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Can't move UV's in the preview UV's window


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I am working on UV mapping my object that I have retopoed from voxels objects. After unwrapping each of the islands, I was thinking of manually packing the UV islands would be the best method, as most of the islands are shaped into a curve. For awhile, I was able to move my islands into place, but just recently, I am now unable to move my UV islands. Basically, I am able to select the island and begin to drag the island, but it will only move the UV island a nudge and then deselect the island. Has anyone experienced and found a solution on how to fix it?

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I am not quite sure what you mean. Where is this UV Layout selection? I do not remember having to do anything special, except for selecting the UV island. Once that is selected a transform gizmo pops-up, supposedly giving the ability to translate, rotate, and scale selected UV's. As like I said before, this was working earlier and then all of the sudden it stopped working. However I have found one solution so far, which is saving my work and restart the program. I guess it was a memory glitch, or possibly a bug?

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  • 7 months later...
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If the island moves just a nudge, then its most likely an indication that you're trying to manipulate an island of a hidden retopo group. Check the Retopo Objects window and verify if all retopo groups which islands you want to transform are displayed.


Just noticed that this thread has been revived from the dead. The above is the second possible solution to the problem. The other has already been mentioned.

Edited by ajz3d
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