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LightWave 10 Applink


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Beta 4 is here


What is new?

- Path to 3D-Coat executable is not separated by version any more.

- A new option 'Invert Nm Y' which flips G channel in normal map node (ON by default).



- Compatibilities with LW 11.6+ (yes, 2015.1 works fine =))

- Auto rebuild config if it's broken





Edited by Styler
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  • 4 months later...

hi thetonybliss,

Which version you tried? beta 2.0.4 is the latest at this moment. You can consider it like RC, I think. The only reason why it's not a release version, because not so many people tested it.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Advanced Member

I just tried this.

Models from layout with displacements when sent to 3dcoat does not have displacement applied in 3dc viewport. I only see normal and color info imported.

I tried to manually import displacement map(zero level black not normalized) to 3dc but couldn't get it to show in 3dc viewport.

So obviously when I run "Open in original app" I don't get a correct displacement map at all.

What's the correct workflow for this?

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I got displacement  to work.



Some issues with the applink.



Textures are saved in the object folder and not the image folder.



Textures get renamed. Its adding a suffix.


"test_Default_color" becomes "test for applink_Default_uv_color" 

"test_Default_disp" becomes "test for applink_Default_uv_disp"

It should just save as the same name since its an applink ideally located in the image folder, too.



Nodes don't get updated with the correct textures so you have to manually point them to the new textures.



After you point them to the new textures and keep working on 3dcoat and run "Open in original app" again, layout will not update to the new textures. You have to go manually to image editor and press Reload.

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  • Reputable Contributor

yes, it should

Styler, I don't know about the LW applink, currently, but with the  3ds Max Applink, Polyhertz has implemented some Material presets with PBR map outputs pretty much already set up for the user, so there is no confusion how to use PBR Materials in 3D Coat in one's 3D app. Maybe something similar for LW users would be very welcome, as a lot of LW users have licenses of 3D Coat.


It appears in most 3D render engines, the workflow is Gloss/Spec Color. Here is the typical layout


1) 3D Coat map (Color) > Material Channel (Diffuse/Color)

2) 3D Coat map (Spec Color) > Material Channel ( Reflection Color)

3) 3D Coat map (Glossiness) > Material Channel (Reflection Glossiness)

4) 3D Coat map (Normal Map) > Material Channel (Bump)


Would that be doable for the LW Applink?

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Oh, and Volodya, the programmer who developed the 3D Coat > Unity plugin and the OpenCL AO baking in 3D Coat, showed that the Glossiness map will need some tweaking of the map curve. It's something the user will have to do manually, I suppose, but it might be nice to see....with the tight integration between LW and 3DC...if such adjustments can be pre-applied in a PBR material preset.

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Well I've really experimented every which way now, I have also tried out the carpaint node, but after a number of tests I think this is the best way for me, being it closely matches the material I designed in 3DCoat and it is the fastest to render.

It's also not hiding any complex node structures so I know exactly what's going on, I think so anyway.

This set up gives me the same look as the one I had with car paint but without the longer render times.


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  • 11 months later...
  • New Member

Sorry for newbie question but does this work for LWModeler <-----> 3DCoat ? I need to do some retopo work and i need some modeling operations i need to go back and forth between modeler and 3DC. Does that work with applink or just Layout <----> 3DCoat ?



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  • 9 months later...

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