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Multiple UV Sets???


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  • New Member

Hey Guys,


Well I am officially confused and It was made me just not be able to think.


I have a model in 3D Coat, which is a little goblin, he has a shield and sword.


Within his unwrap, I created 3 UVSets, clothing, sword, skin. Now I am confused as to how I apply these to my model in other programs?? bECAUSE i CAN ONLY USUALLY SELECT ONE DIFFUSE MAP, YET I HAVE 3.



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Please give more detail information on your workflow with pictures... Really just shooting in the dark without enough information...

What program are you using to apply the materials too... 

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Separate 3d models by materials or even separate the 3d model itself (what ever fits your pipeline) before you import to 3d coat , plus if you get all uvs in one export texture you can apply the same texture on each model.


Just when painting use separate layers to make it easier for you.

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For that procedure is better to use only one UVset


You always can retopo parts in the same UVset using UVgroups -for every model part-


in other apps... every UVset is assigned as UVlayout, to assign different textures.

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