LightWave menu hit 3D-Coat (Auto-Import) button or run 3dc_applink_autoimport_GN.lcs

script if you have not added 3D-Coat (Auto-Import) button to the UI for some reason.


To use File -> Export to -> LightWave feature from 3D-Coat, you should create files needed for this feature to work,

you can do this by hitting 3D-Coat (Setup Auto-Import) button or run 3dc_applink_autocreate_GN.lsc

script if you have not added 3D-Coat (Setup Auto-Import) button to the UI for some reason.



Uncheck "Enable Disp" if you're replacing mesh with Bump Displacement on it enabled!

If you're not replacing old mesh (Replace Mesh checkbox off) or replacing mesh without Bump Displacement on it,

leave "Enable Disp" checkbox on...



Do not uncheck "Get Maps Back" and "Get Mesh Back" checkboxes for now,

they may behave in unexpected way. I will try to fix in to enable selective updates (only mesh, only textures or both)

in the next few days, or i will remove this checkboxes from UI if it is imposible to get them to work correctly...


Multiupload link: http://www.multiupload.com/7GOILM48PG

Vimeo Video:


3D-Coat AppLink-LW_V1.02.zip



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  • 1 year later...

Great news, I'll be looking forward to it. It owuld be great if you could beat the new goz version before it comes out in 11.5. Supposedly it "just works" with no setup, it knows where zb is. I have no idea how hard that is so this may be wishful thinking.

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Hey boys and gals, i am taking AppLink for LW 11 development project, starting to work on it tomorrow, will write it using python, check the forum for updates!

Thanks Ilia! Looking forward to your new version.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
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Is there any news on this at all?

I've been trying to get the old lscript running... and it's not working as it used to. Had it running fine in Win7, but literally just upgraded to Win 8 and the model doesn't come through into 3DCoat automatically. All the files appear to be generated using the script, but simply 3dcoat isn't opening the object?!?!

(I've edited the script so that it opens the correct .exe for 3dcoat... just in case you thought I may have failed at that hurdle) :D

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I'm doing a new version that written totally on Python. I was almost on finish line until I've found that important part of LW python API has empty methods inside (NodeEditor stuff). Without them i can't setup shader connections up properly for visual feedback. I asked Newtek guys on official forum about this issue, but they didn't response me.

For now i have 2 choices:

1) Waiting when 11.5 version will be released. (May be this problem will be fixed).

2) Rewrite applink on C++. In this case i don't have access to MacOS.

I'd prefer 1-st item.

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Oh cool... glad to hear there is work being done on it anyway! :)

Have you tried messaging Matt Gorner, or Rob Powers over on the forum? Or opening a bug report for them? They tend to get good responses from the developers and things... I can enquire to find out if any fixes have been done to Python ready for 11.5...

Newtek's Bug reporting system is here:


Choose 'New Case' and enter the details there! :)

Sorry, Matt Gorner is the UI designer/generalist programmer and his Forum ID is 'Matt'. And I think Rob Power's ID is 'RobPowers3D'

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Good idea, dude, but like regular developer i don't have a LW license =). For bug reporting i need have customer account, as i've got. If you have access, could you figure out: do they are going to improve LWPy in next release?..

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I'm certain you don't need an account to post a bug report!! Open that link i gave you above, and just click the 'New Case' link. I don't have a login for that page, I always report bugs by clicking on the 'New Case' link.

So... if you do a report, the development team will respond I'm sure... especially if you tell them you're developing a link app between 3dCoat and LightWave!!! :D

I will enquire regarding python changes in the latest build.... hold tight...

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The 11.5 is going to be out before the end of Jan (most likely the last day, maybe 1st of Feb)... so guess we'll all find out then! My contact has recently installed Windows 8 and lost his account details for his beta downloads... they were linked to his profile, so unfortunately he can't check the python stuff right now... only a week to wait though
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I'm doing a new version that written totally on Python. I was almost on finish line until I've found that important part of LW python API has empty methods inside (NodeEditor stuff). Without them i can't setup shader connections up properly for visual feedback. I asked Newtek guys on official forum about this issue, but they didn't response me.

For now i have 2 choices:

1) Waiting when 11.5 version will be released. (May be this problem will be fixed).

2) Rewrite applink on C++. In this case i don't have access to MacOS.

I'd prefer 1-st item.

Can I ask you how the applink works and what the benefit of it would be? Is it just one-click add to scene - or edit in 3dCoat from within a scene? If I am happy manually importing and exporting lwos from 3DCoat, is convenience to launch 3DC from LW the only thing that is added or are there other features? thanks :)

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Can I ask you how the applink works and what the benefit of it would be? Is it just one-click add to scene - or edit in 3dCoat from within a scene? If I am happy manually importing and exporting lwos from 3DCoat, is convenience to launch 3DC from LW the only thing that is added or are there other features? thanks :)

AppLink is basically a one-click transfer, but it's handy, and takes away the manual updating and stuff. (Currently having major problems in Win8 at home though, due to security policies on my C:\ drive... can't fix it though :( )

Good idea, dude, but like regular developer i don't have a LW license =). For bug reporting i need have customer account, as i've got. If you have access, could you figure out: do they are going to improve LWPy in next release?..

LW 11.5 is available now!! This is copied directly from the new Manual... seems like good news! :D


In LightWave 11.5 we have full LightWave-oriented Python documentation in the LightWave/sdk

folder and there are more example scripts in the LightWave/support/pugins/scripts/Python folder.

There are also lots of people out there who can teach scripting in general and Python specifically

and it doesn’t have to cost anything. Here are some good sites offering free courses:

http://docs.python.org/tutorial/index.html - A good place to start. The docs for Python itself.

http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers - A guide to several good

resources for learning Python, including starter guides for people that have never

programmed before.

http://www.diveintopython.net/ - An open source guide for programmers who are new to

Python, but not programming in general. Available in several languages.


science-and-programming-fall-2008/ - MIT’s Introduction to Computer Science and

Programming. Uses Python and teaches computational thinking.

Bob Hood, inventor of LScript, and integrator of Python into LightWave, has made an LScript to

Python converter available at http://www.lucidgears.com:21134/

New Plugin Architectures

In 11.5 we have added the following plugin architectures to the Python integration, along with

example scripts:

• Frame Buffer

• Environment

• Shader Nodes

• Instancer

• Image Loader

• Image Saver

Single-Shot Format

For programmers familiar with LScript, Python can seem verbose by contrast. 11.5 introduces a

more immediate way of using Python for single-shot scripts - scripts that are executed and then

forgotten. Two examples have been created to illustrate the new “single-shot” format for those

plug-in architectures. They are re-formatted versions of the existing example scripts “add_null_

ss.py” in the Generic folder, and “make_test_ss.py” in the CommandSequence (Modeler) folder. Full

documentation can be found in the Python documentation in the LightWave/sdk folder.


Sooooo, there you go! I hope this answers any questions, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for the new AppLink coming soon :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Just downloaded the manual install .lsc files, put them in my plugins folder, fired up Lightwave Layout and added all three buttons to my UI. When I attempt to run any of the three I get multiple errors. Attached are screen shots of what I see when I try to run the setup button, for example. Do I need to do some other manual configuration steps in order to get Applink for LW working on my Mac? I'm running LW 11.5, and Mountain Lion.

Thanks in advance!



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Just downloaded the manual install .lsc files, put them in my plugins folder, fired up Lightwave Layout and added all three buttons to my UI. When I attempt to run any of the three I get multiple errors. Attached are screen shots of what I see when I try to run the setup button, for example. Do I need to do some other manual configuration steps in order to get Applink for LW working on my Mac? I'm running LW 11.5, and Mountain Lion.

Thanks in advance!

Even though LScripts are platform agnostic, a lot of LScripts end up being in compatible purely because of differences in file paths bewtween mac and pc. Obviously this error is failing for you because the script is attempting to make a temp folder on a mac that is invalid. Perhaps the script is trying to use a C drive or something else in the string it is passing to mkdir (make directory). So it needs an update to work...

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Thanks for the responses. I found the source code for the plugins and took a look at the offending lines. That doesn't seem to be the problem: LW appears not to like the syntax for the string concatenation the first time, so the string never gets created and mkdir has no valid argument to work with, generating the second error.

I tried a couple of variations but I don't know lscript syntax so I wasn't successful, unfortunately.

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I don't think it's working in LW11.x that's why there's discussion about rewriting it above.

And a Mea Culpa for skimming the thread instead of reading it carefully. I'll just wait patiently like everyone else. :ph34r:

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thanks for the responses. I found the source code for the plugins and took a look at the offending lines. That doesn't seem to be the problem: LW appears not to like the syntax for the string concatenation the first time, so the string never gets created and mkdir has no valid argument to work with, generating the second error.

I tried a couple of variations but I don't know lscript syntax so I wasn't successful, unfortunately.

The culprit may also be that the slashes in the path are not right for an LScript string when passed to the command to make a directory. LScript needs them escaped. If you have a string like "Myfolder\MyPath" try making it "Myfolder\\MyPath" and see if that helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New plugin version 2.0 has arrived.

I created Trello board where you can see status of progress, bugs, ideas and etc.

Join this group to make applink better and bring your own ideas.

What is new?

- New UI

- Written on Python (multi-platform Win/MacOS)

- Supported 3D-Coat V3/V4 (you can choose in GUI)

- Config file which saves main plug-in settings

- Compatible with latest applink specification 1.4

- Supported LW (11+)



- Copy plug-in into LW plugins folder, for example: \\LW_11.0_PC64\support\plugins\3dcoat\

- After running LW a new command will appear in Edit Menu Layout -> Plug-ins -> 3D-Coat Applink 2.0

A little bit information about plugin and LW overall. So, I tried to hooked up nodes for preview final shading. Python way had a lot of bugs :(. I was thinking that c/c++ sdk will help me, in vain. One guy from TrueArt said me that it's impossible even through sdk. I can create new nodes, i have access to node editor just for making existing nodes and connecting them, BUT there is no way to set values on nodes through the code! This is f** ridicules! Only by hands! Finally, I decided to return back to Python, since it does make sense (faster to write a code). What about nodes? Actually I found one way, not simplest one, but it's possible to make it work. Need time for implementation.

For now plug-in supports only certain textures, that regular "surfaceEditor" allows to do and it SDK's functions:

- Color

- Specularity

- Luminosity

- NM (auto-imported via lwo file)

- Displ (doesn't work right now, in progress)

I hate LW SDK, but I have optimistic view :). Waiting for your suggestions and bug reports.

P.S. [>>] button is for putting some diagnostic information to PCore console (paths)


Edited by Styler
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Thanks for this! Unfortunately don't have IE 9 at my works internet, so cannot view the Trello Board... but will download and try as soon as poss.

I know that the original Applink plugin managed to import nodes and connect them all up etc, just wouldn't have a clue how he did it... just that it must be possible. (Ah, I see... you cannot set values... this is horrific!!)

Could you get in contact with the original developer and ask how he managed it, or if he managed to do that?

Thanks for the hard work though!!! :D

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Right... first bug report from me :D

We have a slightly awkward setup as all our profiles are roaming... not sure if that causes the issues or not.

When I load the plugin (I have auto-scan plugins turned off, as it affects TurbulenceFD).

I try to add the plugin manually, and get the following errors:

Cannot Load external plug-in files <c:\program files\Newtek\LightWave11.5\support\......... 3dc_applink.py

PCore Console pops up with these:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave11.5\Support\Plugins\EXTRAS\3dc_applink_beta1\3dc_applink.py", line 640, in <module>

cfg = Config()

File "C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave11.5\Support\Plugins\EXTRAS\3dc_applink_beta1\3dc_applink.py", line 271, in __init__

self.load() # try to load/dump file config

File "C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave11.5\Support\Plugins\EXTRAS\3dc_applink_beta1\3dc_applink.py", line 361, in load


File "C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave11.5\Support\Plugins\EXTRAS\3dc_applink_beta1\3dc_applink.py", line 369, in dump

with open(self.cfgPath, 'w+') as f:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\'MY NAME'\\Documents\\applinkLWCoat.cfg'

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave11.5\Support\Plugins\EXTRAS\3dc_applink_beta1\3dc_applink.py", line 640, in <module>

cfg = Config()

File "C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave11.5\Support\Plugins\EXTRAS\3dc_applink_beta1\3dc_applink.py", line 271, in __init__

self.load() # try to load/dump file config

File "C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave11.5\Support\Plugins\EXTRAS\3dc_applink_beta1\3dc_applink.py", line 361, in load


File "C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave11.5\Support\Plugins\EXTRAS\3dc_applink_beta1\3dc_applink.py", line 369, in dump

with open(self.cfgPath, 'w+') as f:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\'MY NAME'\\Documents\\applinkLWCoat.cfg'

Hope this error log thing helps solves the issues.

Will try running as admin and see if it fixes it at all?

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