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3D Coat EDU License for Sale


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hello there,


as of personal reasons, I want to sell my 3DC 4.x educational license.

(I saw quiet a few people selling there licenses, so I hope it will be ok to do so)


You can grab it for 75$ instead of the 99$, if you wish!


just PM me for the details...




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Thanks mate!


I had to give up on this hobby, because I got too little time to spent... so I decided to

give it away with a little discount to somebody, who likes to learn it for educational or hobby purposes.



License still for sale!


kind regards

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  • Reputable Contributor

am I asking too much?

Perhaps, cause there are times when Steam offers it on discount for approximately the same amount. But most who come to the forum already have their own license, so that's probably the biggest reason.

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But most who come to the forum already have their own license, so that's probably the biggest reason.


Yeah this makes the most sense, you'd be better off asking around on different 3d forums, especially non-software specific ones.

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