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3DCoat 4.7 (BETA testing thread)

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1 hour ago, Javis said:

Ok. I tried a few times on CUDA GL version. On builds 4.7.23 & 4.7.24. I couldn't get a crash. I even used the Sketch tool, still no crash. I'm on Win7, geforce GTX760, intel i7 4770K, 16BG DDR3.

Also, try uninstalling 3DC completely, rebooting your machine, then reinstalling 3DC and trying again. There may be some latent issue from an older build causing instability with the build you're using. If that doesn't work, is there anything else in your setup that might help troubleshoot?

I am guessing it was just how my Layout was set up as shown in the Video. It most Probably screwed with some hidden bug. It will go away by del the Document settings :)

I only posted because I believe that this is useful input for our Dev to be aware ^^ But thanks for the tips, good thing then that it was just on my side :)


PS: I enjoyed watching some of your YT Videos they have Potential.

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I think I've found a bug. Please see this short video. It has to do with 3D Coat NOT assigning multiple UV maps to multiple objects on Import. It only happens SOMETIMES. Please advise if there's a workaround? IOW, can I assign objects separate UV maps AFTER they are imported? Thanks!

The OBJ files are at:


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Is not a bug.

To every object need to be assigned their own material.

I don't understand. Why does it work in one case and not in the other case?

In the first example, every object got assigned it's on material.

In the second example, all objects got assigned the same material. There is no difference in any of the settings on import. What am I missing?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OK. I think I now understand. There is a material assigned from MoI, but it is only a color, and as such it is not a real material and as such is not assigned a "new" UV map. But then why does it work in the first instance (cube NO RADIUS) and not the second. 

The workaround for me is to open in SketchUp, assign any material with an image map associated with it, and then export as OBJ-- then it works. If you only assign a color material in SU, then it shows in the open dialog yet still does not build a UV Map for it.

I contend it is a bug as it should not show the different materials in the dialog if there is no UV Map for them. IOW, when I check Treat materials as separate textures AND it shows the different materials, it should ALWAYS create UV Maps for them, just as it did in the CUBES example (but not in the RADIUSED CUBES example). See below:


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On ‎2‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 11:15 PM, chippwalters said:

OK. I think I now understand. There is a material assigned from MoI, but it is only a color, and as such it is not a real material and as such is not assigned a "new" UV map. But then why does it work in the first instance (cube NO RADIUS) and not the second. 

The workaround for me is to open in SketchUp, assign any material with an image map associated with it, and then export as OBJ-- then it works. If you only assign a color material in SU, then it shows in the open dialog yet still does not build a UV Map for it.

I contend it is a bug as it should not show the different materials in the dialog if there is no UV Map for them. IOW, when I check Treat materials as separate textures AND it shows the different materials, it should ALWAYS create UV Maps for them, just as it did in the CUBES example (but not in the RADIUSED CUBES example). See below:


Hey Chipp,

    Try "Keep UV's" for UV Mapping Type.

I think what you are seeing is a function of a Hierarchy that kicks in with NURBS that keeps a "Parent Child" relationship, and the auto mapper is not traversing it well. You can see this if you fillet your cubes "individually" and pay attention to which you do first and last, then correlate it to the "single color" that you are getting on the import. (It should even manifest itself with the "pick order" when you fillet all 3 cubes at once!

You could probably get a more accurate discussion from Michael, though....

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Hey Chipp,

    Try "Keep UV's" for UV Mapping Type.

I think what you are seeing is a function of a Hierarchy that kicks in with NURBS that keeps a "Parent Child" relationship, and the auto mapper is not traversing it well. You can see this if you fillet your cubes "individually" and pay attention to which you do first and last, then correlate it to the "single color" that you are getting on the import. (It should even manifest itself with the "pick order" when you fillet all 3 cubes at once!

You could probably get a more accurate discussion from Michael, though....

Yes. That works just fine. Andrew told me the same in a support ticket email. One caveat: when using SketchUp, it can crash 3DC. I try and keep the UV size to something small, like 64 when importing that way-- seems to help.

Much appreciated, Burrman!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Tube Clay with a constant pressure, spacing of 1%, and a sharp default circular alpha. This does not happen with other default circular alphas. Somehow this alpha makes the tool explode the mesh.




Edit: Just noticed I was using an alpha from Artman's presets. However this is the same alpha that ships with 3D-Coat if I'm not mistaken. And the interesting fact is that the one from "default" folder doesn't cause this issue.

Edit2: Okay, the default one also causes this issue. I forgot to reset the spacing to 1%.

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Due to a problem I was having with 3DV 4.7.06  it was advised ver 4.7.24 should resolve the issue which it did.

Original post here

However after upgrading to 4.7.24 the various Alphas I installed in 4.6.06 the folder name displays but the contents do not.

They are installed in the path C:\Users\kenmo\Documents\3D-CoatV47

is this a bug? And how do I resolve this?




3DC 4-7-06.jpg

3DC 4-7-06-RepScales.jpg

3DC 4-7-24.jpg

3DC 4-7-24-RepScales.jpg

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40 minutes ago, Carlosan said:

The latest release is 4.7.24 

Can you test that one ? 


Unfortunately, they don't show up in version 4.7.24 either.

By the way, Update Islands from retopo and uv rooms doesn't seem to work. It should update all islands where UV seams have changed since the last unwrap, either by splitting them or merging together without the need of another unwrapping. At least this is how I understand the tool's description.

But it doesn't to anything. In fact, I don't recall it to be working in any past 3D-Coat version.

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3DC version 4.7.24

This post is concerning Zone of Control Spheres problems again. I spoke of the problem several months ago.  Please fix soon as this feature is very important to work correctly and atm is a workflow killer. 

The ability to save your Zone of Control Spheres with the file or a separate saving function.

Ability to create create zones of control not just globally also per uv set. 

Fix this bug:  When you have several ZOC spheres placed and press "OK", then reopen the dialog box again and press cancel all your ZOC's are removed. 

Another post by a user concerning the problem with the ZOC spheres.


Edited by digman
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in 4.7.24 i am noticing this issue. 

If i use the 'cut off' tool with the vertex lasso (as an example) if i hold shift to draw out straight lines, i can no longer draw and click with shift held down to click a point down UNLESS its on top of a mesh. i'm 99.99% positive 3dcoat doesn't normally work this way. 

you should be able to draw and shift click off your mesh and it would add points to cut. this doesn't seem to be working correctly. i'm having to do a lot of work arounds atm. 

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I guess I'm facing a new problem. Sync layers with external editor does not work.
The layers shows up on Photoshop. Every new layer is displayed on 3D-Coat. However, all the other layers (created previously on 3D-Coat) and the meshes disappeared.

When using the Projection function, everything Works fine.



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On 2/24/2017 at 5:39 AM, dimitribastos said:

Does anyone have problems with Text Spline on Painting Room? Can't paint on the model, only its UV.

Working on my end. Version---Windows 4.7.24 

Tested the default cube and a model baked from the retopo room.

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On 2/27/2017 at 7:46 AM, dimitribastos said:

I guess I'm facing a new problem. Sync layers with external editor does not work.
The layers shows up on Photoshop. Every new layer is displayed on 3D-Coat. However, all the other layers (created previously on 3D-Coat) and the meshes disappeared.

When using the Projection function, everything Works fine.



Funny I have never used the sync command but just the edit all layers command. Here is what I found using Sync layers command and my understanding of this command after using the tool. You only sync one layer and you get a wireframe layer as well. This what I get in Photoshop after invoking the command.

The tool tip reads that the selected layer is synced and no others. The wording would be better read sync layer and not layers as it is reads now under the EDIT menu.  The use of this command appears to be for working on that specific layer and exporting it externally from Photoshop and not saving it internally. If you save the file internally in Photoshop, it destroys your work in 3DC as you stated. Now my understanding is only my educated guess and anyone can correct me on this. If this is not the use of the command and it is only meant to update that one selected layer in 3DC, then it would appear to be a bug.

3DC version-----Windows 4.7.24

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3 minutes ago, Ausdemenon said:

Hello! In my 3d coat 4.7.10 In extrude tool with lasso vertex normal work like average normal. I talk about Extrude Direction. Top extrude is overage and at down is extrude with vertex normals-we take same result(  fae4d9891b.png19baacb9c0.png

b11773887f.png In 4.5.16 it's looks write!

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@ Ausdemenon... This question would be best ask in another thread as this is the beta thread, currently at 4.7.24. You are using 4.7.10, This might be the official one on the 3DC site but do not know or an earlier beta. Update to the newest beta and see If that fixes the problem. If it does not come back here and report it. 

I do not have any problems as you described in the latest beta. 


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3 hours ago, Andrew Shpagin said:

4.7.25 [beta]

- Retopo->Bake->Baking scan settings gon very important addition. You may paint baking depth with brush.


- Autopo problem fixed - if no mesh generated, hidden retopo mesh will not be corrupted.


Thanks, Andrew. Any chance we can get a Parameter Slider for the INNER and OUTER cage, so the user can dial it in more intuitively and quickly? Manual numeric inputs are a slow way to go.

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Beta 4.7.25

A really big thanks Andrew. double thumbs up here!

Painting works on the cage works as expected, Either pushing outward or inward locally. The cage information is saved with the 3DC file as you stated.

Already found it to be a pure pleasure to work on the cage now. Our cages will be better now with this new method as it is artist friendly and easy to use, plus we do not lose our cage information.

So far no bugs encountered but will let you know if I come across one.

Edited by digman
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...Also, I noticed two problem areas of the new Bake Scan Settings toolset. There is no capacity for Symmetry, still. This means TWICE the amount of work...unnecessarily, on perfectly symmetrical meshes. Secondly, the RELAX feature doesn't work. It just snaps the selected area to the Voxel object. There is no smoothing whatsoever.

With these 2 things addressed and with parameter sliders for the inner and outer baking cages, this could be a massive upgrade to the baking quality and workflow. Still need the ability to SAVE and LOAD bake scan settings. If one set of adjustments is close > try again with different settings and that attempt is even worse, you want to go back to the settings that was the closest to the desired result.

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