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3DCoat 4.7 (BETA testing thread)

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On 29.9.2016 at 10:04 PM, AbnRanger said:


Feedback to developers:

It's a great addition which makes a lot of sense for Voxels. I don't think Vox Ray tool is a particularly descriptive term though.
Comparable tools in CAD software use names like (interactive) Clipping Plane, Section Plane / Tool. Maybe worth a thought?
The tooltip should point out that this is essentially an analysis tool which doesn't actually slice the model.

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40 minutes ago, BurrMan said:

Surface mode-angulator tooltip = "This tool allows to creator............."



Thanks. For future reference, the thread below is for language/typos. :)


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In Smart Material Editor if I replace texture and open curve editor for this texture preview window still shows the old texture until I start to tweak this texture. I think this bug needs to be fixed. I also would like to have option to turn on/off texture in smart material editor and drag and drop textures between slots.

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I hope Andrew goes through the Smart Material Editor while he works on layer masks/layers. I've requested over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...you get the point, that he ADD BERCON MAPS (they are an open source library!). Sure, it may not be as easy as just dumping that code into 3D Coat, but what is the alternative? To do nothing? 3D Coat needs an extensive library of PROCEDURAL NOISE patterns...period. Procedural noise patterns to use in the Smart Materials Editor (just one noise type, currently), Fill tool and in the Noise tool, in the Sculpt Room. Even add them to Stencils. ZBrush has had an awesome Noise Generator for years, and it's one of the must have tools that keeps serious sculptors using ZBrush.


Procedural Noise Library can help take artists work in 3D Coat to another level, if Andrew will just add it....please.

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21 hours ago, AbnRanger said:

I hope Andrew goes through the Smart Material Editor while he works on layer masks/layers. I've requested over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...you get the point, that he ADD BERCON MAPS (they are an open source library!). Sure, it may not be as easy as just dumping that code into 3D Coat, but what is the alternative? To do nothing? 3D Coat needs an extensive library of PROCEDURAL NOISE patterns...period. Procedural noise patterns to use in the Smart Materials Editor (just one noise type, currently), Fill tool and in the Noise tool, in the Sculpt Room. Even add them to Stencils. ZBrush has had an awesome Noise Generator for years, and it's one of the must have tools that keeps serious sculptors using ZBrush.


Procedural Noise Library can help take artists work in 3D Coat to another level, if Andrew will just add it....please.

This need to happen ASAP.

I need to create some noises on Fractal Noise inside After Effects, then do some sort of trick to turn it tileable, and then use it on 3D-Coat. Painting with Smart Materials would be really on par with Substance Painter with procedural noises.

Edited by dimitribastos
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3 hours ago, dimitribastos said:

Does anyone have problems with AUTOPO on 4.7.11? Here, from a simple to complex object, when I do AUTOPO 3D-Coat does not respond anymore.

I have address problems with Autopo many, many times, In fact again in the last several weeks in this thread. Unless Andrew goes back and does a deep code work on Autopo it remains a tool you can not depend upon... I have pretty much given up on using it except for really simple objects and again I do know how to get a clean model for Autopo...

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On 14.10.2016 at 8:32 PM, dimitribastos said:

Does anyone have problems with AUTOPO on 4.7.11? Here, from a simple to complex object, when I do AUTOPO 3D-Coat does not respond anymore.

Hi. Have you tried to fill voids before activating autopo?

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15 hours ago, Taros said:

Hi. Have you tried to fill voids before activating autopo?

This is a must but still Autopo has lots of problems that need resolving which have been addressed in detail a number of times. I love 3DC so do not take my words on this as being negative. This is such an important feature that it needs to work flawlessly with all types of models. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi there. I will try to upload soon, sorry for keep you waiting. I was working on a Project, which you can see on the gallery by the way.

I've made some manual retopology in the end because I was on a deadline.

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- New primitives in retopo room - cylinder, torus, cube, ellipse, spiral.

- Layer picker fixed (does not pick invisible, AO, normalmap layers)

- Numerical values in gizmos are moving ojects as well (for pose/transform). It was broken in 4.7.11

- Draw spline stroke in a single pass, each next stroke in strokes bunch uses initial normals and surface placement.

- Whole spline movements works correctly with 2d/3d snapping.

- more safe fbx export for non-english user name

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This is a great addition (youtube links) , it will help so many people.

Also many many thanks for adding the Instant Light export preset Andrew and Team , many HUGE thanks.

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Thanks Andrew for all the updates to the betas. 3DC keeps progressing and I will always continue to use it.

I will again address the autopo issue. I am still experiencing poor results with autopo. A animal simple tooth. All voids fill etc etc. Painting Density has no effect whatsoever. The polygons are not denser where I paint the areas to have more polygons. Autopo will add a lot of polygons on flat areas and not any denser polygons where I paint density. 

Since the work I am doing is for production work, I as other artist need autopo to work as intended and as stated. I am now having to consider buying Zbrush which is 795 dollars just to get Zmesher which also draws me away for using 3DC. I have been a user of 3DC since late 2007, right at 9  years now.  These models I am working on are scans so they are more complicated in nature but as address many times, 3DC autopo fails on producing good results on even lest complicated Models.

I am not saying that Zmesher has no problems but 3DC autopo has lots more problems at the moment. 

When in your busy schedule please take a deep look at autopo, you are a brilliant programmer and I know that you can work wonders...

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4 hours ago, digman said:

Thanks Andrew for all the updates to the betas. 3DC keeps progressing and I will always continue to use it.

I will again address the autopo issue. I am still experiencing poor results with autopo. A animal simple tooth. All voids fill etc etc. Painting Density has no effect whatsoever. The polygons are not denser where I paint the areas to have more polygons. Autopo will add a lot of polygons on flat areas and not any denser polygons where I paint density. 

Since the work I am doing is for production work, I as other artist need autopo to work as intended and as stated. I am now having to consider buying Zbrush which is 795 dollars just to get Zmesher which also draws me away for using 3DC. I have been a user of 3DC since late 2007, right at 9  years now.  These models I am working on are scans so they are more complicated in nature but as address many times, 3DC autopo fails on producing good results on even lest complicated Models.

I am not saying that Zmesher has no problems but 3DC autopo has lots more problems at the moment. 

When in your busy schedule please take a deep look at autopo, you are a brilliant programmer and I know that you can work wonders...

I've always been able to auto-retopo simple objects like teeth, exceptionally well. Surprised you are having issues. Can you show a screen shot of what you are trying to auto-retopo?

Worked pretty well on this model, recently:


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Interested to help as well.

I remember we changed info and setting once David , both mine but also yours where working so good.

I am in for help .


P.S All settings , density , hard surface , all of them work fine here.

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You are both correct in your statements but autopo fails also which is a correct statement on my part.

I can not show the model but you can see a little of the autopo mesh in question.  You will see a few errors at the top of the retopo mesh because these areas are thin.

I would clean this up by manual fixing but I am just showing for density atm.

Now the reason I want denser polygons at the top of the tooth is so I can capture this area better.  There is enough polygons for the autopo to create denser areas. There are some larger flat areas on the model that do not need as many polygons as the autopo is putting there.

I ran one autopo with no density and the other with a painted density setting all the way up to 5.  There no difference.  Now on some models painting density will work at times but others nope...

Sometimes a scanned model will come out looking fine say a animal skull and other times, well has shown in the picture of autopo of a animal skull. No voids on both though the second skull is more complicated than the other. 30,000 polygons for the skull was my polygon target amount. 

I am addressing this in hopes that Andrew will revisit the autopo. At one time he said he had a better way, hopefully one lest prone to errors. 

In the work I am doing, I can not hope that the autopo will work, it "needs" to work.

You guys know me well enough that I will only report when I really think there is a problem.

No density.PNG


Edited by digman
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12 minutes ago, digman said:

You are both correct in your statements but autopo fails also which is a correct statement on my part.

I can not show the model. You will see a few errors at the top of the retopo mesh because these areas are thin. I would clean this up by manual fixing but I am just showing for density atm.

Now the reason I want more denser polygons at the top of the tooth is so I can capture this area better.

I ran one autopo with no density and the other with a painted density setting all the way up to 5.  There no difference.  Now on some models painting density will work at times but others nope...

Sometimes a scanned model will come out looking fine say a animal skull and other times, well has shown in the picture of autopo of a animal skull. No voids on both though the second skull is more complicated than the other. 30,000 polygons for the skull was my polygon target amount. 

I am addressing this in hopes that Andrew will revisit the autopo. At one time he said he had a better way, hopefully one lest prone to errors. 

In the work I am doing, I can not hope that the autopo will work, it "needs" to work.

You guys know me well enough that I will only report when I really think there is a problem.

No density.PNG


There is always room for improvement, for sure, but in my own experience it does work pretty well on primitive, less complex shapes. And on more complex shapes, like an entire character, or just a head, it can take a number of different tries to get what you want. It's why I will usually leave the more complex shapes to using the Strokes tool as far as a I can > clean up the other manual Retopo tools. The strokes tool can often do things just as quickly as Auto-Retopo.

I don't think Andrew is going to go back into Auto-Retopo anytime soon, because he is already working on Layer masks in the Paint room, and others are trying to get him to do some things with UV editing (creating an option for native UV Tiles, rather than UV sets). Then comes Sculpt layers and some other things in the Sculpt room, like tool-grouping and bringing Surface conditions into the Sculpt Workspace, so users have direct access to cavity painting with the Freeze brush and Pose tool selections, etc.

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....and BTW, as far as it needing to just work in all situations, that is asking way too much. Why? Cause it's throwing a ton of complexity at the application, trying to figure exactly how the user wants the topology to flow. An algorithm will always be somewhat "dumb" in that regard, and it needs a lot of user guidance to get the job done. On simple shapes, it usually "works every time," but the more complex the shape, the more room for error. Surely you know by know that one area it has trouble is thin objects. Don't try to use it in those situations. Use the Strokes tool for that part.

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I see the issues , and i believe both of you are correct.

When i work on Autopo i follow more or less what Don described in the previous messages.

What can i say , i am lucky? But it works , more than 90% of the times i use it.

BUT , there are times that it just fails and needs guides , sometimes it produces worst results with guides sometimes it takes it spot on.


That's why i wanted / needed so bad the new retopo tools Raul made. There are not perfect but they cut a lot of production time if you get the idea on how they operate.

On the other hand we have the good old strokes that David show me back then (how to correct operate it) and it does wonders.


My 2 cents at the end?

Always mix em up , as Autopo and every auto solution just follows coding algos (even Z or Instant meshes) , it cant beat the user manual work in any case.


Tip - Alternative workflow. (3D Coat)


1) Duplicate the sculpt (so you can have it in one piece)

2) Cut the second sculpt in pieces!!!!

3) Auto retopo the pieces separately (try to use the same or similar settings)

4) Manual connect the autopo pieces

5) Buy Instant Light PBR Renderer as it freaky renders everything you give it with superior quality!!!!!!!!  ha hahahaahah ahahahahaaaa


Tip - Alternative workflow -2 (Instant Meshes - 3D Coat).

Work on Instant Meshes , bring it in , auto relax and then manual relax / brush it up .



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